Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, September 08, 2004, Page 11, Image 11

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    September 8, 2004
í,!f JJortlaxtb ©bscrucr
C lassifieds / B ids
12080 North Corporate Parkway
Mequon, Wisconsin 53092,
Salem Location
Journeyman Fleet Mechanic
Case No. 04-CV-410
Code No. 30404
Foreclosure of Mortgage
unknown spouse of John DeNault, Dollar Amount Greater Than $5,000.00
3109 SE 6th Avenue
Portland, Oregon 97202; and
unknown tenants,
801 Madison Street
Sauk City, Wisconsin 53583,
unknown spouse, 3109 SE 6th Avenue, Portland, Oregon 97202:
40 hours per week, Tuesday thru
S a tu rd a y; Jo u rn e ym a n scale.
$21.37 / hr. Must have own tools.
R e q u ire s C D L w ith e x c e lle n t
driving record. Requires two years
e x p e rie n c e w o rk in g on fle e t
tru c k s . M u st have h a n d s on
experien ce with prim arily gas,
som e propane & som e diesel.
Applicants may be obtained from
the: Salem Career Center, 605
Cottage Street NE. Salem , OR
Franz Family Bakeries is An AAP/
EEO Employer
You are hereby notified that the plaintiff named above has
filed a lawsuit or other legal action against you. The complaint,
which is also served upon you, states the nature and basis of the
legal action.
Within 45 days after September 8 ,2 0 04 , you must respond with
a written answer, as that term is used in Chapter 802 of the
Wisconsin Statutes, to the complaint. The court may reject or
disregard an answer that does not follow the requirements of the
statutes. The answer must be sent or delivered to the court, whose
address is;
Clerk of Circuit Court
Sauk County Courthouse
515 Oak Street
Baraboo, Wl 53913
and to 0 Dess and Associates, S.C., Plaintiff’s attorneys, whose
address is:
O’Dess and Associates, S.C.
1414 Underwood Avenue, Suite 403
Wauwatosa, Wisconsin 53213
You may have an attorney help or represent you.
If you do not provide a proper answer within 45 days, the court
may grant judgm ent against you for the award of money or other
legal action requested in the complaint, and you may lose your
right to object to anything that is or may be incorrect in the
complaint. A judgm ent may be enforced as provided by law. A
judgm ent awarding money may become a lien against any real
estate you own now or in the future, and may also be enforced by
garnishment or seizure of property.
Attorneys for Plaintiff
Bar Code No. 1017869
1414 Underwood Avenue, Suite 403
Wauwatosa, Wl 53213
(414) 727-1591
0 Dess and Associates, S.C., Is attempting to collect a debt and any
information obtained will be used for that purpose.
If you have p re vio u sly received a C h a p te r 7 D isch a rge in
Bankruptcy, this correspondence should not be construed as an
attempt to collect a debt.
Consultant for Economic Update & Redevelopment Study
The Community Services Division of Metro, a metropolitan service
district organized under the laws of the State of Oregon and the
Metro Charter, is requesting proposals (RFP) for a consultant to
assist in developing a basis for improvements to the regional
economic model. Proposals will be due no later than 4:00 p.m. on
September 17, 2004, in Metro’s business offices at 600 NE Grand
Ave., Portland, OR 97236-2736.
Metro has received a grant to complete several research projects
some of which will require consulting services. These projects will
gather data on refill rates, redevelopment, planning activities and
will provide feedback on im proving the linkage between the
economic model and metroScope, M etro’s integrated land use
and transportation model. This request for proposal focuses only
on exploring opportunity areas for additional redevelopment.
Potential Proposers may obtain proposal documents by contacting
Lydia Neill at Metro Planning Department 503-797-1803 or via
our website at http://www.m etro-region.org. Proposals may not
be submitted by fax or e-mail.
All information submitted by Proposers shall become public record
and will be subject to disclosure under the Oregon Public Records
Act, except those portions of the proposals for which Proposers
request exception from disclosure consistent with Oregon law.
Each proposal must be submitted in a form as described in this
proposal document.
All proposals must conform to the RFP form at and be complete
including the use of any required forms. Metro may accept or
reject any or all bids, in whole or in part, or waive irregularities not
affecting substantial rights if such action is deemed in the public
M etro and its contractors will not discrim inate against any
person(s) based on race, color, national origin, sex, sexual
orientation, age, religion, physical handicap, political affiliation or
marital status.
Metro extends equal opportunity to all persons and specifically
encourages minority and women-owned businesses to access
Girl Scouts,
W hore Girl« Grow Strong»
Membership Manager
Recruit and support Troop Leaders
that provide direct program to girls.
Requires volunteer management;
organizational, presentation, and
oral & writing skills; experience
working with diverse populations;
and a team player. Qualifications:
BA/BS or equivalent in education
and/or experience in volunteer
m anagem ent and recruitm ent.
B ilin g u a l (E n g lis h / S p a n is h )
candidates a plus. Need reliable
tra n sp orta tion , ability to w ork
flexible hours. FT, $30K +benefits.
Closes 9/15/04. Send resume
and cover to: HR, Girl Scouts-
Columbia River Council,
PO Box 2427, Lake Oswego OR
Fax (5 0 3 ) 5 9 8 -6 5 5 6 . E m ail:
G w v th e J @ J u lie tte .o rg . Equa l
Opportunity Employer. Committed
to Diversity.
Page B5
For contracting opportunities with the City o f Portland and
for valuable information on how to do business with the
City, please log on to the Bureau o f Purchases Web Page:
G eneral :
W riter.
C o lle g e
C ity o f P o r tla n d
Advancem ent Dept., 100% FT,
B u re a u o f P u rc h a s e s
$3,092/mo., Req. Assoc, degree
in related field and 3 yrs. Exp
which includes research & grant
1120 SW Fifth Ave. Room 750. Portland OR 97204
writing or a Bachelor’s degree in
related field & 1 yr. Related exp.
W hich in clu d e s re search and
grant writing, (see announcement
for more info.) Subm it CCC app.,
cover letter, resume & transcripts. Salem Area Mass Transit District
is now accepting applications for
Closes 09/24/04.
fu ll-tim e T ra n sit O p e ra to rs to
Office Assistant II, C o lle g e operate passenger buses over
Advancement Dept., 50% 12 mo. prescribed routes in accordance
Assign., $872/mo. Req. HS/GED. with designated schedules. No
1 yr. Secretarial exp. Word proc./ previous bus driving experience
computerized record keeping exp. required. We train. Starting wage
Service Coordinator
T yp e / k e y
wpm .
(s e e $14.72 per hour. Applications can
announcem ent for m ore info.) be obtained by coming in, calling Lo ca te d in NE P o rtla n d th is
Subm it CCC app., cover letter, 5 0 3 -5 8 8 -2 4 2 4 , o r o n lin e at p o s itio n p ro v id e s re c o v e ry
resume. Closes 09/24/04.
ww.cherriots.org. Application form oriented case management and
supportive counseling to adults
Registration Assistant. Enrollment and five year court certified DMV
w ith s e v e re m e n ta l illn e s s .
Services Dept., 100% FT $1,744/
Requires LCSW and experience
mo. Req. HS or equivalent combo, by 4:30 p.m. September 24,2004
with adults with mental illness,
of ed. And exp. 2 yrs. exp in public
prior experience in the African
re la tio n s / c u s to m e r s e rv ic e D is tric t, H um an R e s o u rc e s
A m e ric a n c o m m u n ity and
environm ent with som e clerical
u n d e rs ta n d in g o f co m m u n ity
and/or cashiering responsibilities. 5230, Salem, OR 97301-3736.
resources preferred.
T yp e /ke y 45 w pm . P re fer B i­
lingual E n g lish /S p a n ish . (see
Chemical Dependency Counselors
,T O \.
announcem ent for m ore info.)
Subm it CCC app., cover letter,
LifeWorks is currently recruiting
resume & 2 Itrs of ref. Closes 09/
for on-call Chemical Dependency
C o u n s e lo rs to w o rk in both
L ife W orks
Please contact us at:
Chemeketa Comm unity College
Human Resources Department
PO Box 14007
Salem, OR 97309
E p id e m io lo g y/C o m m u n ic a b le
$3,871 - 4 ,7 0 3 / month
Open Until Filled
Chem eketa Com m unity College
is an equal opportunity institution, Call (503) 846-8606/TTY (503)
values diversity in its workforce, 846-4898 for information or see
and is committed to affirmative o u r
w e b s ite :
action: we encourage minorities, www.co.washington.or.us. County
w o m e n and p e rs o n s w ith application and supplem ental
disabilities to apply.
a p p lic a tio n fo rm s re q u ire d .
Women, minorities, and people
Albany Rifle & Pistol Club
with disabilities are encouraged
2004 Fall Gun Show
to apply.
September 25th & 26,h
Linn County Fairgrounds
Washington County Human
Saturday 9am-5pm
Resources Division
Sunday 9am-4pm
First Avenue, Suite 320
Admission $5
Hillsboro, OR 97124
M u ltn o m a h and W a sh in gto n
County. These positions provide
c o v e ra g e fo r a s s e s s m e n ts ,
in d ivid u a l and grou p th e ra py
d u rin g
v a c a tio n s / illn e s s .
Positions may work in residential
or outpatient setting. Must have
CADC and previous experience
with assessments.
Interested applicants may submit
resumes with cover letters via e-
mail at: hr@llfeworksnw.org
fax: 503-690-9605 or mail to:
L ife W o rk s NW, 1 4 6 0 0 NW
Cornell Rd, Portland, OR 97229
Attn: Human Resources. Please
include in your cover letter the
p o s itio n fo r w h ich you are
applying. To learn more about
LifeWorks NW (formerly Tualatin
Valley Centers) please visit our
web site at www.lifeworksnw.org.
Equal Opportunity Employer
A dministration
In accordance with Housing Authority of Portland (HAP) Contract
Review Board Rule III. B. 4., HAP will hold a public hearing at
10 a.m. Pacific Time
Tuesday, September 14, 2004
In the Burgundy Room, Fourth Floor
Housing Authority of Portland
135 SW Ash St.
Portland. OR 97204
For the purpose of taking public comments on HAP's draft findings
for an exemption from competitive bidding requirem ents for a
contract for construction services for the W illow Tree Apartments,
a new eighteen (18) unit multi-family apartment complex, located
at 311 NE Division St., Gresham, Oregon.
Draft findings are available at the offices of the Housing
Authority of Portland
135 SW Ash St., Fourth Floor
8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday
Call (503) 802-8509 for further information
Dated: August 30, 2004
Elaine Holt, Purchasing Manager
Housing Authority of Portland
Impact Oregon’s Economic Future
P ro g ra m M a n a ge m e n t E m p lo y m e n t O p p o rtu n itie s
T h e joint venture of H D R and Fluor Enterprises has been
retained for design oversight and construction m anagem ent
of 365 transportation structures valued at $1.3 billion. T h e
team, known a s the O re g o n Bridge D elive ry Partners,
seeks professionals to w ork in the Salem area.
T h e bridge program is funded by the O re g o n Transportation
A ct, which will provide $2.96 billion for transportation
projects. Th is represents the largest state increase in
transportation funding since the 1950s. E co n om ic stimulus,
diversity, environm entally sensitive design, and mobility
im provem ents throughout O re g o n are key objectives.
SUN Ext Day Coord I @ Madison: PT w/ben $11.49-13.13hr AA or
equiv, min 2 yrs exp; assist SUN site mgr w/extended day and family
night prgs foryouth/fam ilies. Track students, tutor-mentor, data mtn,
academic support, organize, develop train; bicultural and/or bilingual
preferred. Send resume and online application to Portland Impact,
7211 SE 62"" Ave, Portland, OR 97206. Online application available
on www.portlandimpact.ore. EOE
Proposals are requested from qualified professionals for the
provision of architectural and engineering services for a proposed
new elementary school at New Columbia. The Housing Authority
of Portland (“HAP’’) will accept proposals until 3:00 PM, Friday,
September 24, 2004 at the HAP New Columbia Project office at
135 SW Ash Street. 5m Floor, Portland, Oregon 97204. Proposals
should be clearly marked with the respondent's name and address
and the RFQ number.
In 2001, HAP received a $35 million HOPE VI Grant from the US
Department of Housing & Urban Development (”HUD"). This money
will be leveraged with other federal, state, local & private dollars
to re d e ve lo p C o lu m b ia V illa , an 8 2 -a c re p u b lic h o u s in g
developm ent in North Portland’s Portsmouth neighborhood.
Through the HOPE VI Revitalization Grant program, the Columbia
Villa site is being redeveloped as New Columbia - a livable, mixed
income community. When completed in 2006. New Columbia
will feature new infrastructure, a comprehensive park system,
620 rental units, 230 for sale units and 20,000 square feet of
community and commercial space. Recently, HAP and the Portland
Public School District (PPS) have discussed the possibility of a
new replacement elementary school at New Columbia. The scope
of services for this RFQ includes design and project management
services for the proposed new school. These services will be
engaged in tw o d istin ct phases - the first fo r prelim inary
programming and schematic design and the second for final design
and construction administration services.
D isciplines needed:
Bridge Engineers
Construction Engineers & Inspectors
Right-of-Way Acquisition
Environmental Engineers & Scientists
Field Scientists
• Project Managers
’ Utility Coordination
• Traffic Engineers
• Hydraulics
• Geotechnical
Visit www.jobs4oregon.com for more information. Must
successfully pass drug-screening procedures prior to being hired;
thereafter subject to random and cause drug and alcohol testing.
We are a drug and alcohol free environment.
An Affirmative Action Participant EOE M-F-D/V
A jo in t v e n tu re b e tw e e n .
Oregon bridge delivery partners
Hard copies of the Request for Qualifications will be available
beginning Tuesday, Septem ber 7, 2004 between 8:30 AM and
4:30 PM at HAP’s New Columbia offices at 135 SW Ash Street,
Suite 500, Portland, Oregon 97204.
Attendance is encouraged at a pre-proposal conference that will
be held on Monday, September 13, 10:00 AM at the University
Park Community Center - Room 103, 9009 North Foss Avenue.
Portland, Oregon 97203.
HAP has established an aspirational goal of 20% participation by
disadvantaged, minority-owned, wom an-owned and em erging
small businesses on this project and requests proposals from
interested D/M/W/ESB firms and Section 3 businesses.
RFQ Contact: Elaine Holt, 503-802-8509.
Date of Publication: Septem ber 7. 2004