iri!<' |Jn rtlau i) CObscrui'v Septem ber 8. 2004 Participate in Democracy: R egistering to vote is easy. Form s are av ailab le o n lin e at or at the Oregon Dept. o f Motor Vehicles. Post Offices, libraries and other state agencies. FLEXIBLE & CONVENIENT N O W IT'S YOUR TURN! FALL QUARTER STARTS SEPT. 23RD. CLASSES - EVENINGS, W EEKENDS, DAYS & ONLINE SCHOLARSHIPS FOR ALL AGES DEGREE PLAN CUSTOMIZED TO YOUR GOALS UNDERGRADUATE CREDIT FOR YOUR PRIOR LEARNING SEMINAR-STYLE CLASSES W ITH PERSONALIZED ATTENTION Page A3 OCOIIRAGEOUS African-American history by Kareem Abdul-Jabbar Many years after his professional basketball career ended, Kareem A b d u l-Ja b b a r, fo rm e rly Lew Alcindor Jr. is solidly rooted in other careers. As a motivational speaker, youth m entor and coach, and widely published author. Kareem Abdul-Jabbar has accom plished much more in recent years than he ever did on the basketball court. While he was one of the most fa­ mous players of all times, w ith his signature “Sky-Hook” shot, Abdul- Jabbar knew he could not play ball all his life. Abdul-Jabbar has writ­ ten about young men who think they don’t have to finish school because they can become rich as a sports hero. He is the first to point out that after the game it is easy to fade into poverty and obscurity. Abdul-Jabbar speaks of his own fears of leaving the game, in the following excerpt from "Black Pro­ files in C o u rag e: A Legacy of Afri­ can-American Achievement." When I played my last profes­ sional basketball game on June 12, 1989,1 began m y passage fro m one kind o f life to another. A t forty- two, it was a scary transport. Even though / had a farew ell year to prepare m yself emotionally, I still fe lt strange when it ended. It was like saying good-bye to someone days kept black players from get­ ting to far ahead on the jo b and in the sports arena as well. In his book, which has a forw ard by Henry' Louis Gates Jr., and is co-authored by Alan Steinberg, Abdul-Jabbar ex­ plores the lives of several fa­ mous African Americans in » .» .« -C