August 25. 2004 FOCUS in page C3 ®*'* F o r t i a n i » ( © b a e r u e r S juqon Broadway's classic love story returns R om antic leads Jennifer Paz an d Alan Gillespie em brace. The h e a t is on in Saigon. Photos courtesy of Portland Opera “M iss S aigon,” B roadw ay’s classic love story, will play at K eller A uditorium for 8 perfor­ mances, from Tuesday, Sept. 7 through Sunday, Sept. 12. Set in 1975 during the final days leading up to the A m e ri­ c a n e v a c u a tio n o f S a ig o n , “ M iss S a ig o n ” is the story o f tw o young lovers torn apart by the fo rtunes o f d estin y and held to g e th e r by a burning passion and the fate o f a sm all child. T his m usical, from the creato rs o f “ L es M isé ra b le s,” w ith its soaring m elodies and pow erful em otions has cap tu red hearts - and aw ards - around the w orld. T ickets range from $23 to $64 and can be purchased by phone at 503-790-ARTS, at the Portland Opera Box Office at 503-241 -1802 or toll free at 866-739-6737 orin person at the Portland O pera of­ fices, 211 S.E. Caruthers St. or at the PCPA Box O ffice, at South­ west Broadway and Main. For more inform ation, visit or w w w MM Lopez to Star on ‘Will& Grace’ (A P)— Jennifer star, John Cleese. Lopez will return to In this episode, guest star on the Lopez returns to season premiere of New York after her “Will & Grace.” The summertour, where singer-actress will Sean Hayes’ char­ continue in the role acter accompanied of herself in an epi­ Lopez as a backup sode to air Sept. 16 dancer. on NBC. In last Yet more guest se a s o n ’s fin a le , stars are on the way L o p ez w as r e ­ for NBC’s "Will & cruited by Megan Jennifer Lopez Grace.” In the sev- Mullally’s character to sing at her enth season’ s second episode, Vegas marriage to another guest Janet Jackson will appear. Aretha to Perform for Clinton Library (AP)— Little Rock, Ark. wi 11 get a little R-E-S-P-E-C-T when Aretha Franklin performs Nov. 16, as part of the festivities leading up to the Clinton Presidential L ibrary’s grand opening. Franklin is slated to sing for more than 80 minutes, accom pa­ nied by the A rkansas Symphony O rchestra and her own band. The sym phony will play classical A m erican music for the first half o f the show and Franklin will per­ form after a 15-minute interm is­ sion. The Franklin concert is expected to be one of several major artistic highlights of the week leading up to the Nov. 18 library opening. Other events include a documentary film festival, an exhibit of White House art and an outdoor concert.