FOCUS page C2 J, k' h r Celebrate Diversity L Come eat, dance, sing, connect 5^' c. CAFÉ R G B FR O M LOS A N G E L E S W /R O B B IE L A W S t> H O O DOO N A T IO N SUNDAY AUGUST 22 L U L A ’S R O O M DOORS O R EN © GRM T IC K E T S A V A IL A B L E $ 1 5 IN A D VA NC E $ 1 7 A T T H E DOOR 5 0 3 -4 9 1 -7 2 7 1 w w w .k m M .a r g UR A T TH E C R Y S T A L BOX O F F IC E August 25, 2004 za ; î , , r ^ J o r t l a n i i ( D b s p r u p r r CUCE and thrive at The Global Portland Festival: Hope begins when Fear Ends will be held on Sunday, Sept. 12 from noon to 6 p.m. downtown on the Portland State University Park Blocks. For more information call 503-223-4464. Smokin’ Music On The Waterfront Nothing goes finer with delicious food and drink than great music. Join Rogue Bones and Brew as they offer up some delicious talent on stage Friday, Sept. 10 - Sunday, Sept. 12 at Tom McCall Waterfront Park. The weekend consists of an eclectic music line up includ­ ing Celtic, bluegrass, jazz, pop, folk, soul, and alter­ native country with some of the hottest artists in the c o u n try . T o le a rn m o re, v isit o n lin e at Concerto Under The Stars OREGON SYM PH O N Y IN THE NEIGHBORHOODS tree e°h e e rts S a tu rd a y , A u g u s t 28 GLENWOOD PARK SE 8 7 th & C laybourne M att C atln gu b , c o n d u cto r Afternoon events begin at 3 p.m. Features performances, information booths, activities tables and food booths Oregon Symphony concert at 7 p.m. MIMMI ZÄ, kOIX/ÍA • Music and libations come together from Friday, Aug. 27 to Sunday, Aug. 29 at the 7,h annual Vancouver Wine and Jazz Festival at Esther Short Park, down­ tow n. For m ore in fo rm a tio n , v isit Ongoing and Upcoming Music The Blue Monk on Belmont plays live jazz. For a Me/ Brown V b e n ise with diversity zzi 01,1 J J o rtla n b (D b s m ie r Call 5O3-288-OO33 or email ads^portlandob