Page B4 (The September I. 2004 ^Jortlanb © bscruer Reclaiming Your Vote continued from Metro voter registration drives through­ out the Portland Metropolitan area. “When I was sent tojail 1 lost my voice. Today. I’m taking a big step in getting it back. I'm registering to vote,"one recently released inmate shared. While registering to vote is im­ portant, it is only the first step. The ultimate goal is to increase this year's turnout at the bal lot box. The VOICE Project thus presents its case: Reclaim your voice, make a commitment to be counted and be heard. Vote! For more information visit online at ww w. westempri son project ,org. X Cassandra Villanueva o f the Western Prison Project sees to it that ex-offenders know they have the right to vote. Mexican Independence Day The colorful, festive, fun and o f M exican Independence Day at sic, soccer clinics, a M ariachi th riv in g R o ck w o o d In te rn a ­ the K aiser Perm anente’sC o m m u ­ Mass and a com m unity dance. tional M arketplace w ill strut its nity Park in G resham . For m ore in fo rm atio n visit s tu ff S atu rd ay and S u n d ay , The celebration will include th e w eb s ite o n lin e at Sept. 18 and 19 with a d istin c­ arts and craft activities, au th en ­ w ww.rtK kw oorm or call tive m ulti-cultural celebration tic M exican food, non-stop mu- 503-661-3981. Pardon Draws Anger in Panama (A P )— Cuba broke dip lo m atic ties with Panama after the out­ g o in g P an am an ia n p re sid e n t p a rd o n e d four Cuban exiles the c o m m u n ist g o v e rn ­ ment accuses o f trying to assassinate Presi­ dent Fidel Castro. Panam anian Presi­ dent M ireya M oscoso issued the pardons six days before she is to leave office, despite H a v a n a ’s th re a t to sever relatio n s over ------------ 1---------------------- ----------------------- ti.... *— An a rtist's rendering shows ‘Columbia K n oll,' a future housing community o f one, two and three- bedroom apartments. from Metro "The rich cultural mix is a huge aspect o f that community, w e're going to make every attempt to reach all kinds o f people that make up the com munity," she said. T he se n io r p o rtio n o f the p roject consists o f a separate building for residents 62 years o f age and older. Residents for both projects must meet moderate-income guidelines, an element that makes this project A molotov cocktail is thrown at police during a street protest against Panamanian President Mireya Moscoso s decision to pardon four Cuban exiles. (AP photo) Portland Police, in cooperation with Crime Stoppers, are asking for your help in finding a missing child. Julian Renteria, 15 months old, has been missing since July 17. He was in northwest Portland visiting his mother, 19-year-old April Letitia Renteria, at a resi­ dence where she lived as part of a court-ordered program. The two special. “There are some housing op­ tions for low-income people but less for moderate income people. This is for us middle income folks an d w o rk in g f a m ilie s ," said McCarthy. Antioch missionary Baptist Church B U SIN E SS Invites you to jo in us for our 35lh pastoral A ppreciation Build Credit with Easy Payment Shenanigans on the Willamette Arrangements Upon Approval Honoring Rev. Felton How ard and Sis. Thelma Howard Call: 1-866-308-0532 Theme: “Striving to Ascend" ...Psalms 24:3-5 Banquet Saturday, September4 ,2(X)4 6:00 pm Mortgages • Consolidation Loans • Bad Credit Low Income • Bankruptcy Cost: $25.(X) tickets Available @ Reflections Bookstore 446 N.E. Killingsworth Appreciation Service Sunday, September 5, 2(X)4 3:30 pm Countrywide Financial 5935 North Minnesota Avenue REJUVENATE YOUR BODY: Products4Health have several products to take away the aches and pains of the body and revitalize body cells. The main feature is the Nuga Thermal Massage bed. It will: Massage, Chiropractic effect, Clean Blood, Acupuncture effect. Open Chi channels, Detoxify, and Build the Immune System . Products4Health:, (503) 77-8333, 5829 SE Powell Blvd, Portland, 97206. 1 l/o u storno condì RON BECK »m # Personal & Group Photo Collages Photo Retouch & Restoration Photo Colorizing Kevin Foster Loan Officer 7830 SW 40"’ Ave. Suite 7 Portland. OR 97219 Office 503-892-9581 Fax 503-892-9680 Cell 360-907-5124 Toll Free 888-226-1064 Email: • • • • Song Writing & Arranging Production Recording Consulting Call: 503-280-5243 We are a graphic design LLC serving com m ercial and residential customers in the Portland Metropolitan area. ■a-Cool Running Cafe EAr'rxN0 ‘■'«E IT Music Tracks Beats Music for Special Events Lessons & more... Rada Music-ASCAPMem ber OFF.: |J o ftIn u Ò (O hscrU rr Call 503-288-0033 Advertise w ith d iversity in B & B T-Shirti id Hire 2O4N Killingsworth (Vancouver St. ) Portland. OR97211 bandbtshirts@ FAX: (503) 286-1103 (503)286-1146 C U S T O M P R IN TED OARM CNTS M O U S E RADS PUZZLES E M B R O ID E R Y SILK SCREEN NUMBERS Q U IC K GIFTS 5 0 3 -2 8 4 -1 8 1 0 p h o n e 5 0 3 -2 8 4 -1 9 1 0 fa x phulo g ltti » h llrlu n »•/(.’ 222 N Killingsworth 97217 ’ (Vancouver) [£Sotn0niuu£ i oil [¿Sei-icjn TERESE Stylist 503 286 3758 BIG CITY PRODUCE INSURANCE COMPANIES HOME OFFICES:BLOOMINGTON. ILLINO IS Business C a r d i Letterhead) Contact M a r k Leggett Office 503*281*35 52 Cell 503*475*6699 Email zyxzl@ • • • • STATE FARM * Company Identity (Logos, • Desktop Publishing tions of her probation. Julian is an av er­ age sized 15-month- old with brown hair an d b ro w n e y e s . April is a H ispanic f e m a le , a p p r o x i­ m ately 5 feet 4 inches tall and w eighs about 140 pounds. She has April Letitia Renteria (left) and Julian Renteria brown eyes and m e­ dium length brow n left and have not been seen by hair, w hich she often w ears in a family members since. pony tail. She has tattoos on her Police thought they may head hands, back and ankle. for M exico, but new inform ation Crime Stoppers is offering a cash suggests the tw o may have been reward o f up to $ 1,000 for inform a­ in the m etro area. They m ay be tion. that leads to the arrest o f the using public transportation to get suspect in this case, or any un­ around. solved felony, and you may remain There is a felony warrant out for anonymous. Call Crime Stoppers at A pril’s arrest, for violating condi­ 503-823-4357. S ttu PwLucUant ERNEST J. HILL, JR. Agent • Brochures, Flyers & Programs Commercial & Ad Design mortgage group ‘Let Us S atisfy Your M usical N eed s” Ph -503-624-5069 Fax -503-624-0322 P g r-503-204-9003 6301 Shakespeare Lake Grove. O R 9 7 0 3 5 C olum bia /Resources, Inc. CCB#11ÔÔ03 REMODELING, CERAMIC TILE INSTALL HOME REPAIRS. DRY ROT, FENCES, DECKS, ECT. such a m ove and what she said w ere th reats against her life. The break in d ip lo ­ m atic relations may not last long. Tuesday, M ar­ tin Torrijos, son of popu­ list m ilitary strongm an O m arT orrijos. becom es president and has said he w ould try to re-es­ ta b lish rela tio n s w ith C uba when he takes o f­ fice. He called M oscoso’s decision to pardon the men “unacceptable.” Local Mother and Baby Missing Historic Corner to Fill Housing Need continued H 6 5 2 7 NE MLK, Jr. Boulevard Suite A Portland, OR 97217 c> H jV fE A T ’-t Special O rders G ladly A ccepted! Big City Produce, chosen as Portland s Best 2004 Sustainable Food System Come See us for all of your Produce Needs. Paul Houge ^ » r i l n f o e a n fir C a j u n C u is i n e ,4110 NE Fremont, 503-282-2118 I m 887-860-0047 722 N. Summer, Portland. Ore. 97217 503 460 3830 8238 N Denver Avenue, Portland, Or. 97217 Open M-F 7:30 am till 7pm, Sat. 9am till 6pm, Sun. 9am till 6pm Phone: (903) 289-9418