Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, October 20, 2004, Page 10, Image 10

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O cto b er 20. 2 0 0 4
il!'JJnrtlattb ©bseruer
Kid’s Film Fest
Make YourVbte Count
M a il b a l l o t s e a r l y . T h e y m u s t b e r e c e i v e d a t c o u n t y e l e c t i o n s
b y K p .m . o n T u e s d a y , N o v . 2 . P o s t m a r k s «Io n o t c o u n t .
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HOMELOAN ( )l R< .1
Love your fu tu re ... in just months become a
Health Care Professional
Live theaterand basketball become
one with "The Former One-on-One
Basketball C ham pion” through
Sunday, Oet. 3 1 at the W inningstad
Theatre, 1111 S.W. Broadway. Tick­
ets range from $ 18 to $ 2 1 for adults
and $ 14 to $ 17 for kids. For tickets,
call 503-228-9571.
Upcoming Author
Gerald Jones, author of "M en of
Tomorrow: Geeks. Gangsters, and
the Birth of the Comic Book" ap­
pears at Pow ell’s City of Books on
West Burnside on W ednesday.
Oct. 27 at 7:30p.m.
The Interstate Firehouse Cultural
Center is keeping actors, musicians,
comedians, dancers and other per­
formers for the upcoming season.
Auditions will be held through Oct.
24 at IFCC Theatre. 5340 N. Inter­
state Ave. Call 503-823-2001 to
schedule a time.
Health Care Careers are among the
“fastest growing occupations”* in
the U.S.!
*BLS Monthly Labor Review. Feb 2004
mation. visit www.omsi.edu.
Patriotism Studied
"Between Patriotism and Fanati­
cism " is a temporary installation by
artist Sebastian Garrido-Bor His
work is displayed by the Regional
Arts and Culture Council in the
Portland Building lobby from Nov.
I to Dee. 7 at 1120 S.W. Fifth Ave.
Author and Emmy award winning
host of The Christopher Lowell
Show, Lowell himself, makes a per­
sonal appearance at 7 p.m. Thurs­
day. Oct. 28 at K elley’s Furniture
Store. 10822 S.E. 82 Ave.
Nightmare on Sunnyside
The Oregon Humane Society will
scare the tails off viewers while rais­
ing funds to benefit the shelter dur­
ing Nightmare on Sunnyside Road's
haunted house, at Clackamas Town
Center through Oct. 3 1. Tickets are
$7.50 for one house or $ 12 for both.
F or
d e ta ils,
v isit
Harvest Auction
Y M CA 's first auction from 6 to 11
p.m. on Friday. Nov. 19, supports
teen programs. The event is at
M ontgom ery Park. 2701 N.W .
Vaughn St. For more information,
King Lear’s ‘The Fool’
S te p h a n ie
B erry p la y s
'The Fool' in
th e P o rtlan d
C enter Stage
production of
K ing
L ear
through O et.
3 1 at New mark
Acrobats Perform
Chinese Golden Dragon Acrobats
take the stage at Pacific University's
T aylor-M eade Perform ing Arts
Center in McCready Hall in Forest
Grove on Saturday, Nov. 6 at 7:30
p.m. For tickets, $22 general and $ 16
for kids, and more information, call
Concorde offers training in these great career fields:
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Music in Motion
J We've moved— Our new Portland area
Xs ! campus is ready for you Visit our new
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home for your career training options
Else Klink Eurythmy Ensemble puts
Music in Motion at Reed C ollege’s
Kaul A u d ito riu m . 3203 S.E .
Woodstock Blvd.. on Oet. 24 at 7:30
p.m. and Oct. 25 at 11 a.m. For more
information, call 503-224-0368 or
Portland W aldorf School at 503-
Have a Ball
leed CASH Today?
"?vle give payday advances
checks cashed
Post-dated checks cashed and held until payday
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Kids will haveaballatO M S I'snew
Innovation Station by exploring the
human side of technology. The new
hall opens Nov. 11. Form ore infor-
S tephanie Berry
The Land Civilization Forgot
The sim ulator thrill-ride Dino Is­
land: The Land Civilization Forgot
has returned to the Oregon Zoo by
popular demand. Riders become
part o f a scientific team whose m is­
sion is to explore a newly formed
island that has baffled scientists
around the world. For more infor­
mation call the zoo at 503-220-5716
o r ch e e k o ut th e w e b site
Halloween Viewings
Bunnicula is playing at the North­
west Children’s Theater and School
through Sunday, Oct. 31. Night of
the Living Dead will show from Oct
So You Want A Car
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fast serviceoo lines Mow pales
A H allow een D iv e-ln M ovie,
Scooby D ( k , -M onsters Unleashed,
is at 7:30 p.m. Friday, Oct. 29 at Matt
Dishman Pool, with a family swim
from 6 to 7 :30p.m. Admission is $2
for adults and $1 or two cans for
Wreck the Halls
The 9"' annual Holiday Ale Festival
is from Dee. 3-5 at the PioneerCourt-
house Square from 11 a.m. to 9:30
p in. Admission is free hut a souve­
nir mug, required for tasting, costs
$4. Fore more information, cal 1503-
2 5 2 -9 8 9 9
v isit
An Eve with Ebenezer
Bridgeport Brewpub. 1313 N.W.
Marshall St., hosts An Evening with
Ebenezer. with dinner and theater
in an intimate setting. Admission is
$60. For more information, call 503-
528-5634 or visit www.redcross-
Haunted Halloween
A skit-like H aunted Halloween
event will be presented each night
b e g in n in g T u e sd a y . O e t. 26
through Sunday. Oct. 31 at the
Parkrose Mason Lodge. 4812 N.E.
102nd Ave. V olunteer M asonic
brothers, girls from Rainbow, and
boys from DeM olay will bring hair
to rise with a haunted movie m otif
and other blood-curdling surprises.
Cost is $5 per person.
Harvest Festival
A Halloween Spooktacular C arni­
val with a haunted house is from 5
to 9 p.m. on Saturday, Oct. 30. The
fee is $1 plus two cans. For more
information, call 503-286-7752.
An exclusive gathering celebrating
Portland’s nightlife is planned for
Oct. 29 at The Red Sea, 318 S. W.
Third Ave. with DJs playing the
best hip hop and old school in
Classic Frankenstein
Mary Shelly’s classic, “Franken­
stein," is the subject of an exhibit at
the Col I ins Gallery on the third floor
of the Central Library at 801 S.W.
10"’ Ave. with a reception planned
for Wednesday, Oct. 27 from 6 to
Write Around Portland
Write Around Portland's free cre­
ative writing are at various loca­
tions around the city. For more in­
fo rm atio n and lo catio n s, visit
www.writearound.org or call 503-
Audrey II Arrives
Little Shop o f Horrors com es to
Keller Auditorium at Southwest
T h ird A venue and C lay from
through Oct. 24. Tickets range from
$23 and $64. For more information,
c a ll 5 0 3 -2 4 1 -1 8 0 2 o r v isit
w w w.portlandopera.org.
Amusement At Oaks Park
ac u
5 0 S . 2 « 7 . j 6 ’ j J 6 LI ,'J
6 9
’ij Call Beverly
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Celebrating 99 years o f fun. Oaks
Park in southeast Portland offers
rides, picnic grounds, roller-skat­
ing and family gam es in the shade
o f 100-year-old oak trees on the
banks of the Willamette River. Rides
and roller-skating are open daily.
For information, call 503-233-5777.
Gotta Love That Pooch
MLK J r.
open mon-thur, 9am-7pm
IN, 9am-8om sal, 9am-7pm
sun, ioam-4pm
22 through 30. For more infor­
mation, visit w w w.nw ets.org.
Matt Dishman Dive In
A Personal Appearance
503 -7 7 2-81 8 2
Theater on the Court
Johnson Business
Administration, LLC
100% Financing Option Available & No up front tees!
I f I can i do it -
Zonker Films produces a Fi 1m Fest
for Children al The Portland Film
Project, 3 0 16 N.E. Kill ingsworth, on
Nov. 14 as part of the Fox Chase
Family Artwalk. For information.
visitw ww .inilagrosboutique.com .
Low Carb
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5410 N.E. 33 rd
Problem pixx'h classes are a must
take for anyone who may be new to
the world o f pet parenthood or is
interested in considering adopting
a new friend. Com e to the Oregon
Humane Society to find out why
your dog does those silly little
things. Meetings are every first and
third Saturday of the month at 11
a.m. For more information, call 503-
Ongoing and
Upcoming Music
The Blue Monk on Belmont plays
live jazz. For a schedule, visit
ww w.thebluemonk.eom. Interstate
Bar and Grill has mature live music
at 4234 N. Interstate. The Black
N o tes play T h u rs d a y s at the
Candlelight Room. Mel Brown plays
jazz at Jimmy Maks on Tuesdays,
Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays
at Salty’sontheC olum bia. AConi-
munity Unity Breakfast is held ev­
ery third Thursday at SEI at 7:30
a.m. Skip Elliott Bowman JazzTrio
plays Saturdays from 10 a.m. to
txxin at Hannah Bea’s, on north­
east MLK Jr Blvd. and Shaver.
R&B and live funk bands perform
w e e k e n d s at th e In te rs ta te
Firehouse Cultural Center.