K i,’c JJortlanh (©bserucr______________________ Pa& e 85 octoper n. 2004______________________________________ Guns Turned In for Goods Ceasefire Oregon held a gun turn-in event at various locations throughout the Portland area Saturday. In northeast Portland, p eo p le e x c h a n g e d u n ­ wanted firearms for goods and entertainment vouch­ ers at Reggie’s BarberShop on Northeast Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard. In the last two weeks, 133 guns have been col­ lected and will be destroyed through the Ceasefire Or­ egon drives, including an as­ sau lt rifle tu rn ed in at Reggie's. Children were also en­ couraged to exchange toy guns for other toys at that event. For m ore inform ation about the upcoming gun tu rn -in e v e n ts , v isit www.ceasefireoregon.org. Volunteers Julie Sterling (from left), Shawn Alford and Officer Dave Norlin take a gun off the streets at the Ceasefire Oregon gun turn-in event Saturday at Reggie s Barber Shop in northeast Portland. Local Grads Join Army Three local graduates are find­ ing success in their military ca­ reers. Alena R. Marshall of northeast Portland has graduated from the Army ROTC (Reserve O fficers’ Training C orps) Leader Develop­ ment and Assessment Course, also known as "Operation W ar­ rior Forge,” at Fort Lewis in Tacoma. Marshall is a 1997 graduate of W ilson High School. She is the daughter of Alice Marshall and Martin Cleaning Service Volcano warning for vehicle owners Carpet & Upholstery Cleaning Vehicle ow ners should take spe­ cial precautions in the event of volcanic ash from an eruption of Mt. St. Helens. T he N o rth w e st A u tom otive Trades Association has prepared a consum er tip sheet with inform a­ tion to help prevent ash from lead­ ing to vehicle damage. “W hile the ash, particular when it’s dry, w on’t immediately harm v If you can ’t keep the car in a garage or covered while ash is falling, we recommend rinsing it off at least dailv J In Loving M A funeral was scheduled Wednesday Oct. 13,2004 in Berean Baptist Church in Portland for Willie Mae Strickland, who died Oct. 8 at age 74. She was bom W illie Mae Diggs on born Dee. 7 . 1929 in Chattanooga, Tenn. She was a homemaker who lived in the Portland area most of her life. In 1946, she married Nathaniel Strickland; he died in 1974. Survivors include her daughters. Natalie Strickland and Claudia Strickland; a son. Nathaniel Strickland II; three grandchildren. Mary. Selieiaand Danielle Strickland; am dfourgreat grandchildren. RaeShawn. Amaya. Jerim iah and Haden. Arrangements were under the direction of Cox & Cox Funeral Chapel. , Pre-Spray Traffic Area $40.00 Hall included i CARPET COUPON 1 1 CLEANING AREA ‘ Pre-Spray Traffic Area I Small Hall included i • $40.00 , . . « » . i . i, photo by M ark W ashington / T he P orti ani ) O bserv er STAIRS Community Service Thank You (WITH SERVICE) $7.50 EACH UPHOLSTERY CLEANING Yvonne Balog, lending officer with Advantage NW Federal Credit Union (formerly Willamette Federal Credit Union), smiles at her desk filled with cards wishing her a happy retirement after 35 years of serving the community. She says she 'll miss the people the most, after watching par ents, children and grandchildren grow, making loans to them and counseling them. Sofa (under 6 ft.) $69.00 Loveseat $40.00 Sectional $99.00 and up Chair or Recliner $25.00 and up Throw Pillows $5.00 each CALL FOR APPOINTMENTS Í503J 281-3949 Cox & Cox Funeral Chapel w ho ran g e in size from in fan ts to teen s. T he c lo th e s w ill be d o n ated to n o rth and n o rth east P o rtlan d co m m u n ity sh e lte rs, h o m es and ag e n cies that serve y o u th and fam ilies. M uslim A m ericans if President fanned by governm ent officials Bush is re-elected? It means more like Lt. General Boykin and A ttor­ constricting laws and policies to ney G eneral John A shcroft. curtail the civil liberties o f the “Since Senator Kerry is not co n ­ M uslim A m ericans, and harsher trolled by religious and political foreign policies tow ard M uslim ideologues, the possibility of an countries - in the nam e o f co m ­ open and productive dialog with bating terrorism . the Kerry administration for the “ It also m eans a continuing Muslim Americans remains alive. and m enacing rise of anti-M uslim The Kerry campaign has already sentim ent in A m erica, covertly shown an eagerness to be inclu­ n u r tu re d by th e sive. and an inclination to engage N eoconserv ativ es, and openly in such a dialog." e m o r y ; Willie Mae Strickland 1 CLEANING AREA i Small i — - Muslim Group Endorses Kerry T he n o n -p a rtis a n M uslim American Political Action Commit­ tee has endorsed Sen. John Kerry for President. The decision came after months of consideration and discussions with M uslim-Am eri­ can leaders across the country, and extensive dialog with the Kerry campaign and the Democratic Party leadership. In a statem ent. M ukit H ossain, p r e s id e n t o f M u slim g ro u p , stated, “W hat does it mean for 1 I Clothing Drive at Bethel AME 30. T he Y oung P e o p le ’s D iv i­ s io n o f th e F a n n ie C o o k W o m en ’s M issio n ary S o ciety is holding th is ev en t to co llec t new and used c lo th e s fo r kids ^ C o m m e rc ia l & Residential Services HSW WtlCHS =rr=G fl7= J ; u t a / 2 0 0 4 R eligion A “C h ristm a s in O c to b e r” clo th es drive for kids takes place at B ethel A M E C h u rch , 5828 N .E. 8,h A v e., from 10 a.m . to 2 p.m . on S a tu rd a y , O ct. 16, S u n ­ d ay , O ct. 17 and S atu rd ay , O ct. Army National Guard Pvt. Jandi E. Hewett has graduated from the automated logistical specialist ad­ vanced individual training course at the U.S. Army Quartermaster Center and School at Fort Lee in Petersburg. Va. The course is de­ signed to train soldiers to establish and maintain stock records arid other documents. H ew ett, a 2002 graduate at Roosevelt High School, is the daugh­ ter of Randy and Josephine Hewett. GET YOUR HANDS ON THE BEST... listen on the web, www.kmhd.org Cars and Ash Don’t Mix least daily.” She cautions that rubbing or brushing the ash off the car can scratch the finish. "Make sure you thoroughly rinse the ash off before you actually wash the vehicle,” she said. NATA is also reminding drivers to increase stopping distances and to slow down when ash is on the road because it can be slippery, particularly when wet. The ash is also apt to clo g the vehicle’s air filter or cabin air filters. If driving in an area where there is ash. vehicle-own­ ers should either check these filters - or have them ~ Rutherford Crest, Northwest ■ ' AutomotlveTradesAssoclatlon checked - regu­ larly and replace the paint finish o f your vehicle, it them as necessary. can be abrasive and acidic, so it's a “Y ou’ll also want to make sure good idea not to let it remain on the you have plenty of liquid in your exterior surface very long," asso­ windshield w asher reservoir so ciation spokesman RutherfordCrest you'll be able to keep your wind­ said. "If you c a n 't keep the car in a shield clear if you have to drive in garage or covered while ash is fall­ areas with lots o f blowing ash,” ing, we recommend rinsing it off at Crest said. Lewis Marshal I. Jingle Bear Concert Coming T h e P o rtla n d S y m p h o n ic G irlchoir announces its annual Jingle Bear Family Concert, on Dec. 4 at 10:30a.m. This family favorite has become a traditional way to begin the holidays. TicketsareSIO for adults and $8 for students. For reservations, or more information, ca ll 5 0 3 -2 2 6 -6 1 6 2 o r v isit www.girlchoir.com. 2736 N E Rodney, P ortland, O regon 97212 (503) 281-4891 This ad dedicated to the loved ones who passed in 2004 Morehouse. Eula 1-5-04 Manuel, Percy (Rev.) 1-5-04 Stevenson, Phillip 1-13-04 Pritchett. Joy 1-14-04 Anderson, Ivra 1-17-04 Minor, Anglee 1-23-04 Webb, Nuita 1-26-04 Jackson. George 1 -26-04 Perro.Vera 1-27-04 McMillan, James E. 12-29-03 Wells, Jamal 1-31-04 Cotton, Inolia 1-31-04 James. Thomas 2-6-04 Stepps. Walter 2-10-04 Penn, Valaida 2-11 -04 Battle. Kenneth 2-11-04 Reid, Stephanie 2-13-04 Macrae, Bernice 2-13-04 James. Larry 2-13-04 Cowan. Julian 2-13-04 Brown, Lillie Mae 2-18-04 Gray, Dock (Jr.) 2-19-04 Mustafa, Akbar 2-21-04 Grayson, Edna 2-22-04 Hill. Jeron 2-22-04 Lindsey-Williams, LaVell 2-29-04 Gainer, Mildred 3-2-04 Akles. James 3-4-04 Banks,O ’Naesia(Baby) 3-7-04 Murray. Helen 3-13-04 Kemp, Branishia 3-16-04 Barr,Curtis 3-17-04 Matthews, LaVell 3-25-04 Perez. Jahar 3-28-04 Ivory, Jerome 3-31-04 Bryant, Flora 3-31-04 Spencer, Melvin 4-4-04 Fowlkes, James 4-4-04 Mill, Marcus 4-9-04 Johnson. Robert 4-14-04 Allen. Lizzie 4-15-04 Stiger, Clarence 4-15-04 Brame. Herman 4-28-04 Foxx, Linda 4-30-04 Barber, Victor 5-4-04 West, Melvin 4-29-04 Woodard. Harvey 5-10-04 Dumas, Marion Randell 5-23-04 M ason,Calvin O. 5-25-04 Manuel, Gertrude 6-8-04 West, Travis 6-14-04 McCarthy, Helen 6-19-04 Sutton. Donald 6-20-04 Harris,Terell (Baby) 6-27-04 Price. James 7-3-04 Christian, DeVona 7-9-04 Baker,Thelma 7-18-04 Frazier, Nathaniel 7-26-04 Moore, Johnny 7-28-04 Campbell, Diann 8-2-04 Robinson, Roosevelt 8-4-04 Johnson (Jr.), Doyle 8-17-04 Hunt, John 8-26-04 Kennedy, Branetta 8-31-04 W ashington, Lucille 9-6-04 Byrnes, Aquilla 9-6-04 Davis, Kenneth Ivy 9-9-04 Cochran, Sandra 9-15-04 Forthan. Wayne 9-18-04 Jahbie Mohammed Kalifa 9-28-04 Strickland, Willie Mae 10-8-04 We thank those families who have patronized our business.