Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, August 25, 2004, Page 6, Image 6

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    iri,t J î o r t l a n b ( O b s e r u e r
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Free medical screenings for
sight, hearing, glaucoma, blood
pressure and diabetes, which re­
quires a three-hour fast, will be
offered to the public during the
Oregon Lions Sight and Hearing
Foundation in Pioneer Court­
house S quare, dow ntow n on
Tuesday, Aug.31 from 9a.m .to5
The event is co-sponsored by
the Department of Public Health
and Preventive Medicine at O r­
egon Health and Sciences Uni­
For more information, visit
www.orlions.org/foundation or
call 800-635-4667,
The camaraderie The adventure The seventy-two
hour leave in Tokyo These are the stones you'll
remember forever It you'd like to add a tew more
to the list and add some points to your retirement
at the same time, the Army Reserve is the place to
do it Call 1 800-USA ARMY to talk with a recruiter
or log on to goarmyreserve.com/ps
I _______________
- —
Dr. Billy R. Rowers
An ongoing series of questions and answers about America's natural healing
healing profession
T» s
Part 12. Regular Checkups: As important to
your back as they are to your eyes or teeth.
Tiffany (left) and Capresha show o ff their new bikes, helmets and locks with Providence Portland
Medical Center Administrator Dave Underriner (from left), Safe Place Pastor Steven Holt and
Providence diversity manager Lolita Burnette.
Back to School Support
I don’t have any serious
back problems. Why should
I see a Chiropractor?
: That is a good question.
Sometimes we don’t realize
that a small crick in the neck or
some slight back discomfort is
beginning o f larger problem s
which are often much more diffi­
cult to treat at a later stage in life.
Unfortunately, eight out o f ten
Americans wi 11 be struck down by
severe low back pain at one time
or another. The mechanical or
structural defects of the back usu­
ally develop slowly and with very
little pain, but if left untreated.
August 25. 2004
may disable you for days, months Chiropractic checkups. Detected
or sometimes permanently. The like­ early, spinal defects are not only
lihood o f disability increase dra­ easier to treat, but may save a lot
matically in over 30. Fortunately, o f pain and money, as well as
we are able to avoid many spinal reducing the chance of a disabling
problems with regular, precaution­ spinal disorder. To arrange for
ary checkups. Just as an eye exam your checkup, or for answers to
or dental checkup prevents poten­ any questions you might have
tial problems or corrects the prob­ about your health, call our office
lems or in its early stages, so do at the number below.
Flowers' C hiropractic Office
2124 N.R Hancock Street
Portland, Oregon 97212
P h o n e: ( 5 0 3 ) 2 8 7 -5 5 0 4
Hundreds o f north and north­
east Portland children are ready for
class after receiving bags o f free
school supplies at The Back to
School, End o f Summer Jam held at
Vernon Elementary School earlier
this month.
Providence Health System em ­
ployees and volunteers donated
M M M N M M H M M i
Local Hip Hop Unites to Build Voters
Cool Nutz
and others to
rock the vote
Eligible voters in north and
northeast Portland are being
brought together by a common
cause: hip hop.
Radio stations and recording
African American
Health Coalition, Inc
2nd Annual
September 4,2004
Join us for the 2nd Annual Wellness Within
REACH Walk Sat. September 4, 20041
Walk the 1.5 or 4-mile course.
Start and finish at Dawson Park, located at
N. Vancouver and Stanton in Portland, OR.
Registration & event activities begin at 8:00 a.m.
The Walk begins at 9:00 a.m.
The purpose of the walk is to celebrate our
community’s health and sustain ongoing free
physical activity classes for African Americans
in the Portland metro area.
fo r more Information
For more information about registration or to
volunteer contact the African American Health
Coalition, Inc. at 2800 N. Vancouver Ave., Suite 100
503-413-1850, or ayannas@aahc-portland.org
enough school supplies to fill nearly
In addition to the donated school
half o f the 825 bags distributed. supplies, Providence Health Sys­
The Providence Health System Re­ tem gave away two bikes with hel­
gional Office o f Diversity spon­ mets and locks in a raffle during the
sored the fourth annual event es­ day o f games, food and music.
tablished by The Safe Place, a faith- Providence Medical Group also pro­
based, non-profit organization. vided certificates for sports physi­
More than 1,500 people attended cals to children who attended the
the afternoon-long party.
artists are lending time and ex­ according to Shawn Alford,
posure to a weeklong voter reg­ Voters Wanted program coor­
istration drive that culminates in dinator.
a canvassing of north and north­
V olunteer canvassers will
east Portland neighbor­
hoods and a CD release
party at the Crystal Ball­
ro o m ,
Burnside, on Saturday,
Aug. 28.
CoolNutz, Lifesavas
and the Olivia Warfield
Project will jo in Sec­
re ta ry o f S tate Bill
Bradbury at the event
to raise en erg y and
aw areness about the
need for voter regis­
tration in this part of
the city.
Approximately one-third of be a c c o m p a n ie d by th e
eligible voters in north and north­ Jam m in’ 95.5 street team and
east Portland are not registered will also register voters in front
to vote. Using hip hop as a call o f the Nike Factory Store at
to dem ocracy, the campaign 2650 N.E. M artin L uther King
aims to register 2000 local resi­ Jr. Blvd. A dditional events
surrounding the event include
T h ro u g h F rid a y , V o ters a free basketball clinic with
W a n te d , th e O reg o n B us Terrell Brannon at the Matt
Project ’ s non-partisan voter reg­ Dishman C om m unity Center.
istration branch, is planning the
V olunteers and area resi­
largest community based door- dents can unwind at the CD
to-door voter registration can­ release dance party. Tickets
vas in the history of Oregon, are $8.
Prosecutor Picketed
Entry fee is $15 per person.
Pre-registration is highly encouragedl
Thanks la oar sponsors:
A Ethnic A p p rœ c h ee t e Conwnunlty H eetth
Accused of making
false claims
against Kerry
Several Vietnam veterans
are calling for an assistant
C lackam as C ounty prosecu­
tor to resign for m aking false
claim s in a recent ad criticiz­
ing D em ocrat John K erry’s
m ilitary service.
A group o f Vietnam veter­
ans who protested outside the
county co urthouse M onday
said Alfred French im plied he
had firsthand knowledge of
K erry's war actions when in
fact he had heard about what
Kerry did from friends.
In an interview with The
O re g o n ian n e w sp a p e r la st
week, French said he relied on
the accounts o f three other
veterans in m aking the state­
ment about Kerry and did not
p erso n ally w itness K erry ’s
war actions.
“As a senior assistant dis­
trict attorney, you know as
well as we do that that kind of
ridiculous statem ent w ould
never pass m uster in a court
o f law ,” veteran Terry Kirsch
said of F rench’s account.
“W e q u estio n y o u r fitn ess
to serve as an en fo rc e r o f
the law a fte r sw ea rin g to
facts in a legal affid a v it that
you do not know to be tru e ,”
he said.
Before recording the ad,
French signed an affidavit that
said: “I am able to swear, as 1
do hereby swear, that all facts
and statem ents contained in
this affidavit are true and co r­
rect and within my personal
knowledge and belief.”
Kerry was aw arded three
Purple Hearts, a Bronze Star
and a S ilv er S tar as c o m ­
m ander of a Navy swift boat
in Vietnam.