November IO. 2004 il!‘Jîortlanù © bserurr Page B3 S ports PIL Player of the Year Benson senior Amanda Boggan goes far Ready fo r Tip-off - A dd an o th er ho n o r to B enson senior A m anda B o g g an ’s list o f achievements: PIL play ero f the year. B oggan, a 5-foot-9 outside hitter earned that title in volleyball when she led her team to an 18-()winforthe Portland Interscholastic L eague’s title for the fourth tim e in five years. V olleyball is n 't even B o g g an ’s m ain sport. She adm its softball is her favorite and has been singled out in that sport fo r h er range and skill. She has been a first team all- PIL pick in softball fo r the last tw o se a so n s. B esides being a standout leaper, B oggan also runs at a state level, though she has not jo in e d B enson’s track team in exchange for success­ ful seasons in softball, volleyball and even basketball. B oggan w as a second team all- PIL pick last w inter for B en so n ’s b asketball team . B ut the quality o f B o g g an ’s vol­ leyball gam e had set up B enson for a PIL ch am p io n sh ip title. B enson and Lincoln were the only PIL team s Community Assist Winner Stoudamire honored for helping kids T rail B lazer guard and P ort­ land native D am on Stoudam ire is being honored for his civic in ­ volvem ent in helping kids as the N B A 's C om m unity A ssist Award w inner for O ctober. S toudam ire w as recently on hand for the grand opening o f the A lbina H ead Start M cC orm ack M atthew s center serving north a n d n o rth e a s t P o rtla n d , c o ­ nam ed after S to u d am ire’s g ran d ­ m other, W anda M atthew s. With his $250,000donation that w as m atched by the Trail Blazers, A lb in a H ead S ta rt p u t M rs. M atthew s nam e on the building in D am o n 's honor. S toudam ire has been a long­ tim e supporter o f the local H ead Start, adopting a classroom each (A P) K ansas stood atop The C hristm as to provide gifts and A ssociated P ress’ T op 25 on M on­ clothes for the preschoolers and day, the 13th straig h t season the their fam ilies, visiting classroom s Jayhaw ks have been ranked 1 1th or and donating gam e tickets. hig h er in the first poll, but the A dditionally, Stoudam ire has sch o o l’s first preseason N o. 1 ran k ­ partnered w ith S choolhouse S up­ ing since a player nam ed W ilt C ham ­ plies fo r five years to help them ( berlain suited up for the Jayhaw ks w ith th eir m ission o f collecting in the 1950s. and distributing supplies for both K ansas received 25 first-place teachers and students in low -in­ votes and 1,697 p oints from the com e schools. national m edia panel, edging W ake “I have been blessed w ith the i Forest, w hich had 22 first-place o p p o rtu n ity to sp en d a g reat votes and 1,680 points. portion o f m y career in the tow n { F o u r starters are back for K an­ I grew up in. T here are a lot o f j sas, w hich lost to G eo rg ia T ech in people in the Portland co m m u ­ the N C A A to u rn am en t’s regional nity w ho have helped m e along finals last season. T he Jayhaw ks the w ay,” said Stoudam ire. w ere ranked No. 1 fo ro n e w eek last A s the recipient o f the N BA j season and they have been ranked C o m m u n ity A s s is t A w a rd , [ No. 2 in five o f the last 12 preseason Stoudam ire will receivethe David polls. R obinson Plaque, w ith the in- j T hey hope they can do even scription "F ollow ing the standard better than the last tim e they w ere s e t by N B A L e g e n d D a v id j No. 1 in the preseason: In 1956-57, R obinson w ho im proved the com - J C ham berlain led them to the n a­ m unity piece by piece." tional cham pionship gam e, a triple- ABA TEAM - — f continued J k from Front Benson senior Amanda Boggan is PIL Player o f the Year for volleyball. com p etin g in last w eek en d ’s 16- team state tournam ent at the U ni­ versity o f P o rtlan d 's C hiles C enter. B enson’s hopes for a state ch am ­ pionship title w ere lost w hen it suf­ fered d efeats by R o seb u rg and R eynolds. B ut B oggan’s individual titles should take her far. She is co n sid ­ ering a college career in softball at G ram bling State U niversity in Loui­ siana. A w ell rounded student, she holds a 3.67 grade point average. sity o f C incinnati, John O utlaw , related to T rail B lazer T ravis O ut- law, Brandon Payton o f O regon State U niversity, M ike M cShane from South Salem H igh and Ha Seung-Jin, the first p layerdrafted from South Korea. Liss says the high am ount o f local talent com posing the team is by design. It w as absolutely a goal o f 1 / lf j • Personal & Group Photo Collages Catering & Take-Out O ur S pecialty : R eal H ickory S moked B ar -B-Q • Sandwiches • Salads • Chicken • Pork Ribs • Beef Ribs Kansas guard Aaron Miles, a former Jefferson High School player, joins Kansas coach Bill Self and referee Steve Weimer during Sunday's exhibition game against Emporia State in Lawrence, Kan. overtim e loss to N orth C arolina. A s fo r W ak e F o re st, it has all fiv e sta rte rs back fro m th e team that lo st to S ain t J o s e p h ’s in the ro u n d o f 16. G eo rg ia T ech and N orth C aro ­ lina w ere third and fourth in the balloting. Illinois w as fifth. S y ra­ cuse w as sixth, follow ed by O k la­ h o m a S tate, d efen d in g national CATERING ALL EVENTS cham pion C onnecticut, K entucky and A rizona. A fter D uke cam e M ississippi State, M ichigan State, L ouisville, M aryland, T exas, Pittsburgh, A la­ bam a, N orth C arolina State and Notre Dame. T he last five team s in the poll w e re W is c o n s in , W a sh in g to n , Florida, M em phis and G onzaga. • Photo Colorizing • Brochures, Flyers & Programs « Desktop Publishing Contact M a r k Leggett Office 5 0 3 *2 8 1 *3 5 5 2 Cell 5 0 3 *4 7 5 *6 6 9 9 Email z y x z l@ n e tz e ro .c o m S unday M onday T u esd ay W ed-Thurs. Fri. & Sat. HOURS: 11 am - 8 pm 11 am - 9 pm clo sed 1 l a m - 9 pm 11 am - 10 pm Try our new healthy & vegetarian menu items * * * N ew L ocation * * * 5410 N.E. 3 3 rd 503-288-3836 B U S IN E S S STATE FARM Car Wash Business C a r d i Letterhead) • Com m erciala Ad Design L A I1 V L 3 Ù (FO RM ERLY CH UCK HINTON'S) • Company Identity (Logos, • Photo R etoucha Restoration mine thal this team would f,eld as m any local talents as w e could because I’m a strong b elieverthat th ere's a trem endous am ount o f basketball skill and talent in the Pacific N orthw est." she said, The inaugural season o f 18 hom e gam es begins on Thurs- day, Nov. 18 and S aturday, Nov. 20 against the Fresno H eatw ave, For tickets and m ore inform a- tion, call 503-885-9299 o r visit w w w . CANNON'S IV I U We are a graphic design LLC serving com m ercial and residential customers in the Portland Metropolitan area. I’ l l ------------------------------------------------ ■ Mary Uss, Portland Reign founding partner First No. 1 start since Chamberlain I t A — It was absolutely a goal o f mine that this team would field as many local talents as we could because I ’m a strong believer that there's a tremendous amount of basketball skill and talent in the Pacific Northwest, Kansas Tops in Basketball Poll ŒJZ_V — (5 0 3 ) 2 8 6 - 1 1 0 3 ( 5 0 3 ) 2 8 6 1 146 INSURANCE COMPANIES HOME OFTICESiBLOOMINGTON, REGULAR WASH INCLUDES: ILLINOIS Full E xterior Wash D ow n and W ipe D ow n • Interior Wipe D own C om plete V acuum • S queaky C lean Tires "A rm oral” Fresh Sm elling C ar “C om plim entary A ir Freshener” 2616 NE Alberta St. Owner: George Lambert Phone: 5 0 3 - 2 8 8 - 5 7 1 OFF.: FAX: Additional Services: Car Waxing ERNEST J. HILL, JR Agent 6 5 2 7 NE MLK, Jr. Boulevard Suite A Portland, OR 97217 IK Columbia /Resources. 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