Page B8 September 29. 2004 ClH*|Jortlanh (Obscrucr M ED W eek College Construction Builds Local Workforce Women, minority and emerging small businesses benefit by “Meeting the affordable housing needs o f the community" NOW RENTING J ames H ill Her m otto is “ Exceed Custom er’ s Expecta tions.” Sharon Crymes has been exceeding expecta- tions at Portland C om m unity C ollege’ s Cas cade Campus in north Portland. Her company, M echanical. Inc , installed a llo fth e H V A C (air co nd itio nin g) systems at the new Public Ser vices Education B u ild ing , a $300,000contract. "O u r w ork was taking down old duct w ork and putting up new ," Crymes said. "W e in stalled new sheet metal and equipm ent fo r the continued on page M 2 Women Under the Hood 1,2 & 3 Bedroom Houses & Apartments continued Section 8 Welcome HOPE VI Welcome 503-288-2923 4829 NE Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd. Portland, OR 97211 C lin ic , Inc. are fin d in g success in the industry. from 116 through m ultiple positions and departments, learning the entire scope o f the business. “ W omen are rapidly excel ling and m oving forw ard as in dustry professionals,” said Greg E ls e w h e re in P o rtla n d , women including K im Kittinger, autom otive instructor at Port land C om m unity College; Shan non Inukai, general manager o f D ic k ’ s C ountry Dodge; Erinn Sow le, general manager o f Sub- Remensperger, executive vice president o f the M etro Portland New C ar Dealers. “ There are a m ultitude o f women in the metro Portland area who have attained business leadership positions and th eircontribution to the industry is exem plary.” urban A u to G ro u p ; L o u is e D row , autom otive instructor at Capital Center; T erri Gonzalez, general manager o f Hubbard C hevrolet; and Elisabeth D ally, president o f H aw thorn A u to Kim Alfonso, the first woman president o f the Metro Portland New Car Dealers Association t=I Ol '¡J n rtk u tb ( © h s rn te r is Oregon's oldest Minority w w w .p crlh o m e.o rg reaching out to our diverse community with breaking publication and continues to make new strides in EQUAL HOUSING O P P O R T U N IT Y PCRl's VISION is to provide affordable housing and associated services that achieve familiy stability', self-sufficiency and resident wealth creation. news and in-depth investigative reporting. Contact us for subscription and advertising information at 503-288- 0033 or email 1 Portland Police Bureau Service Compassion Integrity Excellence Respect NOW HIRING! 70 Police Officers Be involved - Make a difference! Work with citizens to preserve life, maintain human rights, protect property, and promote individual responsibility and commitment. 5 Great Reasons to Join: 1J Fast-paced, varied work 2. ) Lots of assignments and opportunities 3. ) Excellent pay and benefits 4. ) Rewarding career 5. ) Excellent training programs Contact: (503) 823-3529 or I -888-735-4259 Or apply online: Minorities, women, and qualified individuals with disabilities are encouraged to apply. The Portland Police Bureau is proud to be an EEO/AA employer ■ rm m m »- JOGfTHt*