Page B2 September 8 .2 0 0 4 , L 1" “" " i r Write Around Portland A Pubic Announcement Affordable Dental Plan Now Available In Your Area The Absolute no. 1 Premier provider Access organization In the U.S.A. $19.95 mo. Household Save Up To 80% Why millions of Americans have alreay said, YES! No deductible Yes Cosmetic No Waiting Period Yes Pre-Exisisting Condition No Annual limits Yes orthodontics No Age Limit Yes Specialist Includes Free Vision, RX, and chiropractic Plans “We are seeing a real phenomenon" — New York Times ‘The Plans have mass appeal’ — U.S. News and World Report “They are committed to promotional progress in the feild of health and medicine." — American Medical Review Leaders Wanted The Regional Office Moses King (360)883-0749 Celebrate Diversity Come eat. dance, sing, connect and thrive at The Global Portland Festival: Hope begins when Fear Ends will be held on Sunday, Sept. 12 from noon to 6 p.m. downtown on the Portland State University Park Blocks. For more information, call 503-223-4464. Nothing goes finer with delicious food and drink than great music. Join Rogue Bones and Brew as they offer up some delicious talent on stage Friday, Sept. 10 - Sunday, Sept. 12 at Tom McCall Waterfront Park. The music line up includes Celtic, bluegrass, jazz, pop, folk, soul, and alternative country with some of the hottest artists in the country. To learn more, visit online at Concerto Under The Stars 2 DAY SERVICE * M O S T G A R M E N T S $ 3 .0 0 * L A U N D R Y S H IR T S $ 1 . 2 5 * C O M F O R T E R S $ 1 5 .0 0 D R A P E S & C U R T A IN S MON-SAT 9:00-6:00 1901 NE Broadway Portland, OR 97232 Office (971) 219-5495 Fax (503) 282-3676 Forrest Jenkins, Associate Broker • • • • First Time Buyers Refinancing Second Home Relocating Many buyers programs Buying an Investment Property Selling your Home/Free Valuation 100% Financing Option with Closing Cost Assistance Join the 33rd Annual Vancouver Sausage Fest set for Sept. 10 - Sept. 12 on the grounds of St. Joseph School. 65(X) Highland Drive. The celebra­ tion boasts over 50 arts and craft vendors, souvenir steins and food booths, along with carnival rides and live music performances. Admis­ sion is free for the whole family; bring an empty stomach and a big appetite. Take a trip through time to find the hottest poetry, hip-hop and > ml influencing Portland on Wednesdays at the Ohm. $7 cover. 31 N.W. Fiist Ave. Fellow jurors discuss experience on her show (AP) — Oprah Winfrey said she would not want to serve as a juror in a murder trial again, but she en­ joyed getting to know her fellow jurors - and invited them to her show to talk about the experience. “You’re not allowed to discuss anything to do with the trial until the whole thing is over, and so you get to know people really, really well because you’re trying to talk about everything else,” Winfrey said during a show taped Aug. 24 and broadcast Thursday. Winfrey was one of 12 jurors who convicted a Chicago man of murder Aug. 18. The billionaire's presence drew massive amounts of media attention to what would nor­ mally have been a low-profile ease. Winfrey briefly discussed the experience with other jurors who sat in the audience of her show before she interview ed actors Any citizen who is 18 years old on Election Day is eligible to vote. Even convicted felons can vote if not currently in custody of the Oregon Dept. of Corrections. If you are in any otherpart of thecriminal justice system, such as a county jail, you have not lost your voting privilege. WE PAY YOUR DEDUCTIBLE!! We pay up to 100% of your deductible Ask About Our Lifetime Warranty O n . F IN A N C E YOUR MORTGAGE TEAM: Pau! Will/tons. Arhra Will limn www.america 1 World Animal Festival A multi-cultural celebration on Sept. 25-26 from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. will be an exciting showcase of how various cultures around the world revere and celebrate animals. For more information, visit the zoo’s web site at oreall 503-226-1561. Animal Festival The Oregon Zoo's World Animal Festival isfrom 11 a.m.to4p.m.onOct. 2 and 3. For more information, visit One Murder Trial Enough for Oprah Free Estimates & Insurance Billing •* Office (503) 283-8764 Fax (503) 289-2576 Laughing Through It Trippin’ through Town 8 days/7 nights dream vacation getaway to North America, Europe, Asia and China etc. l M E R IC A The Blue Monk on Belmont plays live jazz. For a schedule, visit www.thebluemonk.eom. Interstate Bar and Grill has mature live music at 4234 N. Interstate. The Black Notes play Thursdays at the Candlelight Room. Mel Brown plays jazz at Jimmy Maks on Tuesdays. Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays at Salty's on the Columbia. A Community Unity Breakfast is held every third Thursday at SEI at 7:30 a.m. Skip Elliott Bow man Jazz Trio plays Saturdays from 10 a.m. to noon at Hannah Bea’s, on northeast Ml.K Jr. Blvd. and Shaver. R&B and live funk bands perform weekends at the Interstate Firehouse Cultural Center. Saucy Sausage oting is Your Right STOP BY AND VISIT US Ongoing and Upcoming Music A Portland Jain Night plans to heal the community's ills through laughter at the Wave Theatre in north Portland. The live music and clean sketch improv comedy is at 9 p.m. Fridays. Tickets are $7 for adults and $4 for kids. For more information, call 503-735-4184 or visit www.jam-night.eom. Celebrating 99 years of fun. Oaks Park in southeast Portland offers rides, picnic grounds, roller-skating and family games in the shade of 1 OO-year- old oak trees on the banks of the Willamette River. Rides and roller­ skating are open daily. For more information, call 503-233-5777. 3 5 0 8 IN. W I L L I A M S I Problem pooch classes are a must take for anyone who may be new to the world of pet parenthood or is interested in considering adopting a new friend. Come to the Oregon Humane Society to find out why your dog does those silly little things. Meetings areevery first and third Saturday of the month at 11 a.m. For more information, call 503-285-7722. Riverside Symphony Under The Stars with the Vancouver Symphony Orchestra will be held on Saturday,Sept. 11 at 6p.m. at Esther Short Park in downtown Vancouver. A variety of classical music and a 9 -11 tribute o f patriotic songs are scheduled. V isit o n line at Amusement At Oaks Park QUALITY CLOTHING CARE Gotta Love That Pooch GLIDE Smokin' Music on the Waterfront *1 1 year old, debt free company* $11.95 mo. individual Write Around Portland's free creative writing work­ shops begin Monday, Sept. 13 at various locations around the city. For more information and locations, visit oreall.503-796-9224. 503-445-4702 "Always Service with a Smile" Mon.-Sat. 8am-6pm 6 4 4 4 NE M artin Luther King Blvd. Gwyneth Paltrow and Jude Law. One said Winfrey asked the other jurors to sing whenever she went to the bathroom attached to the jury room to drown out the noise. Winfrey, looking embar­ rassed, verified the story and said one of the songs the jurors chose to sing was "Kumbaya.” The talk show host asked the jurors how they felt after the trial. Several said the decision to con­ vict 27-year old Dion Coleman was a difficult one. They deliberated for more than two hours before con­ victing Coleman of first-degree murder in the February 2002 shoot­ ing death of 23-year-old Walter Oprah Winfrey Holley. “I didn’t feel like ‘Oh gee, I put somebody away.’ ... In the end it just felt sad,” said Winfrey. Winfrey invited the jurors to stay after the show for a lunch prepared by her personal chef. Innovative Modern Dance Her self-directed dance troupe called Agnieszka Laska Dancers is rising among local favorites. They will be performing at the Interstate Firehouse Cultural Center, 5340 N. Interstate Ave., on Sept. 17 at 7:30 p.m. and Sept. 18 at 3 p.m. The company will present highlights from 2003’s moving Dreams of a Dancer with music of local compos­ ers and experts from the groups upcoming October show. Songs of Eva. Laska currently works as a cho­ reographer and dance teacher. Her works have been presented in North After spending nearly 3 years in America and Europe. The repertory Portland. Polish-bom Agnieszka dancers are excited to display their Laska is now bringing her vision of work for the public. modem dance to the forefront of Goto oreall the Portland art scene. 503-823-4322 for more information. THE TEAM THAT GETS THE JOE DONE! CANNON'S RIB EXPRESS (FORMERLYCHUCK HINTON’S) Catering & Take-Out O ur S pecialty : R eal H ickory S moked B ar -B-Q Sandwiches • Salads Chicken • Pork Ribs • Beef Ribs HOURS: Monday-Thurs. 11 am - 9 pm Fri. & Sat. 11 am - 10pm Sunday 11 am - 8 pm CATERING ALLEVENTS Low Carb . S p e c ia l: (lc a rb ) Chopped Pork w/side sm. greens $5 00 * * * N ew L ocation * * * 5410 N.E. 33 rd 503-288-3836 D A L L Portland Community College Presents.... Connect College to Careers" S I G N -C P FA LL T E R M A N » L E A R N A B O U T A . G E T T IN G IN T O CO LLEG E . « 11 • • B S F F U U L L K E E I I N N G « S S U U C C C C E E S S S d*V*A W. C . E X P L O R IN G C A R E E R S l>. J O B S E. P O S S I B L E » (J A L C R E D IT O r ie n t a t io n T u e s d a y S e p te m b e r 14, 2 0 0 4 6 :0 0 p m 4 o n m u s t A t t e n d O r ie n t a t io n in o r d e r to e n r o ll in class. C o s t fo r th is C lass