Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, September 01, 2004, Page 2, Image 2

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5 ^Inrtlanb COhscrucr
September I, 2004
You m ust register to vote
L aw & J ustice
M a k e Y o u r V o te C o u n t
every tim e your address
changes or your name changes. T o check if your registration is current, drop by M ultnom ah
County Elections at IO40S.E. M orrison St. or call 503-988-3720.
Officer’s Resignation Doesn’t End Demands
AMA presses
for police
Despite the resignation o f the police of­
ficer who shot and killed an unarmed African-
A m erican m otorist last Spring, leaders with
the A lbina M inisterial A lliance are pressing
the Portland Police Bureau to continue an
adm inistrative review o f the shooting.
Jason Sery, the officer who shot and killed
Jam es Jahar Perez during a M arch 28 traffic
stop in north Portland, resigned last week to
take a jo b at his Beaverton church.
In a letter to C h ief D errick Foxworth, Sery
Police officer Jason
Sery testifies on
the witness stand
during the hearing
that cleared him
and his partner of
any wrongdoing in
the James Jahar
Perez shooting.
said his decision has nothing to do with the
events o f the last year.
The African-A m erican alliance expressed
their approval of S ery 's resignation. The
group had previously called for Sery to be
"W e are pleased that Officer Sery has re­
signed and we believe that this is the right
decision," a statement from the AMA read.
“Although Officer Sery resigned, we still want
the administrative review o f the actions o f both
officers, Sery and Sean Macomber, tocontinue
in a timely manner."
M acom ber was S ery 's partner on the day
o f the deadly encounter in a St. Johns neigh­
A M ultnom ah County G rand Jury cleared
both police officers o f charges, but the shoot­
ing prom pted outrage am ong residents and
led to a public inquest.
Falsely Accused Muslim Hires Attorney
Celebrity lawyer
plans lawsuit
(A P)— A Portland lawyer falsely
accused by the FBI o f involvem ent
in the Madrid terrorist bom bings
has hired one o f the nation's most
successful and colorful attorneys
to represent him in a lawsuit against
the U.S. governm ent.
Brandon Mayfield, who received
a rare apology from the FBI after his
release from tw o w eeks o f deten­
tion, has hired G erry Spence, a ce­
lebrity attorney known as much for
his success in the courtroom as for
his buckskin jackets.
Spence said he intends to file a
la w s u it in f e d e ra l c o u rt on
M ayfield’s behalf.
Spence has won all his crim inal
cases and has not lost a civil law ­
suit since 1969. His successes in­
clude victories for form er Philip­
pines first lady Im elda M arcos,
w hite suprem acist Randy W eaver
and plu to n iu m factory w orker
Karen Silkwood.
M ayfield was taken away from
his Portland law office by FBI
agents on May 6 after his finger-
- w .
I <
Brandon Mayfield (AP photo)
M ayfield, soon after his release.
"This w hole process has been a
harrow ing ordeal. It shouldn't hap­
pen to anybody.”
W hile M ayfield w as being de­
tained, U.S. officials insisted the
fingerprints on the bag matched
those o f the Portland attorney —
even though Spanish officials dis­
Finally, the FBI conceded it had
made a mistake and apologized to
Portland Police, in cooperation
with Crim e Stoppers, are asking
for help in identifying and catch-
ing con artists who are targeting
senior citizens and in som e cases
getting aw ay with a large sum o f
The suspects approach victims
at grocery stores or in parking lots
and tell the victim they are from
Africa or South Africa, and have
com e into possession o f a lot o f
money. O ne person may flash a
wad o f bills saying they got an
inheritance or insurance settle­
ment. H eo rsh e will tell the victim
they c a n 't take the m oney back to
their country and are looking for
a church or charitable organiza-
tion to donate it to. The victim is
asked for help finding a place to
give away the m oney and usually
asked to be driven som ew here. The
scam artist may also tell the victim
they w ant to give the victim the
At 'h is point, the suspect is
joined by an accom plice posing as
an unsuspecting third party, who
suggests to the victim that the vic­
tim should provide money o f their
own, usually $ 10,000, as proof they
are trustw orthy. They go to the
victim 's bank, the victim withdraws
the money and hands it to the sus­
pect to hold for a few m inutes, or
even to walk around the block with,
as a sign of good faith. O f course.
suspended pending
mercial has acknow ledged that he
lied about an extramarital affair with
a secretary.
The Clackam as County district
atto rn e y ’s office placed A lfred
French on a 30-day paid leave last
week while it conducts an investi-
(A P )— A prosecutor who called
John Kerry a liar in a political com ­
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the suspect is never seen again
N either is the money.
The main suspect is a black fe
male in her 20s or 30s. She speaks
with an accent. She has a thin build
straight black hair and a ponytail
The accom plice has been a black
female and a black male. The male is
described as about 5 feet 10 inches
tall and w eighing 200 pounds. His
hair is short and neat. He is clean­
shaven and well dressed.
Kerry Accuser Admits Lie
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Police sketches identify two
suspects in a scam targeting
Crime Stoppers is offering a cash reward o f up to $1,000for information, reported to Crime Stoppers,
that leads to the arrest o f the suspect in this case, or any unsolved felony, and you may remain
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r -5
Money stolen from seniors in scam
Con Artist Warning
- —
Lr\ i w
print was incorrectly m atched to
ones found on a bag o f detonators
near a M adrid train station. The
March I I train bom bings in Spain
killed 191 people and injured about
FBI agents seized M ayfield's
com puters, modem, safe deposit
key, assorted papers, as well as
copies o f the Quran and "Spanish
docum ents" — later determ ined to
be his so n 's Spanish hom ework.
“ It w as h u m ilia tin g ," sa id
The family o f Perez has filed a $ 10 million
lawsuit against Sery and the city o f Portland.
The death resulted in civil rights protests,
a rare public inquest and a call to review the
police bureau’s use o f force policy.
"I want to stress that my resignation has
nothing to do with the events o f this year,"
Sery said in his resignation letter. "R ather, I
am resigning because I feel that I cannot pass
up the opportunity to grow in my faith and
take part in this m inistry."
S ery 's letter said he has been asked to take
a full-tim e m inistry position with the junior
high program at Southw est Bible Church,
and a teaching position at Southw est C hris­
tian School.
In a statem ent released late T uesday,
Foxw orth thanked Sery for his service to the
police bureau and w ished him well.
(A P contributed to this report.)
K athy L in d e r
French has faced scrutiny since
the anti-Kerry Swift Boat Veterans
fo rT ru th ad d isp u ted K erry'sdeco-
rated w ar record. French subse­
quently acknow ledged he relied on
the accounts o f his friends and did
not witness Kerry in combat.
Since then, h e 's faced pickets
outside his office and com plaints
o f unethical conduct to the state
F re n ch 's form er boss, Jam es
O ’L eary, said he asked French
about the rum ored affair about 10
years ago. but French denied it.
O 'L eary said he would have fired
French if h e'd adm itted the rela­
tionship because it violated office
French, 58, adm itted to The O r­
egonian that he had the affair and
denied it to O 'L eary.
“It is an indiscretion that o c­
curred during my em ploym ent," he
The w om an in question still
w orks at the district atto rn ey 's of­
fice but does not report to French,
sa id Jo h n F o o te , th e c u rre n t
C lackam as County district attor­
Foote declined to say what as­
pects o f F ren ch 's conduct the of­
fice would investigate.
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