(T b O c to b e r 13, 2 0 0 4 1 '}Jortkuih © bserucr IM The Land Civilization Forgot II The sim u lato r th rill-rid e D in o Island: The Land C iv iliz a tio n F orgot has Halloween Viewings B un nicula is playing at the N orthw est C h ild re n ’ s Theater and S ch ixil on Friday, O ct. 8 through Sunday, ( k t . 31. N ig h t o f the L iv in g Dead w ill show fro m O ct 22 through 30. For more inform ation, visit w w w .nw cts.org. R IM itM rides, p ic n ic g ro un ds, ro lle r-s k a tin g and fa m ily games in the shade GLIDE returned to the O regon Z o o by popular demand. Riders become part o f a scie n tific team w hose m ission js to explore a new ly form ed island that has ba ffled scientists around the w orld. F or more in fo rm a tio n call the zoo at 5 0 3 -2 2 0 -5 7 16 o r check out the website oregonzoo.org. Page B 3 o f I (X)-y e a r-o ld oak trees on the banks o f the W illa m e tte R ive r. Rides and ro lle r-s k a tin g are open d a ily . F o r m ore in fo rm a tio n , c a ll 503- 233-5777. pdx.org. Gotta Love That Pooch Haunted Halloween Problem p tx x h classes are a must take fo r anyone w ho may be new to A s k it-lik e Haunted Hallow een event w ill be presented each night the w o rld o f pet parenthood o r is interested in considering adopting a beginning Tuesday, ( k t . 26 through Sunday, ( k t . 31 at the Parkrose new friend. Com e to the O regon Hum ane Society to fin d out w hy you r Mason Lodge. 4 8 12 N.E. 102nd A ve. V o lu n te e r M asonic brothers, g irls from R ainbow , and bovs from D e M o la y w ill bring hair to rise w ith a dog does those s illy little things. M eetings are every first and th ird haunted m ovie m o tif and other blo o d -cu rd lin g surprises. Cost is $5 per person. King Lear’s The Fool’ Stephane Berry plays ’The F o o l’ in the Portland Center Stage production o f K in g LearthroughO ct. 3 1 at Newm arkTheatre. Saturday o f the month at 11 a.m. Form ore inform ation, call 503-285-7722. Ongoing and Upcoming Music The Blue M o n k on B elm ont plays liv e jazz. For a schedule, visit Harvest Festival w w w .th eb lue m on k.co m . Interstate Bar and G r ill has mature live music at A Halloween SpooktacularC arnival w ith a haunted house 4234 N. Interstate. The B lack Notes play Thursdays at the C andlelight M att Dishman Dive In is from 5 to 9 p.m. on Saturday. Oct. 30. The fee is $ I plus Room . M el B ro w n plays jazz at Jim m y M aks on Tuesdays. Thursdays, A Halloween D ive-In M ovie. Scooby Doo- tw ocans. For more in fo rm a tio n .c a ll 503-286-7752. Fridays and Saturdays at S a lty’ s on the C olum bia. A C o m m unity Unity M onsters Unleashed, is at 7:30 p.m. F ri­ Fuzion Bow man Jazz T rio plays Saturdays from lO a.m .to no on at Hannah Bea’ s. A n exclusive gathering celebrating P ortland's n ig h tlife is on northeast M L K Jr. B lvd. and Shaver. R & B and live funk bands perform planned fo r ( k t . 29 at The Red Sea. 3 18 S. W . T h ird Ave. weekends at the Interstate Firehouse C u ltu ra l Center. Breakfast is held every th ird Thursday at SEI at 7:30 a.m. S kip E llio tt day. ( k t . 29 at M att D ishm an Pool, w ith a fa m ily sw im fro m 6 to7:30p.m . Adm ission is $2 fo r adults and $1 o r tw o cans fo r w ith DJs playing the best hip hop and o ld schixil in town. you th. Laughing Through It Wreck the Halls The 9th annual H o lid ay A le Festival is from Dec. 3-5 at the Pioneer Courthouse Square fro m 11 a.m. to 9:30 p.m. A d m is ­ Classic Frankenstein A Port land Jam N ight plans to heal the c o m m u n ity ’ s ills through laughter M ary S h e lly ’ s classic, "F rankenstein,” is the subject o f at the W ave Theatre in north Portland. The liv e m usic and clean sketch an e x h ib it at the C o llin s G a lle ry on the th ird flo o r o f the im p rov com edy is at 9 p.m. Fridays. T ickets are $7 fo r adults and $4 fo r Central Lib ra ry at 801 S.W . 10th Ave. w ith a reception kids. Form ore inform ation.call 503-735-4184 or visit w w w .jam -night.com . planned fo r W ednesday, O ct. 27 fro m 6 to 7:30 p.m. sion is free but a souvenir m ug, required Trippin’ through Town fo r tasting, costs $4. Fore more in fo rm a ­ Write Around Portland t io n , W rite A ro u n d P ortland's free creative w ritin g are at in flue ncin g Portland on Wednesdays at the O hm . $7 cover. 3 1 N .W . First various locations around the city. For more in fo rm atio n A ve. c a ll 5 0 3 -2 5 2 - 9 8 9 9 or v is it w w w .holidayale.com . Take a trip through tim e to fin d the hottest poetry, hip-hop and soul and locations, visit w w w .w ritearound.org o r call 503-796- Homebuying Raffle Join the $1000 dow n paym ent ra ffle at the Stephanie Berry Native Art Exhibit 9224. Le w is and C la rk C ollege presents "Encounters: Contem porary N ative Audrey II Arrives A m erican A rt through O ct. 24 at the Ronna and E ric H o ffm an G allery o f 16. in the Legacy Em anuel H ospital A triu m at 5 0 1 N. Graham . For more L ittle Shop o f H orrors comes to K e lle r A u d ito riu m at Southwest T h ird Contem porary A rt. F orm ore inform ation, call 503-768-7687. in fo rm atio n, call 503-285-5555 ext. 558 o r visit w w w.aaah.us. Avenue and C lay fro m O ct. 19 through 24. T ickets range fro m $23 and A fric a n A m erican H om ebuyer Fair from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. Saturday, Oct. $64. An Eve with Ebenezer For m o re in fo r m a t io n , c a ll 5 0 3 -2 4 1 -1 8 0 2 or v is it Local Artists Featured at Abbey Cafe w w w .portla nd op era.org. The A bbey Cafe, 4 4 1 N. K illin g s w o rth St., inv ites musicians to sei I their C D 's and perform on Fridays and Saturdays. F o rm o re in fo rm a tio n .c a ll Ebenezer. w ith dinner and theater in an intim ate setting. A dm ission is Amusement At Oaks Park 503-2864847. $60. For m ore in fo rm iatn o. call 503-528-5634 o r v is it w w w .redcross- C e le b ra tin g 99 years o f fun . O aks Park in southeast P o rtla n d o ffe rs B ridgeport Brew pub, 1313 N .W . M arshall St., hosts A n Evening w ith ■MW M M M I Hip-Hop Vote Drive Saturday StarChile presents Get Out and Vote Gumbo, P ortland’ s hip-hop artists are engaging a nigh t o f im p lo d in g dem ocracy and the most the ir follow ers. Local disc jo cke y and hip-hop n o ntrad ition al p o litic a l party ever. Saturday artist StarC hile is taking dem ocracy in to his O ct. 16 at B erb ati's Pan in do w n to w n Port­ ow n hands and m aking p o litics hip. land, 10 S.W. 3rd Ave. "T h is election we w ill not stand and sit still. "A n d they said hip-hop w o u ld n 't come this far.” saidChristopherWaIlace.aka Biggie Smalls. StarChile will entertain to boost the hip-hop vote at ‘Get Out and Vote Gumbo' Saturday night at Berbati's Pan. The night o f entertainm ent and p o litics is I t ’ s estimated that 33 percent o f the elector­ hosted by S tarC hile, featuring: V ursatyl o f ate is com prised o f members o f the hip-hop the LifeSavas. Lib re tto . Rochell D. Hart spo­ generation. But durin g the 2000 presidential ken w ord poet and published author. D j O.G. election 67 percent o f the hip-hop generation One. The Fabulous Saturdays, S T A R K and Potnus; partying w ith a purpose. d id not vote. Historical Fleming Building Jimmy's Merchant .../A H ip -h o p is here and here to stay,” he said. 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