page C4 FOCUS in IlK s p o rtia n i» (JD hseruer Game Food Bank Features Artists A diverse array of local art­ ists, from graffiti artists to sculptors and photographers, will showcase their work dur­ ing a fundraising event for the Oregon Food Bank at its head­ quarters at 7900 N.E. 33rd Drive. September 15, 2004 The free event will take j place at the Oregon Food Bank Learning Garden on Thurs­ day, Sept. 30 from 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. The event also features fresh gazpacho and herbal tea, pre­ pared by local chefs. Milwaukee Brewers superstar Stan Ross (Bernie Mac) confronts fans who just caught his 3,000th hit and ticket into the Baseball Hall of Fame. 10. T his uproarious baseball com edy stars Mac w ith A n­ gela B assett, Brian W hite, Paul Sorvino, C hris N orth B ernie M ac’s “ Mr. 3000“ and M ich ael R isp o li and hits th ea ters F rid ay , Sept. is directed by C harles Stone Comedy hits theaters Friday Immerse yo u rse lf in the arts! ■ ART ■ MUSIC CO M PO SITIO N ■ ART THERAPY CO UNSELING ■ MUSIC PERFORMANCE ■ MUSIC THERAPY (graduate level) ■ CULTURAL & HISTORICAL STUDIES ■ INTERIOR DESIGN ■ INTERDISCIPLINARY STUDIES ■ LITERATURE ■ MEDIA A N D FILM STUDIES ■ PAINTING ■ PHOTOGRAPHY ■ SACRED MUSIC ■ SCULPTURE ■ W RITING Back tc Broadway To wo'rk with an advisor, e m ail studentinlo@marylhurst edu o r call 5 0 3 .6 9 9 .6 2 6 8 . YEAR-ROUND ADMISSION ■ SCHOLARSHIPS FOR ALL AGES ■ SMALL CLASSES ■ CUSTOM DEGREE PLAN OPTIO N ■ NATIONAL REPUTATION M ARYLHURST Whoopi Goldberg (AP) — Whoopi Goldberg is re­ turning to Broadway in the show that jump-started hercareer 20 years ago. G o ld b erg ’s self-titled show opens Nov. 17 at the Lyceum The­ atre, the same house where her one- woman show premiered in October 1984, it was announced Tuesday. The original show ran for 156 per­ formances. Since then, the actress-com e­ dian has appeared on Broadway in the revivals o f “A Funny Thing H appened on the W ay to the Forum " and “ Ma R ainey's Black Bottom.” She won a supporting actress Oscarin 1991 for“Ghost.” Hermov- ies also include “The Color Purple” and the “Sister Act” films. Preview perform ances begin Nov. 6. Goldberg will try out her show in Philadelphia, playing a week’s engagement at the Merriam Theatre starting Oct. 13. Elect a President:y ote U N IV E R S IT Y JUST 10 MINUTES SOUTH OF PORTLAND N o rth w e s t Com m ission on Colleges a n d U niversities accredited 1 7 6 0 0 PACIFIC HIG H W A Y (HW Y. 4 3 ) MARYLHURST, OREGON S erving students since 1 8 9 3 . III. The picture is the story of an over-the-hill ballplayer who discovers there’s more to the game than his stats, with the devotion of an old flame. w w w .m a ry lh u rs t.e d u 8 0 0 .6 3 4 .9 9 8 2 To vote in the Nov. 2 presidential election you must be 18 years old on Election Day. If not registered, a voter registration card must be postm arked at least 21 days before the election, which is Oct. 12. For more inform ation, call 1-866-ORE-VOTE. »