Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, September 01, 2004, Page 3, Image 3

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    J J n r t la n b (© b s e r u e r
S e p te m b e r I. 2 0 0 4
then click hers open when it’s rain
ing. Everything else in the rela
tionship is good but she gets bent
out of shape over this simple stuff.
Am I wrong? --Cliff; Columbia
Real People, Real Advice
\u advice column known fo r
its fearless approach to reality
based subjects!
Dear Deanna!
When my husband and I were to­
gether he took excellent care of our
kids. Now that w e're divorced he
has amnesia and forgot he has ob-
ligations of child support and health
care. Don’t get me wrong, I still care
for him but now I have to go through
so much stress to get him to help
me. I have legal documents outlin­
ing his responsibilities. How long
do I wait before taking him through
th e co u rt sy stem ? --Allison
Kramer; Omaha, Neb.
Dear Allison:
Daycare bills, tight clothes and
hungry stomachs don't have time
to wait for daddy to grow up. At thi s
rate, your kids will be senior citi­
zens collecting a pension before
your ex-husband steps up to the
plate. The court order that he vio­
lated gives you front row seating
with a judge. If he has no sympathy
or concern for his children's wel­
fare, then you need to handle your
business and take him to court at
lightning speed.
Dear Cliff:
You're not wrong. Miss Thing is
tripping. Instead of having a nice
person like your self, she could
have a maniac that beats her.
cheater that keeps her crying or a
liar that causes despair. The next
time it rains, take your time walking
to her side of the car, fumble your
keys and let her get good and wet
By the time you get home, she'll
think twice and maybe get over it
It not, perhaps she has personal
issues that go beyond car doors
Dear Deanna!
I am dating a lady that’s perfect in
every way except her teeth. We
were together for 4 years before I
learned of her false teeth. Once I
realized this, I find it hard to kiss
her, and even harder to be intimate.
I just can’t get past this and it’s
affecting me, the relationship and
my manhood. --AnonymousMale;
Washington, DC.
Dear Anonymous:
Are you seriously going to mess
up your relationship over a pair of
teeth in ajar? O f all the fake body
parts out there, false teeth are the
most popular, well constructed and
widely accepted falsie. If you knew
o f the false hair, false eyes, false
breasts, false nails and w hatever
else some women wear at the
same time— you would faint. Her
teeth w eren’t a problem before
because you were fooled and
shouldn't be one now. Accept it,
and get over it.
Dear Deanna!
Ask Deanna is written by
I've been having an old argument Deanna M. Write Ask Deanna!
with my girlfriend. She has an issue 264 S. LaCienega Blvd. Suite
about car doors being opened for 1283 Beverly Hills, CA 90211
her. I don't mind at all. However, or
Em ail
she doesn’t understand my deci­ askdeanna I @yahoo.com or
sion to unlock my door first and Website: www.askdeanna. com
Page A 3
Jackson Visits Darfur to Resolve Crisis
Civil Rights
leader on
(A P ) — A m e ric a n civ il
rights a ctiv ist the Rev. Jesse
Jackson visited the conflict-
torn region o f D arfur on F ri­
day, urging the Sudanese gov­
ernm ent and A frican rebels
to e n d the crisis that has killed
th o u sa n d s o f v illa g e rs and
driven m ore than a m illion
from th eir hom es.
A rriving in the provincial
capital o f N orth D arfur in an
aircraft lent by L ibyan leader
M oam m ar G adhafi. Jackson
said he w anted to “observe
first hand w hat we have heard
through testim ony and w hat
we have read .”
“ It is o b v io u s there is a
g reat h u m a n ita ria n c r is is ,”
Jackson told T he A ssociated
Press a fte r landing at an air­
port in the N orth D arfur ca p i­
tal o f A l-F asher, w here he
w as m et by a d elegation o f
tribal leaders and officials.
“W e call for co llectiv e ac­
tion soon to stop the violence Bashir Abdel Aziz, 7, carries drinking water, drawn from pumps
and open up the roads for provided by international aid agencies at Abu Shouk camp, in North
r e lie f and th a t re q u ire s a Darfur, Sudan. (AP photo)
PoV E ftT V 4-4 it s 4-4 o m e
About 16 percent of the Oregon
population has no health insurance,
according to new Census Bureau
The number of medically-unin-
sured grew by 2.2 percentage points
over the past three years, the fast-
Elect a President:
To vote in the Nov. 2 presidential election you must be 18 years old on Election Day. If not registered, a
voter registration card must be postmarked at least 2 1 days before the election, which is Oct. 1 2 For more
information, call 1-866-ORE-VOTE.
est of any state except Montana,
according to new figures from the
Census Bureau.
The swelling numbers reflected
both sharp cuts in the Oregon
Health Plan, the state’s version of
Medicaid, and the large number of
Oregonians who have lost private
insurance when they became un­
employed or were forced to take
jobs without benefits.
Oregon had the highest unem­
ployment rate in the nation for much
of the three-year period covered by
the Census Bureau report.
worldw ide e ffo rt,” said Jack
son, w ho w ore a black base
ball cap b e a rin g the logo
“ U nite.”
"Tim ing is o f the essence as
people are dying every day.”
J a c k s o n , a fo rm e r U .S
presidential can d id ate, called
on President Bush and D em o­
cratic candidate John Kerry
to c o n cen trate th eir effo rts
on h e lp in g the p e o p le o f
D arfur.
T he U n ited N a tio n s d e ­
scribes the situation in D arfur
as the w o rld 's w orst h u m an i­
tarian crisis and says m ore
than 30,000 people have been
killed and 1.4 m illion d is­
placed in an 18-m onth c o n ­
flict. T he violence began a f­
te r tw o A frican rebel fa c ­
tions rose against the g o v ­
ernm ent, claim ing d isc rim i­
nation in the d istrib u tio n o f
scarce resources in the arid
w estern region.
Since then, A rab m ilitias
c alled the Ja n ja w e e d have
gone on a ram page, d e stro y ­
ing villages, killing and p il­
laging across D arfur, a re­
gion the size o f France.
The U.S. Congress and U.N.
officials accuse Khartoum o f
backing the militia in a scorched
earth cam paign to suppress the
revolt - an allegation it strongly
Health insurance drops as a result
The figures also show Oregon’s
poverty level growing by 0.4 per­
centage points over the three years,
but the increase was not consid­
ered sta tistic a lly sig n ific a n t.
Oregon's two-year average pov­
erty rate for 2002 and 2003 was 11.7
percent, according to the report, or
about 4(X ),(X X) people.
The national poverty rate in 2003
was 12.5 percent of the population,
orabout 35.8 million Americans liv­
ing below the poverty line. That
was up from 34.5 million, or 12.1
percent in 2002.
The Census B ureau's defini­
tion o f poverty varies by the size
of the household. For instance,
the threshold for a family o f four
was $ 18,810, while for two people
it was $12,015.
Nationally, the report showed
growing poverty, declining income
and increasing numbers of unin­
sured people over the past three
years. Supporters of presidential
hopeful Sen. John Kerry are already
citing the report as evidence of the
failure of President George Bush’s
economic policies.
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