Committed to Cultural Diversity The Greatest Show is Here M etro Ringmaster Kevin Venardos and circus diva Danette Sheppard usher in Ringling Bros. And Barnum & Baily Circus. il!C JJnrtlanb © hseruer See Focus, page B3, inside section Rummage Sale and BBQ W alkerTetnple will host a rum ­ mage sale and barbeque lun­ cheon on Sept. 11 at 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. at 5023 N. Michigan Ave. The com m unity is encouraged to attend. For more information, call 503-287-7232. Reclaiming G Restored privileges follow time served Your Vote AIDS Walk 2004 Helpsave lives by participating in AIDSWa!kO4 on Sunday, Sept. 26, presented by Nike. This 5k event starts at 8:30a.m. at Pioneer Courthouse Square and ends at the same location. Activities run through noon. For more informa­ tion, call 503-223-9255. Gallery of Visual Arts View art from talented local art­ ists of all ages throughout the month of August at the Inter­ state Firehouse Cultural Center; 5340 N. Interstate Ave., from 9 a.m .-6 p .m Alberta Farm Market M arketing healthy, affordable, high quality food, the Alberta Cooperative Grocery offers sea­ sonal produce from local grow ­ ers, ready-to-eat food and weekly entertainment. Open from 10a.m. to 2 p.m. daily, located on 15(X) N.E. Alberta St. For more infor­ mation,call 503-287-4333. Experience Cultural on Alberta Com e to A lberta Street and dis­ cover a thriving urban com m u­ nity at the annual community fairon Sept. 18 for an outpouring o f street spirit, with a parade, music, food and a dazzling dis­ play o f arts and crafts. Learn more at Get Fit, Stay Healthy! Sankofaa Health Institute offers a free diabetes support group from 6 to 7:30 p.m. every third Thursday at Alberta Simmons Plaza. 6707 N.E. Martin Luther KingJr. Blvd. For more informa­ tion, call 503-285-2484. VOICE program organizer Cassandra Villanueva (left) and David Dean, a volunteer, celebrates his right to vote by registering for the approaching general presidential election and urging others to do the same. by J ohanna S. K ing Oregonians leaving the criminal T he P ortland O bserv f . r justice system need to know that Most people upon release from they can vote, said C assandra a state institution are pounded with Villanueva, staff coordinatorof the information regarding the things Western Prison Project, a seven they cannot do. The VOICE Project state organization dedicated to (Voter Organizing for Increased criminal justice reform. Civic Engagement) is sending ex­ She said voting is one avenue offenders a proactive message on for these individuals to make a dif­ their renewed civic duty, the com ­ ference and reconnect to their local mitment to register and vote. communities. In Oregon, voting rights fo rex - felons are automatically restored upon release from confinement or com pletion o f parole. although not every state is as generous concern­ ing its civic freedoms to citizens. Other states in the West Coast re­ gion that also allow ex-felon's the right to vote include W ashington, Utah. Idaho and Montana. Making it a vital point to inform formally incarcerated individuals of their right to register and vote is the backbone of The VOICE Project. "W e are sponsoring major out­ reach efforts to educate as many ex ­ offenders as possible about their right to vote and register those who wish to vote,” said Villanueva. "Unfortunately, many people out there are not aware o f this right. T h at's where we com e in at, to Home Improvement The largest show if its kind on the West Coast featuring the latest trends, the newest prod­ ucts and expert advice for re­ modeling. new construction and home improvement ¡scorning to the City o f Roses Sept. 23 - 26 at the Oregon Convention Center. Visit for ticket information. Ginny McCarthy helps oversee the re-development o f the old Shriner's Hospital grounds on Northeast 82nd and Sandy . A free information meeting for prospective adoptive parents is held the third W ednesday of every month from 7 to 8 :3 0 p.m. at Belmont Public Library, 1038 S.E. 39,h Ave. For more informa­ tion, call 503-226-4870 or visit . Creative Space For Dance to Fill Housing Need Work For Change The Com munity Energy Project holds free workshops on water conservation and w eatheriza­ tion. For more information, call 503-2844962. Aquatic Fitness Providence has a full schedule of fitness classes including w a­ ter exercising at the Providence Aquat ic C enter. 48( )5 N.E. Gl isan. Fora schedule, call 503-215-6301. on page B4 Victims o f Violence Honored T h ey w ere b oth v ictim s u n ­ e x p e c t e d l y c a u g h t in th e c ro ssfire o f v io len ce. G u n sh o t w o u n d s in n o c e n tly to o k th e liv es o f n o rth ea st P o rtlan d re s i­ d en ts A sia “ B ell" Ja m es an d Isaiah S trick lan d . N eith er o f th ese tw o in d i­ v id u a ls had any reaso n to be k illed nor an y in v o lv e m e n t in the p ain fu l ac ts o f v io len ce that w e re m is ta k e n ly ta rg e te d at th em . Corner Aurora dance studio, 5433 N.E. 30th ( & Ki I lings worth ). offers an array of classes for children, teens and adults at all levels of ability. Call 503-249-0201 or visit online at w w w / auroradance for additional in­ formation. Home Improvement continued Community to march on Saturday, Sept. 11 Choose To Adopt Com munity Advocates invites those interested in protecting children from abuse to become an event volunteer, event out­ re a c h . te c h n o lo g y e x p e rt, graphic artists or office support team member. For more informa­ tion, call 503-280-1388. inform the uninformed.” As the Nov. 2 General Election draws nearer, theorganization’sef- forts to educate the public is grow ­ ing more intense. Resources such as brochures and posters are being sent to parole and probation of­ fices, social service agencies and many groups are also conducting Construction begins on grounds of Old Shriner’s Hospital by J aym ee R. C trl A historic location along Sandy Boulevard finds new use as construction begins for a muitigenerational. affordable housing com ­ munity. The landscape on the com er of Sandy Boulevard and Northeast 82"'1 Avenue has changed. The Shriner's Hospital adjacent to the Grotto has been replaced by a construc­ tion site, the future location of Columbia Knoll, a major housing com munity for moderate- income residents and seniors. "T his is such a positive thing for that area, said Ginny Me C arthy. a spokeswoman for the project. “ For one thing, it's going to be providing more housing options and a new environm ent with beautiful grounds." G round broke in July for a senior facility know n as H eights at C olum bia Knoll. The interactive, affordable senior housing com - * / see situations where residents in the senior building will teach crocheting, story telling, and reading to the kids. - Ginny Me Carthy m unity is designed for 208 one and tw o bedroom apartm ents. A multi-family residence known as The Terrace at Columbia Knoll adds 118 one. two and three bedroom apartments. An on-site day care center for resident families and em ploy­ ees' children sets this project apart from other development. A lsouniquetoC olum bia Knoll isthe oppor­ tunity for in ter-g en eratio n al in teractio n . McCarthy explained. "I see situations where residents in the se n io r b u ild in g w ill te ac h c ro c h e tin g , storytelling, and reading tothe kids. I think that as a real plus." she said. McCarthy says she plans for the dem o­ graphic of the housing community to reflect the surrounding population. continued on page 114 In h o n o r and rem e m b ran c e o f Jam es, S tric k la n d an d all v ic ­ tim s o f v io len ce. A llen T em p le C h u rch M in istries is h o stin g a se rie s o f c o m m u n ity a c tiv itie s on S atu rd ay . Sept. 11 to h elp put an end to gun v io len ce. T h e day w ill b egin at 10 a.m . w ith a m arch titled ; S en se less V io len ce L ead s to S ilen c e s ta rt­ ing from the north side o f Irv ­ ing P ark . 7 0 7 N .E . F re m o n t S t., a n d e n d in g at A lb e r ta P a rk o n N o rth e a s t 2 0 th an d K illin g sw o rth . A park e v e n t fo r kids d irec tly fo llo w s from 11:30 a.m . to 6 p.m . w ith free hot d o g s, g am es, and m usic p ro v id ed . V o lu n te ers an d d o n a tio n s are b ein g g rac io u sly accep ted . T o help , call P asto r L ero y H ayes o f A llen T em p le C h u rch at 5 0 3 - 2 8 7 -0 2 6 1 . I