Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, October 06, 2004, Page 6, Image 6

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Participate in Democracy : *Qte
Registering to vote is easy
d Jl U
* a i l U I ' I V 1 online
M I1 IIIV at
Forms S are
oregonvotes.org or at the Oregon Dept. of Motor Vehicles, Post Offices, libraries and other slate a g e n c ie » » ^
Coastal RhythmS Blues
Pain Relief with Legal Pot
Grandmother and
retired peace officer
Madeline Martinez
inhales marijuana
vapor to extract the
plant’s medicinal
properties without the
carcinogens o f smoke.
1 'J '
fe a tu rin g
...LaRhonda Steele
...Ellen W hite
...Linda Hornbuckle
¿ S h in o o l/ Y V in d :
October 9th
It Beller ut the Bench! • 1 88ft CHINOOK • www thinóókwindscnsíno com
7| m i- tii ;hnt: ; $15
c o n tin u e d
An ongoing series ot questions and answers about Americas natural healing profession
Dr. Billy R. Flowers
Part 18. Chiropractic And Prevention:
Life doesn't have to be a series o f emergencies anymore
It seem s that I am alw ays properly either. People w ho have j better. A nd y o u ’d be am azed at
sick. I do w hat m y doctor regular C hiropractic checkups re­ the energy you have w ith preven­
sa y sb u t if anything my colds and port that they get few er colds and tive C h iro p ractic ch eck u p s. If
flu attack s are g ettin g w orse. influenza. T hey keep the stress o ff y o u ’d like to trade in y o u r colds
their nervous system s. K eeping ir­ for a bounce in your step, call us
W hat do you think?
for an appointm ent today. Itco u ld
: C onstant colds and in flu­ ritation o ff the nervous
be the healthiest call you have
enza indicate that the im ­
m une system (and the body m in orning backache and head-aches ev er m ade. Isn ’t tim e you stepped
general) is highly stressed. Did and allow s you to cope with stress up to C hiropractic?
f~ \
you know that recently
L eading scientists have d is­
covered that the entire im m u n e ,
system is an out-grow th o f the
nervous system ? If you nervous
system is stressed and irritated,
the im m une system cannot w ork
M ark W ashington /
T he P ortland
O bserver
Flowers' Chiropractic Office
2124 N.E. Hancock Street, Portland, Oregon 97212
Phone: ( 5 0 3 ) 2 8 7 -5 5 0 4
A Healthy Community Starts with You:
Community-Driven Strategies to Reduce
fr o m F ro n t
h ealth y. O ne o f her greatest fears is
grow ing a crop that gets infested
w ith insects or m old, o r does not
produce cannabis buds at all.
“1 am afraid. If w e d o n ’t get our
m edicine, w hat are we going to do?
T h at’s w hy M easure 33 is so im por­
tant,” she said.
John Sajo, executive director o f
V oter P ow er, is ad v ocating for
original medical m arijuana initiative
in 1998, is am ong those w ho have
purchased argum ents against the
m easure in the O regon V oter's Pam ­
Ray, 48, suffers from m ultiple
sclerosis. She and others w orry the
m easu re w ill m ake the federal
governm ent’s w ar against the m edi­
cal use o f m arijuana even m ore ag­
“T here is an ongoing struggle
a v a ila b le to th o se w h o are m e­
d ic in a lly in th a t k in d o f n e e d ,”
s a id p a rty o r g a n i z e r J o r d a n a
S ard o . "F ra n k ly , w e a re in fa v o r
o f d e c rim in a liz in g o r le g a liz in g
d ru g s in g en eral b e c a u se w e feel
it’s really im p o rtan t th at the p rofit
m o tiv e be ta k e n o u t o f th e w hole
d ru g tra d e .”
F or M artinez, she says the cu r­
rent state o f the law leaves her with
few options.
% There is an ongoing struggle
between states that have
medical marijuana laws and
the federal government.
- John Sojo, Voter Power Executive Director
Marti nez’ s cause, and that o f 10,(XX)
other O regonians w ho are regis­
tered under the state’s m edical mari -
ju an a program . H is group along
w ith the political action com m ittee
Life W ith D ignity, is w orking to
pass M easure 33.
“ A lo t o f p e o p le th in k w e
p assed m edical m ariju an a and it’s
w o rk in g fin e, but lite ra lly th o u ­
san d s o f p a tie n ts in the p rogram
are stru g g lin g to g et th e ir m e d i­
c in e ,” S ajo said.
Financially self-sustaining dis­
pensaries proposed by M easure 33
w ould carry m arijuana for m edicine
in various form s, including baked
goods, candies and oils, w hich are
said to be safer than sm oke inhala­
Storm y Ray, a poster child o f the
betw een states that have m edical
m arijuana law s and the federal gov­
ern m en t,” adm its Sojo.
O th er opponents o f M easure 33
call the initiative a thinly veiled
effort tow ard legalizing m arijuana
for all.
B ut S ajo says it w ill rem ain a
felony to buy o r sell m arijuana u n ­
der the proposal.
“ I personally am a supporter o f
legalization, and I hope we get to
vote for that som eday,” he said.
T he m easu re is en d o rsed by
Pacific G reen Party, the O regon
C rim inal D efense L aw yers A sso­
ciation, the A m erican C ivil L iber­
ties U nion o f O regon and the local
Freedom S ocialist Party.
“ W e th in k it’s im p o rta n t that
m edical m arijuana be m ore readily
Madeline Martinez's ja r for
medical marijuana is nearly
empty, illustrating the chal­
lenge many have in maintain­
ing a reliable supply o f the drug
under current laws.
“ I’m in support o f M easure 33
because w hen m y crop fails, I have
no place to go for this m edicine. My
other option is to be on really strong
pain m edication and I choose not
to. I choose a quality o f life that
allow s m e to enjoy my grandchil­
dren, m y pets and my fam ily life,”
she said.
Cardiovascular Disease Among African Americans
Join Us for the 9th Annual Wellness Village
Saturday, October 16, 2004
from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.
at The Blazers Boys & Girls Club
S2S0 N.E. Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd.
Activities Include:
Gospel Choir
Wellness Walk
V Door Prizes
V Health Screenings
V Children's Hut
Home Buying Fair Coming
Alliance promotes ‘American Dream'
T he A frican A m erican A lliance be show cased by dozens o f ven ­
for H om e O w nership will host its 5'*’ dors.
S e v e ra l h u n d re d p e o p le a t­
annual hom e buying fair on S atur­
day, Oct. 16from 11 a.m .to 3 p .m .in tended last y ear’s fair, including
the L e g a c y E m a n u e l H o sp ita l M oniquea M ajors w ho has realized
the “A m erican D ream ” o f hom e
Atrium, 501 N .G raham .
Since its beginning, m ore than ow nership.
“ D o n ’t get discouraged. It’s an
2,200 people have attended the
goal, and it’s rew arding
event to m eet professionals in the
hom ebuyers arena, collect valuable once y o u ’re there,” M ajors said.
A popular returning feature o f
inform ation, ask questions, m eet
other prospective hom ebuyers and the fair will be volunteer “co n ­
attend classes throughout the day. cierg es” stationed around the area
Loan prtxlucts and program s w ill to h e lp p a r tic ip a n ts n a v ig a te
through the event. A list o f 20 F re­
quently A sked Q uestions and an
orientation will be provided as well.
F a ir p a r t i c i p a n t s c a n ta k e
c la s se s on th e h om e b u y in g p ro ­
c e ss an d the im p o rta n c e o f p e r­
s o n a l f i n a n c ia l m a n a g e m e n t.
T h e re a lso w ill be c h ild r e n 's a c ­
tiv itie s and ra ffle p riz e s, in c lu d ­
ing a $ 1 ,0 0 0 g ran t to w ard the
d o w n p a y m e n t o r c lo s in g c o sts
on a h o m e, an d o th e r g ifts such
as free a p p ra isa ls an d h om e in ­
s p e c tio n s .
V Salsa Dancing
. amu
Anti-Hate Groups Merge
T w o leading diversity groups
have form ed U niting to U nderstand
R acism , a non-profit, com m unity-
based organization.
The m ission is to advance racial
justice and reconciliation through
honest dialogue, acts o f reconcili­
For more information contact AAHC at 503-413-1850 or w it www.aahc-portiand.org
ation and education. T he new orga­
nization capitalizes on the strengths
o f O regon U niting and the U nder­
standing R acism Foundation.
“W e could not be m ore pleased
with this m erge,” said retired C hief
Justice E dw in P eterson, founder
and past president o f the U nder­
standing R acism F oundation.
T he new group wi 11 be led by tw o
trained facilitators to focus on help­
ing participants raise their level o f
aw areness concerning unexam ined
racist attitudes and encouraging
proactive change.
“W e are delighted to bring these
tw o organizations together,” said
C hris L undberg, president o f U nit­
ing to U nderstand R acism . "W o rk ­
ing together, we can achieve our
im portant m ission o f educating the
public on the problem s o f racism .”
F o r m o re in fo rm a tio n , v isit
w w w .understandingracism .org or
call 503-274-1747.
Flu Vaccine Supply
Cut in Half
( A P) - A m ericans’ supply o f flu
vaccine w as abruptly cut in half
T uesday, prom pting the govern­
m ent to ask m ost healthy adults to
delay or skip flu shots so that the
elderly and others m ost at risk from
influenza can get scarce supplies.
British regulators unexpectedly
shut dow n a m ajor flu-shot sup­
plier T u esd ay , prom pti ng a record
shortage in this country ju s t as flu
season is about to begin.
T he Bush adm inistration urged
the public and doctors to begin
v o lu n tary ra tio n in g o f the flu
sh o ts.