September I, 2004 îb ‘ tJurtlanh CObaerucr Focus Page B3 IVIake a D i f f e r e n c e : /• or information on registration go online at www.oregonvutes.oru or cal! I-866-ORE-VOTE 'The Çreatest Show on Tarth FREEMONT CHILD CARE 617 N.E. Freemont M F 7:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Children 18 months to 8 years (3'° grade) Full and Part Time Care • Drop-In Rates Special arrangements for Holiday, Weekend and Night care (all ages) Cal 503-249-5594 NOW for a p p o in tm en ts a n d applications Owner: Hattie M. Porter Manager: Makeba Grisby P erform ing p a c h y d e rm s in th e 1 3 4 'h Edition o f th e Ringling Bros, a n d B arnum & Bailey Circus. FREE HOMEBUYER ___WORKSHOP Before You Look At Another House, There are 10 Things You Should Know About Buying In Portland I f you don t it could cost you Thousand o f dollars'' y Free Recorded Message Stober M . Davis (896)592-1133 Ex 09 Direct: (503) 262-2626 Ex 155 Fax: (503) 262-2650 Free Consultations Allied Mortgage R in g m a ste r Kevin V enardos a n d circus d iva D a n ette Shep p a rd . W hether it’s a lone clown per­ forming magic, a madman risking life and lim bon the flying trapeze or atop a high wire, Ringling Bros, and Barnum & Bailey Circus is the place where the whole seat will be yours, but you’ll only need the edge. The 134th edition o f the circus comes to town from Sept. 22 through Circus S o n g s tr e s s D a n ette S h e p p a rd is th e first fe m a le vo c a list in Ringling Bros, history. 26 at the Rose Garden arena. hum an and anim al perform ers Ringmaster Kevin Vemardos will from every corner o f the globe, a take to the floor with his powerful live band and an original score, tenor voice, as circus diva Danette full-blow n production num bers, Sheppard, the first featured female co stu m e s, p ro p s and lig h tin g vocalist in Ringling Bros, history - d esig n . dazzles with her deliciously soulful Tickets range from $ 11 to $70. sound. For tickets,call503-224-44(X)or visit The production includes 100 “Your Mortgage Consultant for Life" f=3 EQUAL HOUSING O P P O R T U N IT Y Your Care Our First Priority Dr. Marceline Failla Chiropractic Physician (503)228-6140 ibb Has the Blues Blues and folk singer Eric Bibb will be performing on Tuesday, Sept. 21 at Mississippi Studios in north Portland. The perform ance follows his Aug. 24 release o f “Friends” a CD that includes guest performances by artists who inspired him. in­ clu d in g T aj M a h al, C h a rlie M usselwhite, Odetta, Mamadou Diabate, Martin Simpson, Kristina Olsen, Guy Davis and Harry Manx. Born in New York, Bibb is the son o f a 1960s folk music theater singer, Leon Bibb. His uncle was world-renowned jazz pianist, John Lewis, of the M odem Jazz Q uar­ tet and his godfather was singer. 10011SE Division St. #207, Portland, OR 97266 EMAIL: a c to r an d a c tiv is t P aul Robenson. Bibb has toured through­ out the world, enjoying suc­ cess in the U nited S tates, Canada, England, France. G er­ m any, S w eden, Japan and Australia. He and his band have played at many major festivals worldwide. His talent for both perform ing and songwriting has been recognized with a Grammy nomination and most recently for the 2003 W.C. Handy nominations for artist o f the year, acoustic blues and B lu e s a n d folk sin g e r Eric Bibb will acoustic blues album o f the perform th is m o n th a t M ississip p i year. S tu d io s in north Portland. fit r 1 We are located at 1716 N.E. 42nd Ave. Portland, OR 97213