Page B4 September 8, 2004 œi’1 |Jn rtlan h © bserurr Education Options held by the federal Department of and keeping teachers aw are of out- Education and analyzed by the of-school issues kids may be en­ social and academic, as well as in American Federation of Teachers countering. "W e’ve emphasized to parents school, after school, and during in a recent report. Supporters are coughing up ex­ that we ca n 't do this without them. w eekends and vacations The school features block scheduling, cuses from “the at-risk kids that fill In order to make their child's expe­ including double math and double charter schools are harder to teach” rience powerful, we need them to be reading classes, a daily advisory to "don't overlook the successes." involved," Butler said. Electives swiftly slipping from period with an adult ad\ isor. and Most of all, their message is, "give public schools, including physical extended programs until 7 p.m. on us time." The success of alternative edu­ education and music, are em pha­ Tuesdays and Thursdays, which includes dinner and organized cation models will become a local sized at the academy. The campus issue when A cadem y students boasts a dance studio with ballet, homework sessions. Hopson isn’t shy about recog­ leave SEI and transfer back into hip hop and African dance classes, nizing his organization's achieve­ Portland Public Schools for high a choir and band, and a possibility of adding "H ola Hola," a foreign school. ments. language education program. “We don't want to get too far “W e’ve had success with bring­ “O ur curriculum is really rich as ing people together unlike any other from the PPS plan because that group out there. We do a better job would be a setup for students,” far as multiculturalism.” said But­ continued from Front Colombia to Build Drug Crime Museum Country says ‘never again' to drug lord control (AP) — A sprawling hacienda once ow ned by Pablo Escobar, em blem atic of the drug lord’s ex ­ cesses, may soon house a mu­ seum highlighting the evils of drug trafficking, a top Colombian offi­ cial said. Escobar, a leader o f the now defunct M edellin cocaine cartel, waskilledin 1993 in a hail of police bullets after waging a war o f terror in Colombia. L ast m onth, a court in the state o f A ntioquia, w here the H acienda N apoles ranch is lo ­ cated, gave the C olom bian g o v ­ ernm ent official title to the prop­ erty after a 15-year battle with E sco b a r’s fam ily. Col. Luis Alfonso Plazas, head of the National Drug Directorate, or DNE, said he wants to build a museum on the 4.500-acre spread to remind Colombians "to never again create somebody as evil as Pablo Escobar.” T he crim e m useum w ould show "all the barbarities that o ccu rred in C o lo m b ia in the Project manager Carry McClelland, and Principle Natasha Butler (right), discuss the first day of school. PHOTOS BY M i l H O I R l B KSSTHS/THr P o R T H S l) O B s m \m f d s, zebras and ostriches. About 1980s due to n arco traffick in g ,” he said. In h iseffo rt to fight extradition to the U nited States, E scobar and other M edellin cartel leaders o r­ dered the assassinations o f gov­ ernm ent leaders, police and jo u r­ nalists. C ar bom bs exploded ai­ 10 hippos still slosh around in artificial lakes on the property. Escobar mounted alight plane at the entrance to Hacienda Napoles - an aircraft which he had used on one of his first smuggling missions. Now fallen into disrepair, the m ost daily in C olom bian cities as the cartel sought to intim idate the governm ent from allow ing the extraditions o f drug traffickers to the U nited States, w here more severe p enalties w ere likely. In its heyday, the ranch co n ­ tained exotic anim als from around the w orld, including elephants, antelope, buffalo, gazelles, cam - ranch also contained a mansion, a swimming pool and guest cottages. The plane was removed long ago. Eight poor families now squat on the land, located in the Magdalena River valley in northwest Colom­ bia. They would have to leave, Pla­ zas said. Colombia is the world’s top pro­ ducer of cocaine. Powell Lectures Colombia on Rights Abuses of involving kids in activities than said ButlerofSE I's partnership with anybody else. We do a better job of Portland Public Schools. Disciplinary issues have also getting parents involved. If you need to get kids to participate be­ arisen over the charter system 's yond the school day or in school, flexible learning environment. Ac­ we can help with that. When you cording to Butler, SEI Academy want to identify businesses and students will have room to chi 11 in a communities that can help support fu 11 y -eq u i pped gym, a TV room with you with resources and opportuni­ beanbag chairs and cduches, and a ties, we can help with that,” said game room with pool, ping pong and foosball tables and arcade Hopson. Charter schools have been un­ games. “Discipline problems come about der fire nationally for low-perfor­ mance on standardized tests. Stu­ by a lack of communication, with dents in traditional public schools teachers not being aware of w hat's largely outperformed students in going on at home,” said Butler. She explained SEI’s holistic ap­ charter schools on the 200.3 Na­ tional Assessment of Educational proach to each student’s success Progress, according to test data by addressing family problems first Historical Fleming Building N O w l Jimmy's Merchant Business Incubator .../A 3508 N. William Avenue, Portland, OR 97227 (503) 284-6884 (A P)— Secretary of State Colin Powell is hailing a drop in murder and kidnapping rates in Colombia J and gains in the counter-narcot- ler. i ics war but says the country may Besides a library full o f cultur- not be m eeting congressional ally-specific literature and photos standards for improving protec­ of civil rights leaders hanging in tion of human rights. If Powell is hallways and inclusive curriculum, unable to certify that Colombia a respect and celebration of differ­ has met the requirements, it would ent cultures is written into the SEI trigger a cutback in U.S. assis­ standards o f conduct. tance to Colombia. SEI Academy is currently com ­ Previous U.S. certifications of posed o f 45 African-American stu­ rights progress in Colombia have dents, two Latinos and 2 or 3 white been greeted with a barrage of kids. criticism from hum an rig h ts "The real world consists o f all groups. cultures. To not have (diversity at Powell discussed the situation SEI) would serve as a disadvan­ with Colombian President Alvaro tage," said Butler regarding the Uribe after joining him and other hallway dynam ic at a school with foreign dignitaries for the inaugu­ mainly minority students. ration W ednesday of Panamanian The academy has not yet de­ President Martin Torrijos. cided on a mascot aud mantra; Butler He outlined his talks with Uribe says she wants the kids to have a and discussed other issues with hand in those decisions. The school reporters while flying back to logo, stamped on every uniform, W ashington W ednesday night. depicts a raised hand. Butler says Torrijos is the son of Omar kids will soon associate that sym ­ Torrijos, whose government ne­ bol as a call to attention and a voice gotiated the 1978 Panam a Canal that each academy member pos­ treaties with the Carter adm inis­ sesses. REJUVENATE YOUR BODY: Business Suites & Galleria Spaces Available Ask for: Joice A. Taylor, Global Management Strategies Exciting Contempary/lnternational Business Environment ~ Galleria - 2 Space Remaining - Business Suites - 4 Semi-furnished Spaces Available Lowest Sq. Ft. Cost in N/NE Area Available Shared Utilities & Corridor Location Products4Health have several products to take away the aches and pains of the body and revitalize body cells. The main feature is the Nuga Thermal Massage bed. It will: Massage, Chiropractic effect, Clean Blood, Acupuncture effect, Open Chi channels, Detoxify, and Build the Immune System . P roducts4 H ealth:, (503) 77-8333, 5829 SE Powell Blvd, Portland, 97206. SÄÄ5* M ic h a e l E. 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