Page B6 tTlu |JnrtIanb © bseruer R eligion Love in August 25. 2004 You must register to vote every time your address changes or your name changes. To check if your registration is current, drop by Multnomah County Elections at I040S.E. Morrison St. or call 503-988-3720. Make Your Vote Count Action Janad Brown (left) shows off the striking new bike she won, but decided to demonstrate love in action by giving it to her little brother, Hiag Brown Jr. Rev. IV. G. Hardy (left) and Heather Me Donald prepare to raffle away new bicycles to area school children during a Highland United Church o f Christ community event at Alberta Park in northeast Portland. A free community event at Alberta Park on S aturday, sponsored by H ighland United Church o f God o f northeast Portland, was a success. Love in Action VII was an annual church event to bring the community together for a weekend o f entertainment, food and fun. Senior Pastor W.G. Hardy directed the special activi­ ties, including a series of raffles and games, providing several kids with new bikes and other goodies. Pope Deems Cloning Unethical Seattle Priests Banned for Abuse (AP)— Pope John Paul II warned in a statement that humanity’s speedy progress in science and technology risks overlooking moral val­ ues, citing with particular concern experiments in hu­ man cloning. The pontiff - in a mes­ sage written Aug. 6 but re­ leased Sunday for the start of a Church-organized meet­ ing on the theme of progress - insisted that advanced re­ search must not become an end in itself. “The results achieved in various fields o f science and technology are co n ­ sidered and defended by many as a priori accep t­ ab le,” he said. “In this way, one ends up expecting that w hat is technically possible is in itself also ethically g o o d .” The po n tiff continued: “T here is no one w ho does not see the dram atic and d istressin g co n seq u en ces of such pragm atism , w hich perceives truth and ju stice as s o m e th in g m o d e le d around the work of man him­ self. It is sufficient, as one exam ple am ong others, to consider m an’s attem pt to appropriate the sources o f life through experim ents in human clo n in g .” Pope John Paul II (AP) — The Roman Catholic the church said in a news release B ru n ett and ap p ro v ed by the Archdiocese of Seattle has released Saturday. Vatican, is one step short o f being the names o f three priests who have T he m en rem ain u n d er the defrocked. been permanently barred from min­ archdiocese’s watch but can no The cases are the first here to be istry after allegations that they sexu­ longer call themselves “father,” reviewed by the Vatican since U.S. ally abused children were found to wear priestly garb or present them­ bishops approved a policy in 2002 be credible. selves as priests. that bars from active ministry any They are James McGreal, David The penalty, recommended by priest with a single credible allega­ Linehan and Desmond McMahon, S eattle A rch b ish o p A lexander tion of sexual abuse o f a minor. Deadline for Abuse Claims Wanted (AP) — The Archdiocese of Portland, the first American dio­ cese to file for bankruptcy, has asked a federal judge to set a Dec. 31 deadline for priest sex abuse victims to come forward. The archdiocese said it needs to have a firm estimate of the number o f potential lawsuits to help settle creditor claims. The diocese filed July 6 for Chapter 11 protection under federal bankruptcy law. At least 60 alleged victims have pending claim s against the arch­ diocese; another 20 are expected to file claims. David Slader, an attorney for 17 o f those victims, said the deadline is unrealistic. “The problem is that the men and women who have been abused by their priests live in a world o f shame - and that shame imposes a cloak of silence over them,” he said. Recording Artist at Emmanuel Temple Double J Tire Owner Dies Joe Hendon In 1976, he married Mary Lu Burbank. Survivors include his A graveside ser­ wife; sons, Joseph and Thomas; vice was held Aug. daughters, Merriane Plotnik and 2 in Lincoln Memo­ T a m a ra H en d o n ; ste p so n s, rial Park for Joe Rocky Plucar, Pete Walker, Gene Hendon, who died W alker, Norman W alker and July 30 at age 62. Rollie W alker; stepdaughters Mr. Hendon was bom June 4, 1942, in W est Point, Miss. He Luanne Hendon and April Knott; moved to Portland in about 1955. brothers John D., Jimmie and Wi II- He was well known in the com m u­ iam; sister Francis Chapman; 36 nity as the ow ner of Double J Tire grandchildren and 12 great-grand­ Center at 6841 N.E. Martin Luther children. His daughterTabitha died earlier in July. King Jr. Blvd. National recording artist Dr. Church featuring church Pastor C.T. Temple is located at North Sumner Marvin Sapp will be the keynote andL adyD . W ellsat7p.m . on Thurs­ and Michigan Avenues. speaker during a Pastoral Anniver­ day, Sept. 16 and Friday, Sept. 17. For information call 503-287-2223 sary Revival at Emmanuel Temple The newly constructed Emmanuel or visit w . Dr. Marvin Sapp Living Faith Ministries 4434 N.E. 131 Place (Sandy Blvd.) Service Times Sunday 10:00 am Wednesday 7:00 pm Everyone Welcome! 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