^■ember'5-2004-----------------------------**" Fortiani» (í)bseruer_____________________ Any either, who it 18 »ears old on Election Day to eligible to L X ’i» « 1 \ / PayÄS r> ■ I OUT R l! »oto. Even convicted felons can vote If not ewvently in custody of the Oregon Dept. of Corrections. If you are In any other part of the criminal Justice system, such as a county Jail, you have not lost your voting prtvlh We have a plan for college. S h SL J r *-* “ 1 zj Saving for college may not be easy but it helps if you have a plan Thats why families all over Oregon are investing with the Oregon College Savings Plan. m utton on/oy thoso bonof.tt Students helped with Supplies State tax deduction up to $2000 per year' Tax-free growth and w ith d raw als1 Use your savings at schools nationwide M ark W ashington / T he P ortland O bserver photo by Call toll free today for your free, enrollment kit. ver sort through their much-needed school supplies on the first day o f classes cils, notebooks, rulers, backpacks and other supplies were free of charge Tools for Schools," project was led by the volunteer-run Schoolhouse Supplies schools in low-income neighborhoods were helped. Oprah Surprise: New Cars for All Talk show host Oprah Winfrey sits atop a Pontiac G6 outside her Chicago studios Monday, surrounded by some o f the 276 people from her audience who each received new cars. (AP photo) Smart Park Hires McCoy M cC oy as the m an ag er o f ga r a g e o p e r a - --------------------- C h a m b e rs, _ „ said M cC oy is a g reat ad d itio n to the e x e c u ­ tiv e m an ag em en t team w ith his y ea rs o f p ark in g ex p e rien c e. H e w ill w ork in tandem w ith o th e rs to p ro v id e a h ig h e r level o f custo m er serv ice train in g , in ­ clu d in g c o n c ie rg e service. “ W e are e x trem ely pleased to have Paul as p art o f our m a n ­ ag em en t team . He w as our first choice. H is vast e x p e rien c e w ill be a g reat asset as we m ove fo rw ard to ch a n g e the p e rc e p ­ tio n o f d o w n to w n p a r k in g ,” said Jay. (AP) — Talk show host Oprah Winfrey celebrated the premiere of her 19th season Monday by sur­ prising each o f her 276 studio guests with a new car. The audience members were chosen because their friends or family had written to the show about their need for a new car. One woman s young son said she drove C O t t i G f SAVINGS PLAN a car that “looks like she got into a gunfight"; another couple had al­ most 4(X),(XX) miles on their two vehicles. M ak in g su re th e au d ien c e was kept in suspense, W infrey opened the show by calling 11 audience members onto the stage. She gave each o f them a car - a Pontiac G6. OppenheimerFunds _ . _ ’ t » Ony ‘W •’ Pimi I» «tinlntófcml h ( » u n i Snir I t a i u i t f R anhll Wwari, w k , tu P * P**111 in jlìUWl tw iw r in w fu n ifc Ine j nwqpral inmtniaM Atvnir diMnhii.«l tu iln » n i» iii» rfiir,s kNnNik. Inr « i*«akm j IwAer V a tr Sonr M M , ,4ì.t Iw in M * la, b a r n lo Ihnr t a t a * ,t tfr * lin M in t t . i Ì'’ "' "" **" “ " o t i X l u l ì » Ì i ’X . ' ù L J H Ì ’i” ' t I " » « * < * » » i w i t a « S flX n lta n £ H “S i^ ? fi* M l rw m pn.n .-» m ri» ,.i VU| , M » rtU ra n l, fn«r. I t a n l u » om , I t a m i « I I I ™ , ta n n i,« l a i f t a » lai» fu n i« M im i «, r iln id Ih,»» p a l a » ttanid Itiol da» Su, F illi ir», Jta „ „ « u a m ita l " T n - i U ; . * . I V » ta l U» PI.,, Ita n p ,™ , a, J a n K -w a u n ” s W p tax dniurtmn for nnitnhulRtu trf up k> JJiwo per tax filine ' fax fiw wrthdrjuah for quaWW expciun ptedtieo Tony Chiang Owner J&S Grocery, Portland PaulMcC°Y Smart Park Hiring Smart Park, the city’s most cul­ turally diverse parking services, is looking for seniors, retirees and people with extremely friendly cus­ tomer service skills, to apply for part-time jobs as cashiers and con­ cierges. Applications are now being ac­ cepted at the Alliance o f Minority Chambers Office at 610 S. W. A Ider, 12* Floor. The best person for the job will haveexcellentcommunica- tion skillsand the ability to do quick math. The job provides a uniform, has flexible hours and one of the best management teams in Port­ land. Apply in person between 8 a.m. and 4 p.m. mote