Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, November 17, 2004, Page 11, Image 11

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November 17, 2004
C lassifieds
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Page B5
I B ids
Job Announcement
Notice of Public Hearing on Community Needs
for the 2005-2010 Consolidated Plan and FY
2005-06 Action Plans
In May 2005, the City of Portland, Multnomah County, and the
City of Gresham will subm it the Consolidated Plan 2005-2010
(the “P la n ') and the one-year Action Plan FY 2005-06 to the U.S
Department of Housing and Urban Development.
The Plan is a combined plan and application for federal funds
available to cities and counties under four programs: Community
Development Block Grant (CDBG), HOME Investment Partnerships
(HOME), Emergency Shelter Grant(ESG),and Housing Opportunities
for Persons with AIDS (HOPWA). The Plan will guide how Portland
Gresham, and Multnomah County will spend these resources for
the com ing five years on low- and moderate-income affordable
housing, econom ic opportunities, com m unity developm ent,
programs serving the homeless, and programs serving people
with special needs. The Action Plans FY 2005-06 will detail
spending for the 2005-06 fiscal year.
Before issuing proposed Consolidated Plan 2005-2010 and the
FY 2005-06 Action Plans, the jurisdictions want to give local
residents and providers the opportunity to present information
and views on housing and community developm ent needs and
priorities. Two hearings will be held during the Housing and
Comm unity Development Commission meetings scheduled for:
Wednesday, December 1, 2004, 5:00 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.
Brentwood Darlington Comm unity Center
7 2 1 1 SE 62n0, Portland
The topic of this hearing will be local needs and priorities for
community development, economic opportunity, and wealth
creation, including homeownership.
Wednesday, January 5, 2005, 5:00 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.
The Multnomah Building, Board Room, First Floor
501 SE Hawthorne, Portland
The topic of this hearing will be local needs and priorities for
affordable rental housing and related services, including
programs serving people who are disabled and/or homeless.
We will accept testim ony both on the hearing topic and on any
other housing or com m unity developm ent need. Additional
hearings will be scheduled in other locations in Multnomah County
during December 2004 and early 2005.
All com m ents received at the hearings will be considered in
preparing the jurisdictions' Consolidated Plan 2005-2010 and
FY 2004-05 Action Plans. HCDC will also accept written comments
through February 1,2005. Please address written com m ents to
HCDC, c/o City of Portland, 421 SW 6th Avenue, Portland, OR
97204 or email them to bkave@cl.portland.or.us. A sum m ary of
public comments will be included in the final Plan document.
The h e a rin g s w ill be a c c e s s ib le to p e o p le w ith m o b ility
Translation services and sign language interpreters will be
available upon request. Please notify Ruth Benson, Bureau of
Housing and Comm unity Development, (503) 823-2392, (503)
823-6868 (TTY) at least seven days before the hearings if you
need these services.
For more inform ation, please contact Beth Kaye, Bureau of
Housing and Comm unity Development, City of Portland, at (503)
823-2393 or bkave@ci.portland.or.us. Please check our web site,
www.portlandonline.com/bhcd for:
updates on hearing tim es and locations,
Russian, Spanish, and Vietnamese language versions of this
announcement, and
drafts of the Plans as available.
Sub Bids Requested
New Columbia Houghton/Woolsey
Housing and Commons Greens
Portland, Oregon
Including: 307 Units of Housing and Associated Sitework
Bid Date: December 14 by 2:00 pm
Walsh Construction Co./Oregon
2905 SW First Ave. Portland, OR 97201
503-222-4375 Fax 503-274-7676
Contact: Larry Robertson
ORCCB# 147267
Plans Are Available At:
Walsh Construction Co./Oregon,
Oregon Association of Minority Entrepreneurs (OMAE),
Housing Development Center,
MCGraw Hill Construction/Dodge,
Daily Journal of Commerce,
Oregon Contractor Plan Center,
African-American Contractors Federation,
And Reed Construction Data.
We strongly encourage Disadvantaged Business Enterprises,
E m e rg in g Sm all B u sin e ss E n te rp rise s, M in o rity B u sin ess
Enterprises and Women-owned Business Enterprises to submit
bids on this work.
DMWESB companies MUST be certified in the scope of work they
will be bidding.
Portland State University
Peninsula Children Center is an
expa nd ing sta te-licensed non
profit childcare center in North
P o rtla n d . W e c u rre n tly have
openings in several programs.
Site Director/Head Teacher to lead
our new Roosevelt High School
In fa n t/ T o d d le r
P ro g ra m .
M inim um one-yea r experience
supervising adults and one year
working with infants/toddlers in
a certified center.
Infant/Toddler Teacher at the
R oo sevelt site. M inim um one
year working with infants/toddlers
in a certified center.
Head Teacher for the 2-yr old room
at our Maryland site. Must have
C D A , o n e -y e a r c e n te r-b a s e d
experience with infanf/toddlers.
Experience with Early Head Start
Teaching Assistant in mixed age
p re s c h o o l p ro g ra m at o u r
Maryland site. M ust have least
one-year center-based experience
with preschoolers.
A b o v e p o s itio n s fu ll-tim e ,
competitive wages and benefits.
Part-Time Van Driver/Teaching
Assistant in A fte r-S ch o o l Care
Program. Must have at least 6
months experience with children
5-12 yrs in a group setting, current
driver’s license. CDL preferred.
Competitive wages.
Call 503-280-0534
Training & Employment Specialist
(2 positions), 1 position at Salem
Job & Career Center; 1 position
at Winema Job & Career, 100%,
12 mon. assign., $2,4440/mo.
Req. A s s o c ia te ’s d e g re e or
equivalent. 2 yrs exp. In workforce
developm ent, human services,
career developm ent, or related
fie ld .
W ord
p ro c e s s in g ,
s p re a d s h e e t and d a ta b a s e
p ro g ra m e x p e rie n c e . S k ill in
interviewing techniques and w/
career planning. Pref. Bi lingual
(see a n n o u n ce m e n t fo r m ore
info.) S u b m it CCC app. Cover
letter, resume, 2 letters of ref. -
closing November 29, 2004.
Please contact us at:
Chemeketa Comm unity College
Human Resources Department
PO Box 14007
Salem, OR 97309
Chemeketa Com m unity College
is an equal opportunity Institution,
values diversity in its workforce,
and is committed to affirmative
action; we encourage minorities,
w o m e n and p e rs o n s w ith
disabilities to apply.
Continuing Education/
Graduate School of Education
Program Administrator-Early
Childhood Focus
jv w w .p o rt laiitlonlinv.com /um f/purchasint;
p ro g ra m
a d m in is tra to r w h ose p rim a ry
re s p o n s ib ilitie s
a re
e a rly
c h ild h o o d p ro g ra m d e liv e ry ,
m a rke tin g , & e xp a n s io n . The
successful candidate will have a
master’s degree, at least one year
o f e x p e rie n c e in m a rk e tin g
education, staff development, &/
or c o n tra c te d or c o n tin u in g
education. Additionally, applicants
m u st be s e lf d ire c te d w ith
d e m o n s tra te d o rg a n iz a tio n a l
skills, have strong communication
skills, & ability to w ork with a
diverse range of people. Preferred
skills, knowledge, & exp in: higher
e d u c a tio n : e a rly c h ild h o o d
co n te n t; d ista n c e le a rn in g &
te c h n o lo g y
e d u c a tio n :
a c a d e m ic ,
a d m in is tra tiv e
procedures, & practices within
universities. This is a .75 FTE
position with excellent benefits.
For a full position description see
MU«W; h rc .p d x .e d u / o p e n ln g s /
unclassified/index.htm or call 503-
725-8279. To apply send letter of
a p p lic a tio n , re su m e , & 3
professional references by mail to
Search Committee, CEED/GSE, PO
Box 751, Ptld, OR 97207, by fax
to 503-725-5599, or by email to
leivr@pdx.edu. Review will begin
11/15 & continue until finalists
are identified. PSU is an AA/EO
institution and, in keeping with
the President’s diversity initiative,
w e lc o m e s a p p lic a tio n s from
d iv e rs e
c a n d id a te s
candidates who support diversity.
C i t y o f P o r ( I a it d
B u re a u o f P u r c h a s e s
1120 SW Firth Ave Room 750. Portland OR 97204
Oregon Legislature
Session Positions
Apply now fo r the 2 0 0 5 R eg u lar
Administrative Assistant in the lively
high school office at Catlin Gabel
School starting January 3, 2005.
Position is FT. Proficiency in word
processing, spreadsheets, and
database with excellent editing
and proofreading skills.
Legislative Session which begins
January 1 0 , 2 0 0 5 . The follow ing
positions are open:
• 18 Committee Assistants
• 12 Committee Administrators
• 2 Counter Clerks
• 1 Mail Clerk
• 9 Bill Clerks
A p p lic a tio n in fo rm a tio n is
available on website or call for
paper copies.
Karen Hupp
Legislative Administration
900 Court St NE Rm 140-B
Salem OR 97301
(503) 986-1373
Apply now. Interviews are underway.
Client Services Technician I
Immediate full time and part-time
openings. Seeking dependable,
well groomed, positive individuals
$8.00 + starting wage
Overtime/advancement potential
Medical & Dental, 401k avail.
Drug test/Background check
See www.catlin.edu to download
an application or call 503 297-
1894, ext 373. Deadline to apply
December 9.
C a tlin G a b e l S c h o o l is an
independent, co-educational day
s c h o o l fo r s tu d e n ts from
preschool through twelfth grade.
The Catlin Gabel School supports
in sp ire d le a rn in g , le a d in g to
re s p o n s ib le a c tio n th ro u g h
d e d ic a te d te a c h in g , c a rin g
re la tio n s h ip s , a c h a lle n g in g
c u rric u lu m , and c o m m u n ity
service. We value each person’s
effort, imagination, and positive
contributions to the community.
We celebrate being inclusive and
the partnership between family
and school.
Equal Opportunity Employer
$3,272 - $3,976/ month
Closes November 29, 2004
General Journey Electrician
$3,438 - $4,177 / month
Closes November 29, 2004
Senior Mental Health
C A T L IN G A B E L S C H O O L is
re c ru itin g fo r th e fo llo w in g
te a c h in g p o s itio n s s ta rtin g
September 2005.
• HighSchool History Teacher
• 8,h Grade English Teacher
See w w w .ca tlin .e d u fo r m ore
information and to download an
application or call 297-1894 x
Services Coordinator
C a tlin G a b e l S c h o o l is an
independent, co-educational day
s c h o o l fo r s tu d e n ts from
preschool through twelfth grade.
New hires must have acceptable Call (503) 846-8606/TTY (503) The Catlin Gabel School supports
documentation to confirm both 846-4898 for information or see in s p ire d le a rn in g , le a d in g to
w e b s ite :
identity and eligibility to work.
re s p o n s ib le a c tio n th ro u g h
www.co.washington.or.us. County
e d ic a te d te a c h in g , c a rin g
Apply 12:00-12:30PM, Mon, Wed a pplication and supplem ental
la tio n s h ip s , a c h a lle n g in g
& Thurs at City Center Parking
a p p lic a tio n fo rm s re q u ire d .
c u rric u lu m , and c o m m u n ity
130 SW Stark, Portland.
Women, minorities, and people
service. We value each person’s
with disabilities are encouraged
effort, imagination, and positive
$250 to $500 a week
to apply.
contributions to the community.
Will train to work at home
celebrate being inclusive and
Helping the U.S. Government file
Washington County Human
partnership between family
HUD/FHA mortgage refunds
Resources Division
No experience necessary
155 N. First Avenue, Suite 320
Call Toll-Free 1-866-537-2907
Hillsboro, OR 97124
Equal Opportunity Employer
$3,889 - $ 4 ,7 2 6 / month
Closes November 24, 2004
These are just a few of the current Job openings available
with the State of Oregon. A more complete announcement
listing, application forms, and additional job information are
available at a) local Employment Department field offices,
or b, the Oregon jobs page at: www.orcgonjobs.org The
State of Oregon offers employees competitive salaries and
comprehensive benefits that includes employer paid
health insurance: paid holidays, vacation, sick and
personal leave: membership in the Oregon
Public Service Retirement Plan (OPSRP) and
opportunities to participate in the Oregon
Savings Growth Plans The State of Oregon and B
all Its divisions are
opportunity employers.
by joining the Oregon Department of Human Services (DHS), the
statewide health and human services agency. We help Oregonians
be independent, healthy and sate. We are absolutely committed to
ongoing innovation in the delivery of services, and we are committed
to recruiting, developing and retaining a diverse workforce.
- Fiscal Analyst 3
Senior Fiscal Analyst
Salary range: $3,698 $5.157/m onth
Announcement »LEHS4668 Salem
Position closes November 17,2004
• Principal Contributor 2
Federal Financial Policy Analyst
Salary range: $3,903 $5.486/m onth
Announcement »LEHS4669 Salem
Position closes November 22, 2004
0 S UStudent Services Coordinator for the College of Agricultural Sciences
Student Advancement Office. Required: AA degree or eq uiva le nt
education. Experience in a higher education setting. Experience with
event planning or project management, supervision or lead work,
office a d m in istra tio n , co m p ute r data ba ses. E xce lle n t w ritten
communications skills. Call 541-737-2211, E-mall CASstudy@orst.edu,
or see http://oregonstate.edu/Jobs for full announcement and how to apply.
Apply by 11/12/04 for full consideration. TEL: 541 737-2211 FAX:
541 737-2256. OSU is an AA/EOE employer
For contracting opportunities with the City o f Portland and
for valuable information on how to do business with the
City, please log on to the Bureau ot Purchases Web Page:
• Principal Executive. Manager E
Accounting Manager
Salary range $4,099 $6.O48/m onth
Announcement »LEHS4671 Salem
Position closes November 19, 2004
• Information Systems Specialist 7
Senior Systems Analyst/Prlmary Developer
Salary range: $4,038 $5,570/m onth
Announcement HLEHS4679 Portland
Position closes November 23. 2004
w w
w . 0
• Research Analyst 3
Research Analyst
Salary range: $3,060 $4.265/m onlh
Announcement ALEHS4666 - Portland
Position closes November 1 5 .2 0 0 4
- Environmental Health Specialist 3
Drug Lab Cleanup Program Specialist
Salary range: $3,208 $4,476/m onth
Announcement KLEHS4667 ■ Portland
Position closes November 1 6 ,2 0 0 4
ODOT People drive Oregons Department of Transportation,
great benefits, a professional work environment, job Innovation,
and career growth opportunity drive you. then come to ODOT.
Current recruitments include:
• Chief Financial Officer
Salary $62,748 $92.436/year
Announcement P0CDT4675 Salem
To obtain detailed job announcement and application materials,
visit the DHS website: www.dhs.state.or.us/jobs/; call the DHS job
line at (503) 945-5742; TTY (503) 9 4 5 8 2 1 4 or contact any local
Oregon Employment office. Information is available by referencing
the announcement number.
Assistant Director. Operations
We are seeking a dynamic individual to serve as Oregon Parks and
Recreation Department's Assistant Director. Operations. The
Assistant Director. Operations is responsible for the operation and
maintenance of all park facilities and properties statewide;
comprehensive recreational planning and master planning for
park properties, land use planning and compliance. The position
will manage natural and cultural resources, the state's scenic
waterways, trails, ocean shores. ATV, prtson product and inmate
crew, interpretive, and volunteer programs. If you are Interested,
contact OPRD Personnel Services at (503) 9 8 6 0 6 5 3 or visit
w w w .prd.state.or.us to obtain a p p lica tio n m ate ria ls and
Announcem ent AES63403. (losing date is December 3. 2004
or until applications from a sufficient num ber of qualified
candidates have been received
• Quality Control Compliance Specialist
Salary $2,865 - $4,101/m onth
Announcement HOCDT4511 Klamath Falls
• D esigner/D rafter
Salary $2,865 - $4.10tym onth
Announcement <fOCDT4722 Flanders
• Survey Research Analyst/CAD Map Specialist
Salary $2,865 $4.101/m onth
Announcement A0CDT4723 Portland
• Welding and Nondestructive Evaluation Inspector
Salary $2,865 - $4.101/m onth
Announcement 40CDT4587A Milwaukie
• Asst. Quality Control Compliance Spec, Inspector
Salary $2,728 - $3,911/m onth
Announcement A0CDT4512 Bend
• Sr. Inspector/Survey Crew Chief
Salary $2,865 $4.1O l/m on th
Announcement POCDT4532 La Grande
• Quality Control Compliance Specialist
Salary $2,865 14,101/m onth
Announcement A0CDT4533 La Grande
• District 5 Manager
Salary $4,099 $6.048/m onth
Announcement 40CDT4756 Springfield
Principal Executlve/Manager A
Personnel/Payroll Manager
This employment opportunity is with the Oregon State Board of
Medical Examiners in the Administrative Services Department
This position will provide Human Resources management support
for the Board. Its employees and job applicants, and ensuie that
personnel, payroll, personal services contracts, and
receptionist/inform ation resource functions are m eeting the
needs of the Board and are in compliance with state and 'ederal
requirements. Salary is $2,653 • $3.903(m onth The Board'«
office 1» located next to the M arriott Hotel In downtown
P o rtlan d
1 5 0 0 SW F irst Avenue, Suite 620.
Announcem ent »LE040878A and application materials, please
visit WWW oragon|obs.org To And out about the Board of
M e d ica l
Examiners, v is it th e
Board's website
w w w bme.state.or.us. Tins recruitment has been extended and
will close at 5 pm on Monday. November 29, 2004.
e g o
• Access M anagem ent Planner
Salary $3,486 $4,991/m onth
Announcement «0CDT4660 Salem
• Local Program Data System Coordinator
Salary $3,160 $4,525/m onth
Announcement »OCDT462O Salem
• Section M aintenance Coordinator
Salary $2,320 $3.208/m onth
Announcement «0CDT3530 Basque
W orking » ODOT The Way to Go. Detailed job announcements
include qualifications, requirements, and instructions on how to
apply for these jobs. Go to www odot.or.state.us/jobs for a
complete copy or call 5 0 3 -9 8 6 4 0 3 0 (TTY 503-98638541 to
request by mail
ODOT is proud to operate as an equal
opportunity, affirmative action employer Announcements will he
made available In alternate format upon request: |5Q3) 376 6 2 0 2
TTY 1 8 0 0 9 9 3 8 8 9 8
o b s
. o