September 8. 2 0 0 4 Îlîc JJortlanb CObseruer Page AS Black Advocacy Group to Show Penitence Over Slave Trade A N N A PO L IS, Md. (A P) — White marchers will wear chains on their hands and yokes on their necks w hile being escorted by black people, and everyone will wear T- shirts with a message o f apology as a group o f African and European Christians visits the United States this fall with a message o f reconcili­ ation. The Lifeline Expedition will visit 10 U.S. cities, starting in Annapo­ lis. The group’s organizers say it is an effort to bring "reconciliation” and "healing" in Africa, Europe and North America through symbols of penitence. “I believe that it helps, or poten­ tially it helps, white people to think in adifferent way," said David Pott, who started the London-based or­ ganization to "reverse the damage" o f the slave trade. It has held similar dem onstrations in European cities linked to the 1 Nth and 19th-century industry. "W e’re not divisive in saying. ‘H ere's black, here’s white,’” he said. "W e’re saying, ‘We are broth­ ers and sisters in our common hu- for the walk from the w ater's edge through the historic city to a statue of Thurgood Marshall, the first black U.S. Supreme Court justice. But M ayor Ellen O. M oyer said she opposed the waiver because it was too early to know how large the Sept. 29event will be and how much it will cost the city. Moyer, who is white, also disagrees with Lifeline Expedition’s tactics, although she said she supports any group’s right to demonstrate. “I think it’s a private m atter,” M oyer said. "T he way that we all choose to reconcile issues that deal w ith m an ’s inhum anity to man is p riv ate.” Som e people c h o o s e "g o o d w o rk s, u n h e r­ alded" to express concern for in­ ju stice s o f the past, she noted, and the city has had local groups that offered a dialogue on race relations. The Kunta Kinte-Alex Haley Foundation is the local sponsor for the walk, working to raise $75,(MX) with organizers in Europe to pay for travel and event costs for between 14 and 20 demonstrators. Foundation President Leonard Leonard Blackshear o f the Maryland Kunte Kinte- Alex Haley Foundation is shown in his office in Annapolis. Md., Tuesday. Aug. 3. 2004. Blackshear is organizing a group of people to march in downtown Annapolis. Md. in a “reconciliation march" that will have white people marching in yolks as a penitence for slave trade. The march will take place in nine other cities as well. (AP Photo/ Matt Houston) in a n ity .’ ” series “Roots.” Annapolis' City Dock memorial­ Some people are uneasy about izes Kunta Kinte, one of 98 Gambians remembering a link to slavery, and brought by Lord Ligonier into the the march plans have attracted at­ narrow harbor in 1767 and sold into tention from a neo-Nazi group. slavery. Kinte was also featured in The City Council voted 7-2 to Alex H aley’s book and television waive the estimated cost o f $2,000 for police services and roadblocks Ask feelings with her in a way she d o esn ’t rebel and run into his arm s? --Diane; Rock Hill. SC Ö BOY SCOUTS OF Dear Diane: Cub S c o u tin g ia i ’u n und Adz en sure us Tu ¿ m i « Real P eo p le, R eal Advice A ttend a C ub S cout sig n - up night in your area . Peace Lutheran Church All Saints Parish Hall St. Johns Church Alameda School F or details contact An advice column known fo r Ils fearless approach to reality based subjects! Sat, Sept 19 Tues, Sept 21 Mon, Sept 27 Mon, Sept 27 7 :0 0 7 00 7 00 7:00 pm pm pm pm C ascade P acific C ouncil - BSA 503-226-3423 j o in c u b s c o u ts .c o m T alk with your daughter honestly and avoid hidden agendas. Share exactly w h at’s on y o u r m ind and your fears and how the golden rule should be “ Books Before B oys” . Do your part as a parent to provide truth about teen p reg ­ nancy, A ID S and sexual diseases. M ost im portantly, share with her G o d ’s w ord about m arital sex. S h e’s going to m ake up her own m ind anyw ay, but if you provide a strong foundation, sh e ’ll make the right decision. Blackshear, who is black, said he shares a mission with Lifeline Expe­ dition. "Racism is a cancer eating away at the American soul," he said. "This activity is simply one type o f che­ motherapy that we are looking to apply to the cancer because we believe the patient can and wants to be healed." Blackshear is looking for local volunteers to take part in the event and said local ch u rc h es have signed on to help. M oyer said the city had received inquiries from potential counter­ protesters and she's apprehensive about keeping the event positive. Pott acknow ledges that staging such a dem onstration in a U.S. city may bring a harsh reaction and said he is p ra y in g th a t th in g s go smoothly. The neo-Nazi National Alliance, based in Hillsboro, W .Va,, wants Annapolis residents to protest the march. The group left 1,500 fliers last weekend at homes all over city, urging people to "Say No to White Guilt” and object to the city’s waiver o f expenses. H ip H op's Im pact Hip-hop culture will get due notice when W ieden & Kennedy, the Portland advertising giant, hosts "Phat=Flava," a night of world-class hip hop music, fash­ ion and cutting-edge discussion about the impact o f urban culture on economics, marketing and ad­ vertising. The talk is at 5 p.m. Thursday, Sept. 23 at 224 N.W. 13 Ave. The presentation w ill be led by world-class marketing executives Jameel Spencer, president of New York-based Blue Flame M arket­ ing & Advertising (the strategic- division o f Sean "Puffy” C om bs’ Bad Boy W orldwide Entertain­ ment Group) and Jackie Thomas, director of brand marketing for Brand Jordan at Nike. The presentation will open with a timeline of hip hop music, live guest DJs, a runway show o f top new fashions in the Sean John and Brand Jordan clothing lines, and an in-depth discussion and audience questions, answered by Spencer and Thomas. To reserve tickets, or for more information, cal 1503-224-2623 or visitw ww . tually wants to get married. 1 mar­ got custody o f the kids and you ried before without love and it didn't told her to get a jo b and pay the work. However, I think matrimony court ordered child support. The is better than being alone. What is split w asn ’t her fault because she love and how should it feel? -Is it was busy loving her man and rais­ Love?; Portland, OR ing her children. --Anonymous; Toledo. OH Dear Love: If there's no excitement when to­ gether or sense o f loss when sepa­ rated it’s not love— especially after 7 months. You should know this after you had a failed marriage that you went into with an empty heart. God is love and you must have Him in you in order to give, receive and experience love. Asacouple, openly discuss your feelings and future direction. M atrimony isn’t a joke and you should rem em ber that you can do bad by yourself and you'll survive if you have to fly solo. Dear Deanna! Dear Deanna! My 14-year old dau g h ter wants to date an 18-yearold. T he boy is a high school student and I’ve heard h e ’s sexually active. I feel I can trust my d au ghter but I'm afraid sh e ’ll be persuaded to go all the way. How do I share my I’ve been with a guy for 7 months and we express love for each other. I don’t know if I love him as much Dear Deanna! as I did in the beginning. He doesn’t I d isagree with your response to show much affection anymore and the housew ife w ho was so into things don’t feel the same. He her m arriage that she d id n ’t see a doesn't see any problems and ac­ divorce com ing. T he husband Dear Anonymous: W hen a w om an is ordered to pay child support people cry wolf. H ow ever when a man is ordered to pay, society w ants his blood. If she was as focused on her m a rria g e as sh e c la im s, she w o u ld ’ve seen at least a teeny sign o f discom fort or unhappi­ n ess le ad in g up to the sp lit. Y o u ’re right, it w asn ’t her fault, but it takes tw o for a tangle. Ask Deanna is written by Deanna M. Write Ask Deanna! 264 S. LaCienega Blvd. Suite 1283 Beverly Hills, CA 9021J or sgnd Email to- askdeanna / @ yahoo. com or Website: 100% Tender. Guaranteed! h u d Delicious lie d Recipes and Cooking lip s at w w w .ran ch Visit Safeway's Web site at Golden Ripe Bananas Boneless Pork Top Loin Chops Peel and eat when yellow. An excellent source of potassium. Card Price: 25( lb. Valu Pack. All natural. SAVE up to $3.42 lb. 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