Page B6 September I. 2004 C lassifieds $250 to $500 a week Will train to work at home Helping the US Governm ent file HUD/FHA mortgage refunds No experience necessary Call Toll Free 1 866 537-2906 I B ids VOLUNTEERS NEEDED On-Call Rape Victim Advocates w ith th e M u lt C o D is tr ic t A ttorn e y's office. For m ore info c a ll 5 0 3 -9 8 8 -3 2 2 2 or v is it w w w .m S ports Dream Team Picks Up Bronze Sub-Bids Requested Justice Center Detention Electronics and Fire Alarm Upgrades Multnomah Co. Or. Americans follow defeat with victory Bid date: Septem ber 9, 2004 at 12:00 PM Submit Bids to: Iverson stared at the Argentine Hag as it was raised during the medal ceremony, nothing even remotely resembling a smile crossing his face. The American team left quickly after getting its (AP) — Bronze is better than nothing. T hat’s medals, while the players from Argentina, who Engineered Control Systems one O lympic lesson the U.S. m en’s basketball defeated Italy 84-69 for the gold, stayed on the Phone: 509-483-6215 Fax: 509-483-5102 2702 N. Perry Spokane, WA. 99207 Contact: Jim Blair or John Pachman team was able to understand. The Americans court for another 20 minutes. They cut down the t(H>k the third-place game seriously Saturday nets, wrapped themselves in Hags, sang songs night, earning some revenge and salvaging some and celebrated with their fans. Bid includes Selective Demolition, Metal Fabrications and Drywall, Custom Cabinet Work and Painting. self-respect in a 104-96 victory over Lithuania. Defeating one of three teams that beat them Although they didn’t get what they wanted earlier in the tournament, the Americans got 22 Bid Documents may be purchased from Precision Images for a non refu ndable co st of $45.00, Phone503-274-2030. Bid documents may also be viewed at the Portland DJC plan center. in Athens, Greece, they d id n 't embarrass them­ points from Shawn Marion, 15 from Iverson and selves in their finale, either. 14 apiece from Lamar Odom and Stephon Marbury. ECS is an equal opportunity employer and request sub-bids from sub contractors and suppliers including minority, women and em erging small business companies. “Y ou want to win the whole thing, but you've The U S A ’s Stephon Marbury (left) and The Am ericans' key to victory was their s h if t­ got to cherish the fact that you were able to win ing, as it was in their quarterfinal win over Spain. something," Allen Iverson said. "You come all After missing all five o f their 3-point attempts in Allen Iverson wear long looks after receiv­ ing their bronze medals at the 2004 Olym­ the way over here to Greece and then go home pics in Athens, Greece. (AP photo) with nothing? T hat's a lot worse." the first half against Lithuania, they made eight in the second half- four o f them in the final quarter. T R l© M E T FINAL FY05 PROGRAM OF PROJECTS Notice is hereby given the Public previously offered to be held by the Tri-county M etropolitan Transportation District of Oregon (TriMet) on Tuesday Septem ber 7, 204 at 9 am in Conference Room A & B at 4012 S.E. 17th Avenue. Portland, OR 97202will not be held because no requests for a Public Hearing were received The Public Hearing would have been held to discuss capital projects for which TriMet plans to seek FY2005 funding from the Federal Administration. Our Final Program of projects in FY2005, will include the following programs: Section 5307 Urbanized Area Formula Program $28,000,000 - $ 30,0000,000 Section 5309 Fixed Guideway Modernization ( Rail Modernization) $ 5,000,000 Section 5307 SurfaceTransportatlon Program (STP) $ 8,000,000 Section 5307 Congestion. Mitigation & Air Quality (CMAQ) $ 1,270,000 Section 3037 Job Access and Reverse Commute $ 3,000,000 Section 5 3 0 9 New Starts (Washington County Commuter Rail) $1 5,00 0,00 0 Section 5309 New Starts ( Interstate MAX) $42,000,000 Total $102,270,000 - $104,270,000 Federal Total Fund Transit Enhancement Projects $ 300,000 $375,000 5307 Preventive Maintenance 29,700,000 37,125,000 5307 Preventive Maintenance - Rail 5,000,000 6,250,000 5309 Regional RTO Program 403,000 494,125 CMAQ Bus Stop Development 630,000 CMAQ 701,106 South Corridor 237,000 CMAQ 264,126 Job Access & Reverse Commute 3,000,000 6,000,000 3037 Washington County Commuter Rail 15,000,000 30,000,000 5309NS Interstate MAX Project 42,000,000 52,724,077 5309NS Total $104,270,000 $142,804,070 Match Jones Shut Out for Gold Metal Botched relay destroys dreams of gold (AP) — A botched relay handoff doomed Marion Jones' chances of winning even a single medal at the Athens Olympics, a disastrous ending to her summer of turmoil and disap­ pointment. Hoping to win a pair of golds, Jones was shut out instead. An hour after she finished fifth in the long jum p. Jones was unable to make the handoff in the 400-meter relay when Lauryn W illiams left too early. W illiams was left grasping at air while Jones reached desperately for her teammate. "It was an extremely disappointing perfor­ mance for me. It exceeded my wildest dreams in a negative sense." Jones said. "I looked for great things this year. It didn't happen for me and it didn’t happen for the team this year." The U.S. relay team , w hich had taken gold for granted and was aiming for a world record, could only w atch as Jam aica won the gold in 41.73 seconds. R ussia won the silver medal in 42.27. France got the bronze at 42.54. Jones, running second, was close to the lead as she approached W illiam s. But Jones reached once, shouted "W ait up! W ait up!" as she reached a second tim e, then finally w as able to give the baton to W illiam s on the th ird attem p t - nearly ru n n in g into her younger team m ate. By then W illiams was already out o f the 20- meter handoff zone, which means automatic disqualification. As the race proceeded without them, Jones put her arm around Williams, the l(X)-meter silver medalist, and the two walked slowly to the end of the track. Jones clutched W illiam s’ hand tightly as the two left the track after the race, and tears trickled down Jones' face when she was asked later about her Olympic experi­ ence. “ It was a rough one," she said, breaking into more tears. "1 just couldn't get the baton to Lauryn. and it didn't happen today." United S tates' Marion Jones (right) and Lauryn Williams fail to connect on the baton handover leading to a disqualifica­ tion in the 4 x 100 meter relay finals at the 2004 Olympic Games. (AP photo) 20.00% 20.00% 20.00% Olympics Close with Fireworks 10.27% 10.27% Fireworks explode above the Olympic Stadium during the closing ceremony o f the 2004 Olympic Games in Athens, Sunday. (AP photo) 10.27% 50.00% 50.00% 20.34% Vikings Open Season Thursday The Portland State Vikings will open their 2( X )4 season on Thursday, Sept. 2 at PG E Park. The Vikings host a 7 p.m. game with Western State o f Colorado. It will be the first of a six-game home schedule that features outstanding oppo­ This table shows the plan for the maximum expected amount. If less funding is available the federal involvement in these projects will be reduced. Transit Enhancem ent Projects: funding for refurbishm ents at various park & rides, transit centers and bus mall. Preventive M aintenance: partial funding of TriMet's bus and rail maintenance costs for FY2OO5. Regional RTO Program: employer program and research. Bus Stop Developm ent: capital improvements to bus stops. Bus Purchase: partial funding for TriMet's bus fleet for FY 2005. South Corridor: partial fundingfor preliminary engineering. Job Access & Reverse Com m ute: funding for seventh year of program. Washington Countv Com m uter Rail: funding to complete final design and begin construction. Interstate MAX Project: funding to close remaining balance of the project. (AP) — The flame went out on the Olympics during a closing ceremony Sunday night that honored the birthplace of the games with an ebullient display of Greek pride and symbolism, a relief-filled celebration o f the ancient and the new. Famed Greek singer George Dalaras ser­ enaded the crowd. Dancers danced, arms folded, legs kicking high, during an enactment o f a traditional Greek wedding. Fireworks exploded over the stadium packed full with 70,000 fans who waved twinkling strobes they were given to light up the show. Hundreds of athletes from many of the 202 countries that participated mingled in the cen­ ter o f the stadium and paraded their flags. They were ringed by a cadre o f security guards, and a white security blimp hovered overhead, just two of the strong reminders of how much the world has changed since the Sydney Games four years ago. Later, the huge white torch that burned brightly over the stadium for 17 days was lowered and symbolic remnants o f the flame were passed to the people of Beijing, where the games will be held in 2008. nents. including T o p -10 McNeese State. East­ ern W ashington, perennial pow erhouse Montana, Idaho State, and old rival UC Davis. Head Coach Tim Walsh begins his 12th season on the Park Blocks and is the winningest football coach in PSU history. His team features 15 relum ing starters in 2004, including the NCAA 1-AA leading active rusher in Ryan Fuqua (3,709 career yards). The Vikings have a veteran defense led by All-Big Sky Conference LB Joey King and DT Chris Berg. C lassifieds < J tv Co a ? tiixj n u e n w A ij Albany Rifle & Pistol Club of our dearest baby, Issac West, 9-1-03 to 9-7-03. Happy 1st birthday. We love and miss you dearly. Love Mommy, Daddy, LaRay, Samah, Sammie, LaPorchia and the rest of your loving family In FY2OO4, TriMet also became eligible for the following programs. Section 5309 Bus-Relate Allocation $ 638,469 Section 5307 Surface Transportation Program (STP) $ 300,000 Section 5307 Surface Transportation (STP) $4,255,319 S ection 5307 C o nge stion , M itigation & Air Q u a lity(C M AQ ) $1,200,000 Total $6,393,788 2004 Fall Gun Show September 25'" & 26,n Linn County Fairgrounds Saturday 9am-5pm Sunday 9am-4pm Admission $5 The Program Project was: Federal Total Fund Rail Preventative Maintenance(STP) $4,555,319 $5,076,695 STP Bus Purchase(CMAQ) 1,200.000 CMAQ 1,337,345 Bus Purchase(Section 5309) 638,469 798,086 5309 Total $6,393,788 $7,212,126 Match 10.27% S at., S e p t. 11 5 p .m . 10.27% 20.00% A copy of the grant applications will be available for public inspection by contacting TriM et's Finance Ad m inistra tor by te le p h o n e 503 962 5 8 5 0 , fa x: 5 0 3 -9 6 2 -6 4 6 3 , e m a il: or mail: 4012 S.E. 17"1 Avenue. Portland. OR 97202. The Program of Projects described above constitutes TriMet's Final FY05 Section 5307, Section 5309, Section 3037, C o n g e s tio n , M itig a tion & A ir Q u a lity(C M A Q ) and S u rfa ce Transportation Program (STP) Program of Projects. Any amendment to this Program will be duly advertised to the public. I ALL ABOARD (or the Battle Ground. Yacolt & Chelatchie Prairie Railroad K e e p in g y o u in T o u c h n ip u o ic c $34.99 Phone w/60 Mins. Included No Contract - No Credit Check (503) 735-1*422 Ride the evening train to Moulton Falls and enjoy Alaskan Salmon and Halibut. Accompanying dinner will be potato salad, baked beans, rolls, dessert and lemonade or ice tea. All prices include train ride and meal. o O $2^95 o O s2095 o O Children 5-12 Seniors ' Kids 4 and under For Reservations or Informal .or. CALL: (3601 686-3559 OR VISIT www bycx cera O O O o o o $ 1 2 95 Adults o o CHELATCHIE. O O o O '