P o rt lattò © bseruer Page A6 September 8. 2004 H ealth Interested in Adoption? Meet Katelynne, Fred and Bailey, ages 6, 5, and 3 Katelynne, Fred and Bailey are endearing siblings waiting for an adoptive family to give them the chance to grow up together. Katelynne is a very bright, out­ going girl. She loves looking at books, playing with dolls, coloring, swimming and horses. She also enjoys playing with her foster sis­ ters and wants more siblings, plus a mom and a dad. Fred is a generally happy child with an "awesome" smile. He en­ joys basketball, baseball, football, running and hula-hooping. Fred likes to please and loves to help out around the house. Bailey is a typically busy and Bailey (left), Katelynne and Fred are looking for a stable and loving home. curious three-year-old. He loves to be outside and enjoys playing w ith cars, trucks, puzzles, games, and Legos. Bailey likes animals and enjoys gathering eggs on the farm. Counseling has helped these children through some difficult tran­ sitions and they are now ready to bond with their new family. T hese children are am ong approxim ately 300 Oregon chil­ dren available for adoption. For more inform ation contact the Special Needs A doption C oali­ tion or DHS at 503 542-2392 or I 800331-0503. THE SPINACOLUMN Dr. Billy R. Flowers An ongoing senes of questions and answers about Amenca's natural healing profession Part 14. Scoliosis Exam: The most important test your kids will take all year. My kids already get back- plete recovery. trained to detect and correct spi­ to-school check-ups. Why : How can I tell if my daughter nal disorders. It's a sim ple, pain­ snouk d I brother with yet another might have scoliosis? less, inexpensive procedure that one? can save your children years of : Scoliosis, a lateral curva­ J discom fort and disfigurem ent : The most common visible later in life. For a scoliosis ture of the spine, is one test pro probably not included in your sym ptom is very prom inent checkup, or for answ ers to any children's back-to-school physi­ shoulder blade higher than the questions you might have about cal checkups. And yet, it is dis­ other. H ow ever, the best check your ow n health, call us at the turbingly common among teen­ for scoliosis is an annual pre­ num ber below. age girls. If left untreated, scolio­ school checkup with a C hiroprac­ sis often leads to painful arthritis tor. The one professional best of the spine. But if the disorder is detected by age eight, before the 2124 N.E. Hancock Street, Portland, Oregon 97212 adolescent growth spurt, there is Phone: (5 0 3 ) 2 8 7 -5 5 0 4 better than 50% chance for com ­ Q, QA A Flowers' Chiropractic Office Questions and Answers About Stroke Know the warning signs one or both eyes; sudden trouble o f this disease, the third leading w alking, dizziness, loss o f balance killer and the leading cause of adult or coordination; sudden, severe disability in this country. Stroke headache with no known cause. can affect anyone, young or old, by D r . T ed L owenkopf , P rovi ­ Can early treatment reverse the even if otherwise healthy, so it is dence S troke C enter effects of a stroke? Very early treat­ important to recognize the warning What is a stroke? A stroke is a ment is the key. Once the blood signs ofastroke andcal!9-1-1 should "brain attack," an injury to the brain supply to the brain is interrupted, they occur. Some people are at that occurs when blood flow to the the brain tissue begins to die rap­ higher risk for stroke, although brain is interrupted, usually be­ idly. The sooner treatment begins, “modifiable” risk factors can be con­ cause a bltxid vessel is ruptured or the greater the chance of reducing trolled with the help o f a physician. blocked. or completely reversing the injury- Risk factors within control include What is a transient ischemic at­ time isbrain. Your chances of walk­ smoking, high cholesterol and dia­ tack or "m ini-stroke?" It's a sudden ing away from a stroke greatly in­ betes. Unmodifiable risk factors are but temporary interruption of the crease if you and those around you an age greater than 55, a family blood supply to the brain, resulting know how to recognize stroke and history of stroke or heart disease, a in.symptoms that typi­ p rev io u s h isto ry of cally last for several stroke and race. Afri­ minutes, but not more can A m erican s and than 24 hours. Treat a Hispanic people are at TIA the sam e as a higher risk stroke - call 9-1-1 to Is it true that Oregon get to the h o sp ital has a high mortality rate quickly. from stroke? The death What do I do if I see rate in Oregon from so m e o n e h a v in g a stroke is the 3rd high­ stroke? Call 9-1-1 im­ est in the nation. The - D r . Ted Lowenkopf mediately to get them reasons are unclear, to the hospital quickly. and for the past two Care must begin immediately. im m ediatelycall9-l-l. years I have helped to co-direct a What are the effects o f stroke? Can I fully recover from a stroke? study that has looked at how we Depending on the location of the Yes. Recovery after the brain injury care for stroke patients in Oregon stroke, it can cause devastating from a stroke generally occurs for and why Oregonians seem to be at dam age, including paralysis or up to one year. Rehabilitation in­ higher risk. The Centers for Dis­ muscle weakness, vision loss, dif­ volves different therapies that ad­ ease Control and Prevention (CDC) ficulty in speaking or swallowing, dress a patient’s specific areas of awarded us a two-year grant to memory loss and even death. disability. Aggressive rehabilita­ study this question. The hope is What are the warning signs of tion increases the chance for re­ that based on the data w e've col­ stroke? If you or someone you know covery and returning to a produc­ lected, combined with data from experiences any o f the following tive and independent life. Most other states with stroke registries, symptoms, it may be a stroke: Sud­ stroke survivors are left with some that the CDC will create a national den numbness or weakness of the disability, but many recover com ­ stroke registry. face, arm or leg, especially on one pletely or have only mild impair­ Dr. Lowenkopf is the medical side o f the body; sudden confu­ ments. director o f the Providence Stroke sion. trouble speaking or under­ Who should be concerned about Center, based at Providence St. standing; sudden trouble seeing in stroke? Everyone should be aware Vincent Medical Center. Recovery after the brain injury' from a stroke generally occurs for up to one year. You must register to vote every time your address Make Your Vote Count changes or your name changes. To check if your registration is current, drop by Multnomah County Elections at 1040 S.E. Morrison St. or call 503-988-3720. A Healthy Community Starts with You: Community-Driven Strategies to Reduce Cardiovascular Disease Among African Americans Join Us for the 9th Annual Wellness Village Saturday, October 16, 2004 from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. at The Blazers Boys & Girls Club S2S0 N.E. Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd. Activities Include: V Gospel Choir V Wellness Walk V Exhibits V Cooking Demo V Salsa Dancing V Door Prizes V Health Screenings V Children’s Hut a t _L7_r. Cathedral P ark Under the St. Johns Bridge Learn more about the environmental ' cleanup of the Lower Willamette River SPO N SO R ED BY Join your neighbors and their families! • Free prize drawings! • Fun activities for kids! • Learn about river cleanup activities • Learn how to safely prepare Willamette i River fish Portland Harbor Community Advisory Group For more information contact MHC at 503-413-1850 or kareng©aahc-portland.org Willamette Riverkeeper • Harbor tours* U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Oregon Department of Environmental Quality H ourly harbor-area boat tours w ill Oregon Department of Human Services SHINE Program be available on a first-come-first Lower Willamette Group served basis. Space is lim ited. Call 503-229-5457 to reserve your spot. Must be 18 or older in ■ ^ o r f l a t t i t (Dbg e ru e r Call 503-288-0033 ads@ portlandob server com Advertise with diversity FO R M O R E IN F O R M A T IO N w w w portlandharborcag org o r http://yosemite.epa.govZR10ZCLEANUP.NSF/sites/ptldharbor for boat tours. All other events w ill be open to all ages.