Che November 17, 2004 ^Jortlanh (Ohseruer Page A5 Jack J o h n s o n 's life in ra cist A m erica is profiled in a n ew docum entary. ‘Unforgivable Blackness’ The Rise and fall of Jack Johnson Award winning filmm aker Ken B urn's latesi PBS docum entary about Jack Johnson, the first black world-heavyweight champion, will be previewed in Portland Sunday, Nov. 21 at Whitsell Auditorium, 1219 S.W. Park, the south wing of the Portland Art Museum. "U nforgivable Blackness: the Rise and Fall o f Jack Johnson,” tells the story o f a man with peerless boxing skills, a singular sense of dignity and an unapologetic man­ ner that incensed and provoked a racist America. In addition to beating his white opponents. Jackson dated white women, lived to party, read books and generally failed to acknow l­ edge the proscribed limits o f be­ havior and place for non-whites in society. He held the title from 1908 to 1915, during which time the boxing establishment searched to find a Great W hite Hope who might un­ seat a man who dared to live as an American rather than as a Negro. Burns brings his meticulous re­ search and filmmaking skill by weav­ ing fabulous archival film and pho­ tographs with a haunting score by Wynton Marsalis. It's a fascinat­ ing, complex story of triumph and tragedy on the long road to justice in America. Tickets for the Sunday showing are $7 for general admission and $6 for members, students and seniors. A p p leg a te s tu d e n ts Jeffrey M onk (from left). Laquita Shorall. J o s e p h Trink. Uriah Boyd. S a b e th K ennedy. Aaron Lim, Carlos Tamariz, Alexandra Panttaja-Taylor. Ladeja N e lso n a n d A yjem an Rober-W arfield d ec o ra te d o o rs for "M onsters, Inc. on I c e ." now sh o w in g a t th e M em orial C oliseum . -o - We. Decorating Doors for Doors decorated by students ot Applegate Elementary school in north Portland and other stu- dents in the city, will be illuminated the opening o f "M onsters. Inc." into the human world. Disney On 19. Tickets are available at all outside o f Memorial Coliseum on Doors are an important part o f Ice’s "Monsters, Inc.” shows at TicketM aster locations and at the W ednesday. Nov. 17, to celebrate the story, as they mark passage theColiseum through Sunday, Nov. Rose Q uarter Ticket Office. Disney Buys Teacher’s Story Disney has decided to make a movie based on the life a black teacher who refused to leave work in the inner city so that he could make a difference for African- American kids. The m em oir“I Choose to Stay” was written by Salome Thomas- EL. an award winning principal, chess coach and mentor. His book, released earlier this year in paperback, tells the story of a humble yet dedicated educa­ tor who revived the chess team of an inner-city Philadelphia middle school and led them to victory at several national championships. “Right from the beginning, I worked on a single principle," said Thom as-EL. "These stu­ dents would never know they couldn't be successful. I would inspire them to believe." Advertise with diversity in 01,1 |t l n r t k m h © b e c r u c r Call 503-288-0033 or email: Martin Cleaning Service Carpet & Upholstery Cleaning SALOME THOMAS-EL c'jiuiimr d a l & •Uk Cecil Murphey I’JH j 'J Residential Services p;:ic=5 =rr=CTIV5 JM 1 U M 7 2'J'JA T a RPETCOUPON ‘Confessions’ Sends Usher to the Top Singer wins 4 trophies with best selling album ( AP) — U sher's year o f aston­ ishing success with the chart-top­ ping, best-selling album "Confes­ sions" culminated with a clutch of trophies at the 32nd annual Ameri­ can Music Awards. The suave 26-year-old singer was honored Sunday w ith a lead­ ing four trophies, including fa­ vorite m ale soul-R& B artist, best pop-rock album , best pop-rock artist and best soul-R& B album . "Thank you for this moment. Thank you for this year,” said Usher, whose album sold more than I mil­ lion copies in its debut week. “It's been am azing." Sunday's win underscores a host Award nominations. It also was a good night for rap funksters OutKast. who brought home awards for favor­ ite pop-rock band and favorite rap-hip-hop al­ bum for"Speakerboxxx- T h e L o v e B e lo w ." They also won best rap- hip-hop group. T h e c e re m o n ie s came as the rap world mourned O.D.B.. the founding member o f the W u-Tang Clan, who collapsed and died Sat­ urday at a New York U sher a c c e p ts th e award for favorite soul, recording studio, two rhythm a n d b lu e s a lb u m a t th e Am erican days before his 36th M usic Awards. (AP photo) birthday. o f awards Usher has received this B ack stag e afte r p erfo rm in g year, positioning him to be a form i­ with Snoop Dogg. producer and dable factor in upcoming Grammy N.E.R.D. memberPharrelI Williams called O .D .B .'s death a "sham e,” and suggested the rap com m u­ nity “ should stick to g e th era little more and it w o n 't hurt as much n ex ttim e.” “He was a great guy. a nice guy,” Williams said. The ABC telecast from the Shrine A uditorium in Los A nge­ les was heavy on perform ances, some of them censored, although host Jimmy Kimmel and a few pre­ senters got aw ay w ith racy m ate­ rial. Gwen Stefani, working without the band No Doubt, opened the show with "W hat You Waiting For?" and Lenny Kravitz followed with "Lady .” Usher performed “My Boo" with soul diva Alicia Keys, who won favorite female artist in the soul- R&B category, edging out Janet Jackson and Beyonce. 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The doctor has been found that pain and osteo­ chief purpose then is to remove said that it was osteoarthritis and arthritis are both caused by the the stress or irritation from the that I would have learn to live with same problem. Mechanical stress joint (and nerves) - not only to it. What is your opinion? on the bone and joints is the big­ reduce pain but to allow the bones : As you might know, there is gest cause o f pain and also the to be as healthy as possible as a tremendous amount of cause o f that deformity of the joint well. If you have joint pain, isn't health research going on today your doctor calls osteoarthritis . In it time you stepped up to , effec­ Much relates to the spine and Chiropractic we evaluate where the tive Chiropractic? nervous system. You might ask your diK'tor if he has read the latest study on osteoarthritis. The study showed that there was no 2124 N.E. Hancock Street, Portland, Oregon 97212 correlation between the amount P h o n e: ( 5 0 3 ) 2 8 7 -5 5 0 4 of osteo-arthritis and the amount Q Eric Allen Band Friday, Nov. 19"' A 8:30pm to 12:30 am, $ 3 .0 0 a t the door Chata Addy & Susuma Kenney Polson Band Saturday Nov 20th, 8:30pm to 12:30 am 8:30pm to 12:30 am, $3.00 cover No Cover Sunday, Nov 21st Flowers' C hiropractic Office I