|la£cA2_______________________________________ ï h r Kerry Leads Washington A new poll indicates that Sen. John Kerry, the Democratic presi­ dential nominee, leads President Bush by 8 percentage points in the battle for Washington state’s 1, electoral votes. The CNN, USA Today, Gallup poll shows Kerry leading Bush, 52 percent to 44 percent among likely voters, with independent candidate Ralph Nader capturing just 1 per­ cent. The results among registered voters are similar, with Kerry lead­ ing Bush 51 percent to 43 percent. Nader is supported by 2 percent of registered voters. The telephone poll o f 808 regis­ tered W ashington state voters was conducted this month just after the Republican National Con­ vention. It has a margin of error of 4 percentage points. The new poll results are sim i­ lar to other polls conducted in the state in recent w eeks, and indicate that gains m ade by Bush in other states have not trans­ lated to the D em ocratic-leaning W ashington state. |J o r tlatti» (ßhseruer___________________ September is. 2004 Solutions to Violence Sought Unemployment Spikes (AP)—Oregon’s unemployment rate has jumped up more than half a point to 7.4 percent in August, the biggest single monthly increase in joblessness since 1983. The monthly increase marked the first time the statewide jobless rate has moved above 7 percent since March, when the rate was 7.2 per­ cent. The Oregon Employment De­ partment said the upward figure was cause for concern but it will take at least another two months to determine if it signals a trend. Seasonally adjusted payroll employment fell by 9(X) jobs in August after the state gained 2,000jobs overall in July. T rade, tran sp o rtatio n , and utilities added only 500jo b s for the m onth, w hen ag ain o f 1,500 would be the norm al seasonal change for A ugust. G ov ern ­ ment also declined, losing 1,700 jobs, or about 500 more than the normal reduction for the month. Participate in Democracy: Z o te R egistering to vote is easy. Form s are av ailab le online at jvww.oregonvotes.org or at the Oregon Dept. o f Motor Vehicles, Post Offices, libraries and other state agencies. Rev. J. IV. Friday leads the “senseless violence leads to silence " march Saturday along Northeast Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard. The event honored Asia bell James, a 24-year-old mother who was randomly gunned down in 2002 while sitting on the front porch o ther north Portland home. Special remembrance was also paid to Isaiah Strickland, a 1 7-year-old murdered on the streets o f northeast Portland in 2003 and all victims o f violence. continued from Front affected neighbors and friends throughout Portland. The person who took her life is still at large. Her husband, Tyrone James was also shot in the head and is now legally blind. Special remembrance was also paid to Isaiah Strickland and all victims o f violence. Strickland, 17, was living lifeasa normal teenager when he was mur­ dered on Nov. 2,2003 on Northeast Seventh and Fremont with about 20 witnesses present. He loved to hang out with his friends, telling jokes and laughing. Kerry assails Bush for failing America (AP)— Democratic- Sen. John Kerry on M o n d ay ac cu sed P re sid en t B ush o f ducking his responsi­ bility to protect the country from crime and terrorism by al­ lowing a national as­ sault weapons ban to expire. John Kerry Kerry outlined his own $5 billion plan to Fight crime and picked up the endorsement of the National Associa­ tion o f Police Organi­ zations, a coalition of more than 2,000police unions and associa­ tions. “Today G eorge Bush m ade the jo b o f terrorists easier and m ade the jo b o f A m erica’s law en fo rce­ m ent officers harder and th a t’s ju st plain w rong,” the D em ocratic nom inee told a W ashington au ­ dience. Kerry said, “G eorge Bush made a choice today. He chose his pow- erlul friends in the gun lobby over the police officers and the fam i­ lies he prom ised to p ro tect.” R ii] At home with Family. Turning work into play. Connecting on a different level just by changing scenery. Hanging out til dark. Outdoor bliss. Home! Over three generations of homeowners have trusted American Family Insurance for the sound advice and committed service that helps them live life to the fullest. Give us a call or visit www.amfam.com today. Discover the peace of mind of knowing Family's always at home protecting what matters most to you. American Family Insurance. Check your local telephone directory for the agent nearest you. A Healthy Community Starts with You: Community-Driven Strategies to Reduce Cardiovascular Disease Among African Americans Join Us for the 9th Annual Wellness Village Saturday, October 16, 2004 from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. at The Blazers Boys & Girls Club 5250 N.E. Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd. Activities Include: & AMERICAN FAMILY IN S U R A N C E A-»wnar r#ni*y Mutual kn u 'n ca Company and I» SubM»«>-«9 www «mían» com AO 00041« ’«KM All your protection under one roof JJorthmh (©bseruer Establ- hed 1970 USPS 959-680 ____________________ _________ 4747 NE Martin Luther King, Jr. Blvd.. Port!. ic, OR 97211 Gospel Choir IP Door Prizes Wellness Walk IP Health Screenings IP Exhibits IP Children's Hut IP Salsa Dancing P ostmaster : Send address changes to Portland Observer. P0 Box 31 3 7 , Portland, OR97208 Periodical Postage paid In Portland, OR EDiToK-iH-Ceitr, P i k i . ishkk . Charles H. Washington M ic h a e l L e ig h to n R c t o r t c r : Jaymee R. Cuti D istribution M anagur : M a rk W ash in gton C kkativs D irrctor : P a u l N e u fe ld t O rnct M a n a m r : K a th y L in d e r E ditor Subscription» era $60.00 per year 503-288-0033 FAX 5O3-288-OOI5 nt’Y,s @portlandobserver. com sidtscriDtion@oonlatutobierver.com Mh@Durtlandnbserver.com ilusufieds @Durtlandobserver.com I he Portland Observer welcomes freelance submissions Manuscripts and photographs should he clearly labeled and w ill he relumed i f accompanied by a self addressed envelope A ll created design display ads become the sole property o f the newspaper and cannot he used in other publications or personal usage without ihe written consent o f the general manager, unless the client has purchased ihe composition o f such ad © l«W6 THE P O R TLAN D OBSERVER A L I. RIGH TS RESERVED. 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