Page B2 ilu ^Jnrtlanb © bscrucr August 25. 2004 S ports Going for Gold in Athens, Greece Americans 3-2, Face Spain in Basketball Americans Sweep 400 Title Tim D uncan o f th e U nited S ta te s h o ld s his h e a d with a tow el a s h e w alks b a ck to the b e n c h during a g a m e a g a in st Angola in M o n d a y's prelim inary round g a m e in th e 2 0 0 4 O lym pics. (AP p hoto ) (AP) — When a day of drama ended and the quarterfinal pairings were set, the news was not great for the United States Former record holder congratulates Wariner m en’s basketball team. In order to get to the semifinals and possibly the gold medal game, first the Americans will have to Beaverton Native Takes Gold U SA 's Mariel Zagunis o f B eaverton ju b ila te s a fte r d efea tin g R om ania s Gheorghitoaia in their s e m i final b o u t during th e W o m e n 's Individual S a b re com p etitio n a t th e O lym pics in G reece. Z agunis th e n w en t on to win th e g old m edal, b ea tin g Tan X ue o f China. (AP Photo) STOP BY AND VISIT US Forrest Jenkins, Associate Broker • • • • REALTY • • • • UCER OF “CROUCHING TIGER, HIDDEN DRAGON" PRESENT Rich^nl < oclisx, I IM F Crawford Straightens Up 1901 NE Broadway Portland, OR 97232 Office (971) 219-5495 Fax (503) 282-3676 EQU ITY BUILDERS First Time Buyers Refinancing Second Home Relocating defeat Spain on Thursday - the team that left the widest wake o f impressed and defeated opponents during the prelim i­ nary round. The Americans finish the opening round with a record o f 3-2 after cruising past Angola 89-53 Tuesday. S pain's players had an opportunity to take it easy against New Zealand, lose a g am e an d th e re b y k n o c k S e rb ia - M ontenegro out o f medal contention, j Instead, they banged bodies as though it was a wrestling match, won by four i points and let Serbia-M ontenegro self- destruct later in the day, “This is the Olympic stage, the setting for miracles,” China guard Liu Wei said Jerem y W ariner (center), c e le b ra te s a fte r winning th e g o ld m e d a l in th e 4 0 0 after his team stunned the defending world champions 67-66 to advance to the i m e te r final with A m erican co m p a trio ts, bro n ze m ed a list, Derrick Brew (left) a n d silver m e d a list O tis Harris. (AP Photo) q u a rte rfin a ls and re le g a te S erb ia- Montenegro to I Ith-place game against winless Angola. In other games with medal-round rami­ fications, Greece defeated Puerto Rico 78-58 and Italy edged Argentina 76-75. T he T h u rsd ay m atch u p s fo r the I (AP) — A fter his stunning victory in year-old, “ I d o n ’t think so.” quarterfinals are Lithuania-China, Italy- the O lympic 400 meters, Jerem y W ariner W ariner has been tabbed the su cces­ Puerto Rico, G reece-A rg en tin a and seem ed as cool as he did cruising down sor to Johnson, w ho ruled the 400 for Spain-United States. the stretch in sunglasses, tw o earrings more than a decade, still holds the w orld andajingling necklace. Picking up where record o f 43.18 and won gold in 1996 and M ichael Johnson left off, W ariner be­ 2000. A fter the race Johnson cam e dow n cam e the sixth straight A m erican to win from the stands, w here he w as doing the O lym pic 400 title, leading a U.S. com m entary for the BBC, to co n g ratu ­ sw eep o f the m edals. late the man who took his title - and his W ariner finished in 4 4.00 seconds - a coach, B aylor U n iv ersity ’s C lyde Hart. personal best and the fastest tim e in the Jo h n so n said W a rin er sh a re s his w orld this year. He was follow ed by ability to focus, but rejected o th er co m ­ silver m edalist O tis H arris (44.16) and p ariso n s. bronze m edalist D errick Brew (44.42). “I see a great athlete w ho at 20 years A sked w hether he had ev er had a old has com e out here and won. I d id n ’t bigger moment, W ariner rem ained stoic. do that at 20 years old, I d id n ’t m ake an “ B esides being born,” said the 20- O lym pic team ,” Johnson said. Justin Gatlin, of the United States, gets to the finish line in a qualifying heat o f the 200-meters at the Olympic Stadium. (AP Photo) Many buyers programs Buying an Investment Property Selling your Home/Free Valuation 100% Financing Option with Closing Cost Assistance ) 8 days/7 nights dream vacation getaway to North America, Europe, Asia and China etc. A m e r ic a r I N A O N ne C E Office (503) 283-8764 Fax (503) 289-2576 YOUR MORTGAGE TEAM: Paul Williams, Arhra Williams Kill KONG XIIANGYIM OII PG 13 'W ' S T A R T S F R ID A Y . A U G U S T 27TFT! 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W I L L I A M S 2 PAY SERVICE * M O S T G A R M E N T S $ 3 .0 0 * L A U N D R Y S H IR T S $ 1 . 2 5 * C O M IO R T L R S $ 1 5 .0 0 /1 IS J I* Low Carb Special: ( lc a rb ) Chopped Pork w/side sm. greens $5 00 * * * N ew L ocation * * * 5410 N.E. 33 rd (A P)— Shawn Crawford was al I business, speeding to victory Tues- day in 20.55 seconds in his first- round heat o f the 200 - a sharp contrast to his antics in the early rounds o f the 100. Crawford, who finished fourth in the 100 after dominating the early rounds, was joined in the second round by U.S. teammates Bernard W illiam sandJustinG atlin.the 100- R J»» D R A P E S & C U R T A IN S MON-SAT 9:00-6:00 503-288-3836 Happy Birthday Audrey Washington * 7 ■HMM meter gold medalist. “I can't talk,” Crawford said as he walked past reporters after the race. “I’m not a morning person." The fastest times o f the opening round were 20.29 by W illiams and Stephane Buckland o f Mauritius. Also advancing were 100 silver medalist Francis Obikwelu o f Por­ tugal and two-time silver medalist Frank Fredericks of Namibia. ■ m h m n m h h h m m m m m Oregon n a tive a n d world ch a m p io n Tom P a p p a s fails in h is first p o le vault a tte m p t during th e d ec a th lo n a t th e Olympic S ta d iu m in A th en s. Oregonian Injured in Pole Vault (AP) - What had already been a bad Olympics for decathlon world champion and Oregon native Tom Pappas got worse Tuesday when he injured his left foot in the pole vault and withdrew from the com ­ petition. The injury occurred as the Ameri­ can ran down the runway in his first vault attempt — at 15 feet, I inch. Pappas ran through to the pit, then walked to a nearby grassy area and sat down. He pulled o ff his left shoe and sock, then ripped through tape and began rubbing the bottom o f his foot. Pappas left the infield to have the foot rewrapped, then returned and began testing the fix«, first in running shoes, then in spikes. He passed on the next height but de­ cided not to continue after talking to coaches. Pappas, in fifth place through seven events, put his poles away, grabbed his gear bag and I i mped off the field. After about an hour in the medical treatment room beneath the stadium, he left.