Page B5 August 25, 2004 C lassifieds I B ids For contracting opportunities with the City o f Portland and for valuable information on how to do business with the City, please log on to the Bureau o f Purchases Web Page: Sub-bids Requested David Douglas Intermediate School Building Shell and Interiors 3955 SE 112th Ave, Portland, OR 97266 New 2-Story 96,000 SF Middle School M ETRO M ETRO Admissions Lead. Portland Center for the Performing Arts. $13.47PT, Deadline 8-30/04. Leads the activities of the Adm issions staff during events. This opportunity is open to First Opportunity Target A re a re s id e n ts (C o lu m b ia Boulevard on the north; 42nd Avenue on the east; the Banfield Freeway on the south, and North Chautaugua Boulevard on the west), whose total annual income does not exceed $25,000 as an ind ivid ua l, or $ 40 ,00 0 for an entire household, for the past 12 months. Checkroom Attendant. Portland Center for the Perform ing Arts. $8.59/hr, PT. Deadline 8/30/04. G re e ts and d ire c ts p a tro n s , checks coats, etc. and collects checkroom fees. Pre-Bid Meeting: Monday. August 1 6 ,2 0 0 4 1 0 :0 0 am at Earl Boyels Elementary located at 1 0 8 22 SE Bush Street. Mandatory for Concrete, Masonry, Sheet M etal, Drywall/Cellings/Flreprooflng, HVAC & Plumbing and Electric Sub Bids Due: Wednesday, August 2 5 ,2 0 0 4 ,3 :0 0 PM at Skanska’s office, 2 5 5 5 S W 1 5 3 " Ave., Beaverton, OR 9 7 0 0 6 by delivery or fax 5 0 3 -6 4 3 -0 6 4 6 SKANSKA Oregon o iv is io n 2555 S.W. 153"* Ave. Beaverton, OR 97006 503-641-2500 Fax: 503-643-0646 Visit our website: Contact: Blain Grover (503) 526-3117 Plans Available at: Precision Images (503) 274-2030, local plan centers and may be viewed at Skanska’s main office. We are an equal opportunity em ployer and request sub bids from minority, women, disadvantaged and em erging small business enterprises. CCB#153980 Sub-Bids Requested Justice Center Detention Electronics and Fire Alarm Upgrades Multnomah Co. Or. Bid date : August 31, 2004 at 12:00 PM Subm it Bids to: To a c c e s s th e c o m p le te jo b a n n o u n c e m e n t and re q u ire d application m aterials you may visit our website at www.metro- region. org/jobs or you may pick up a c o m p le te p a c k e t at M etro H um a n R e s o u rc e s , 6 0 0 NE G ra n d Avenue, P o rtla n d . Resumes are not accepted. AA/EEO Employer Engineered Control Systems Phone: 509-483-6215 Fax: 509-483-5102 2702 N. Perry Spokane. WA. 99207 Contact: Jim Blair or John Pachman Bid includes Selective Demolition, Metal Fabrications and Drywall, Custom Cabinet Work and Painting. Bid Documents may be purchased from Precision Images, Phone 503-274-2030. Bid documents may also be viewed at the Portland DJC plan center. They also may be purchased form ECS at a cost of $25.00. Please call Brenda Osborne at 509-483-6215 for plans and specifications. ECS is an equal opportunity em ployer and request sub-bids from sub-contractors and suppliers including minority, women and em erging small business companies. S u _________________________________ b -b id s R e q u e s te d _L___1 West Linn High School West Linn, OR Member of: AGC b re a k and passenger e n d o r s e m e n t. CPR and first aid c e rtific a tio n a ls o n e e d e d . Competitive salary and benefits package available. PfS^s’d mail (NO FAX PLEASE) resum e and cover lettpr of Interest to: 3 1 124 E. Historic Columbia River Hwy. Troutdale, OR 9 7 0 6 0 E M E R IC K CO. C D L d r iv e r s lic e n s e w ith a ir Human Resources Expansion C O N IT R U C tlO N Recreation Instructor T h irty -tw o h o u r p e r w eek recreation advisor needed for a v o c a tio n a l tra in in g p ro g ra m serving young adults. Responsible fo r c a rry in g o u t s p e c ia lty programs and general recreation activities. High school diploma and tw o y e a rs p ro g re s s iv e recreation experience needed. Must p o s s e s at time of hire v a lid September 9,2004 - 2:00 PM Bid documents are available lor review at most plan centers throughout the state and at our main office located at 8850 SE Otty Rd in Portland. P.0. Box 66100 Portland, Oregon 97290-6100 (503) 777-5531 FAX (503) 771-2933 - CCB #10723 www.emerick com email :estimatinatd>emerick com We are an equal opportunity employer and request sub-bids from minoritv. women, disadvantaoed or emeraina small business enterorises Subsidized unltsmay be available a t this time. If subsidized unltsare not available at this time, Qualified applicants may be placed on a waiting list. Guardian M anagem ent LLC Is committed to “Equal Housing Opportunity” RESPONSES MUST BE RECEIVED NO LATER THAN FRIDAY August 2 7 ,2 0 0 4 As an affirmative action employer, we are seeking qualified minority, fem a le, veteran and disab led applicants: however, all qualified applicants will be considered. VOLUNTEERS NEEDED On-Call Rape Victim Advocates w ith th e M u lt C o D is t r ic t A tto rn e y’s office. For m ore info c a ll 5 0 3 -9 8 8 -3 2 2 2 o r v is it w w w .m To a c c e s s th e c o m p le te jo b a n n o u n c e m e n t and re q u ire d application m aterials you may visit our website at www.metro- or you may pick up a c o m p le te p a c k e t at M etro H u m a n R e s o u rc e s , 6 0 0 NE G ra n d Avenue, P o rtla n d . Resumes are not accepted. AA/EEO Employer General: Custodian, Facilities & Operations Dept.; 1 00 % -1 0 mo.; $1,470 per month. Req. ability to read. Ability to o p e ra te flo o r b u ffe r, sh a m p o o e r, vacu u m cle a n er, other related equipment: ability to lift and carry up to 50 lbs; ability to push/pull up to 50 lbs. (see job announcem ent for m ore info.) Subm it CCC app. & 1 letter of ref. Closes 09/03/04 Instructional Assistant; Develop mental Ed. Dept.- Dallas Campus: 100% academic year assign: Req. Associate’s degree or equivalent. Academ ic course work In related field. 2 years tutoring exp. in s u b je c t a re a or eq u iv. com bination. Excellent comm, skills; ability to assist students in basic skills areas (i.e., GED test s u b je c t a re a s such as m ath, reading, and/or writing); ability to o p e ra te a nd tro u b le s h o o t M a c in to s h a n d / o r W in d o w s h ardw are; a b ility to use word p ro c e s s in g and d a ta b a s e a p p lic a tio n s . (s e e jo b announcem ent for m ore info.) Subm it CCC app. & cover letter. Closes 09/03/04 TDD# 1 ( 8 0 0 ) 7 3 5 -2 9 0 0 Job Opening AD JoMWe:Administrative Assistant II Position Description: D o m e s tic V io le n c e p ro g ra m seeks e x p e rie n c e d a d m in is tra tiv e assistant who will assist director with co n tra ct co m p lia n ce and fis c a l m a n a g e m e n t. D u tie s in c lu d e a s s is ta n c e w ith preparation of billing and reports, m a in ta in in g s ta tis tic s and d a ta b a s e , p ro v id in g b a sic c o m p u te r su p p o rt, and m ise, clerical and office mgt. Tasks. PARKING FACILITY Operator Immediate full time and part-time openings. Seeking dependable, well groomed, positive individuals $8.00 + starting wage Overtime/advancement potential Medical & Dental, 401k avail. Drugtest/Background check New hires must have acceptable documentation to confirm both identity and eligibility to work. Required: Min. two years exp. In Apply 12:00-12:30PM, Mon, Wed o ffic e s e ttin g w ith s im ila r & Thurs at City Center Parking re sp o n sib ilitie s, p roficie n cy in 130 SW Stark, Portland. word processing, spreadsheets, d a ta b a s e s , n e tw o rk in g , and A d v o c a te s N e e d e d . A re you c o m m u n ic a tio n and In te re ste d in h e lp in g o th e rs , organizational skills. Women of gaining social service skills, and color encouraged to apply. F/T, working towards social change? fle xible hours, benefits, Equal The Portland Wom en's Crisis Line O p p o rtu n ity E m p lo ye r. S en d is seeking volunteers to help In Resume/cover letter to by August all aspects of th e ir program s. 31 to Kris Bill hart, V0A Home Free, Advocates are welcome to help 3910 SE Stark ST., Portland, OR s ta ff our 24-hour hotline that 97214. serves both survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault as $250 to $500 a week w ell as help fu n d ra is in g and Will train to work at home administration needs. 18 years or Helping the US Governm ent file old er, no e xp . n e c e s s a ry B i- HUD/FHA mortgage refunds llngual/cultural needed. Call 503- No experience necessary 232-4176. Call Toll Free 1-866-537-2906 SUB BIDS REQUESTED Portland International Airport Concourse Corridor Connection Bid Package #1 - Moving Walks Pre-Bid Meeting: Septem ber 8, 2004 at 10:00pm Bids Due: Septem ber 15, 2004 at 2:00pm Please contact us at: Chemeketa Community College Human Resources Department PO Box 14007 Salem, OR 97309 503-399-5009 Bid docum ents available from Precision Images, 5 0 3 /2 7 4 - 2 0 3 0 or H HOFFMAN CONSTRUCTION COMPANY OF OREGON Phone: (503) 221-8811 - Bid Fax: (503) 221-8888 Chemeketa Com m unity College is an equal opportunity institution, values diversity In its workforce, and Is committed to affirmative action; we encourage minorities, w om en and p e rs o n s w ith disabilities to apply. 2 0 1 SW Agee Street W heelchair Accessible Volunteers of America Oregon Home Free 8 0 5 SW Broadway, Suite 2 1 0 0 - Portland, OR 9 7 2 0 5 - CCB License # 28417 We are an equal opp ortunity em ployer and request sub bids from all in terested firm s including disadvantaged, m inority, wom en, disabled veterans and em erging sm all business enterprises. Other Subcontracting Opportunities - Internet http://www.hoffm \ i l \ e i l i s e w ith d iv e rs ity z/i il'1 ^JovtliUtb (OhscvtHT Cull 5()3-288-(X)33 ads@portlandob sei v ei coni Employment Villa West Apartments McMinnville, Oregon 9 7 1 2 8 1120 SW Fifth Ave. Room 750, Portland OR 97204 503-823-6855 PUBLIC EMPLOYEES RETIREMENT SYSTEM (PERS) t=J PERS covers nearly 300 .000 members and adm inisters retirem ent, disability benefits, health insurance and deferred compensation plans statewide EQUAL HOUSING O P P O R T U N IT Y These are just a few of the current job openings available with the State of Oregon A more complete announcement listing, application forms, and additional job information are available at: a) local Employment Department field offices, or b) the Oregon jobs page at: The State of Oregon offers o f o employees competitive salaries and comprehensive benefits that includes employer paid health insurance; paid holidays, vacation, sick t o and personal leave; membership in the Oregon Public Service J * -. V ’jS £ Retirement Plan (OPSRP) and opportunities to participate in the /"ujr Oregon Savings Growth Plans. The State of Oregon and all its *' divisions are proud to be equal opportunity employers. '« ">9 OREGON DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN SERVICES Putting peopk- first that's what stis us apart. At Providence Health System, we serve people from many cultures and backgrounds In fact, we have a standing contm itm ent to honor the worth and dignity of every patient. You can see those values reflected m the diversity of people w ho work here, too. In the respect and encouragement they extend to one another We believe in bringing out the liest in everyone. And that's what healthcare is meant to be. MAKE A DIFFERENCE IN THE LIVES OF OREGONIANS by joining the Oregon Department of Human Services IDHS). the statewide health and human services agency. We help Oregonians be independent, h e a lth and safe. We are absolutely committed to ongoing innovation in the delivery of services, and we are committed to recruiting, developing and retaining a diverse workforce. ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES Careers at Providence From medicine to hospitality, administration to research, whatever you do at Providence is a rewarding work ex,)erience We take care o f our employees, offering competitive salaries, a comprehensive benefits package and a caring, team environment. No matter w hich facility or career path you choose, excellent opfxxtumties await you at Providence Health System Apply Today • Information Systems Specialist 6 Senior Systems Analyst Salary range: $3.646 $5,031/m onth Announcement MLEHS4520 Portland Position closes August 25. 200 4 • Information Systems Specialist 5 Flle/Print Server Administrator Salary range: $3.410 $4.703/m onth Announcement HLEHS4525 Portland Positioo closes September 1. 2004 HEALTH SERVICES View current job openings and apply online at: O r visit our Employment Center at: 1235 NE 47th Avenue, Suite 200, Portland It-------- PrvrviHrm e Health Syitem • Epidemiologist 2 National Violent Death Reporting System Protect Epidemiologist Salary range. $3,529 $4.921/m onth Announcement »LEHS4514 Portland Position closes August 2 3 ,2 0 0 4 - Microbiologist 2 Salary range: $2.664 $3,698/m onth Announcement »LEHS4521 • Portland Position closes August 2 5 .2 0 0 4 • Research Analyst 4 Senior Research Analyst Salary range: $3,698 $5.157/m onth Announcement HLEHS4513 Portland Position closes August 30. 2004 • Principal Executive Manager C Diabetes. Heart Disease A Stroke Prevention Program Manager Salary range: $3.223 $4.745/m onth Announcement »LEHS4493 ■ Portland Position closes September 8 .2 0 0 4 • Program Technician 2 Heart Disease A Stroke Prevention Program Coordinator Salary range: $3.208 $4,476/morrth Announcement W.EHS4522 Portland Position closes September 1 3 ,2 0 0 4 • Principal Executive/Manager G Office of Family Health Services Administrator Salary range: $5.763 $R,487/m onth Announcement »LEHS4475 Portland Position is open until filled • Principal Executive/Manager I Public Health Director Salary range: $6.996 $10,313/m onth Announcement »LEHS4467 Portland Position is open until Tilled To obtain detailed jo b announcem ent and application materials, visit the DUS website: www dhs.state|ObV: call the DHS iob line at (503) 9 46 5742; TTY 1503) 9 4 5 6 2 1 4 or contact 8ny local Oregon Employment office. Information is available by referencing the announcement number. ■ Inform ation Systems Specialist 8 Provide senior level information technology adm inistration arid m anagem ent to all agency wide IT projects. Salary range: $4,399 $6,072/m onth. DOE Announcement 4LE040733 Closing date: September 2. 200 4 at 5 pni • Retirement Counselor 1 More Than 10 Vacanclesl Help People Retire) Determine retirement eligibility and benefits and provide inform ation to m embers, beneficiaries, and employers on rights and benefits. Salary range: $2,320 $ 3 ,2 0 8 /month, DOE Announcement 4LE040738 Closing date: September 7 .2 0 0 4 at 5 pm Yoo can obtain job announcements, which may include test questions, and the State of Oregon application form (PD100) from th e local Employment Department, the state website: w w w PERS website w w w .pers.state.o, or call PERS Human Resources a: 5 0 3 4 3 1 -8 9 0 5 (TTY 50380 37766) Criminal history will be checked prior to hire. EOE/AA OREGON DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION (ODOT) CAREER OPPORTUNITIES... JOIN OUR TEAM! ODOT supports a vast range o f innovative transportation products and services, touching the life of every Oregpman, every day. Explore our variety of rewarding occupations ACCOUNTING/FINANCIAL ■ Fuels Tax Auditor Salary $2,664 $3.698/rnonth Announcement »OCOT4317A Salem ENGINEERING/ENVIRONMENTAL • Construction Quality Assurance Coordinator Salary $3,661 $5,242/m onth Announcement 40CDT4416 Bend A La Grande • Assistant Project M anager Salary $3.661 $5,242/m onth Announcement »OCDT4 4 6 8 Corvallis • Traffic Analyst Salary $3.160 $4.525/rnonth Announcement »OCDT4472 Salem • District Access Management Coordinator Salary $3,160 $4,525/m onth Announcement 4OCDT4473 Salem • Contract Administration Coordinator Salary $ 2.865 $4.101/m onth Announcement ftOCOT4466 Corvallis • Environmental Program Coordinator 2 Roadside Development Team Leader Salary $3,160 $4,525/m onth Announcement #OCDT4590 Salem • Senior Drafter Salary $2.728 ■ $3.911/m onth Announcement #0C 0T4039 Bend • Senior Specifications Engineer Salary $3.661 $5.242/m onth Announcement #0C0T4243A Portland •Please see our ad in Section 4 2 0 with keyword "Engineering" • Transportation Engineer 1 Pavement Design Specialist Salary $3.160 $4.525/m orith Announcement »0CDT4596 Salem • Associate Transportation Engineer Pavement Design Specialist Salary $2.865 $4.10U m onth Announcement F0CDT4594 Salem - Transportation Engineer 1 ITS Designer Salary $3.160 $4.525/m onth Announcement 4OCDT4598 Salem • Structural Design Engineer Salary $3.661 - $5,242/rnonth Announcement 40CDT4491 Portland •Please see our ad in Section 4 2 0 with keyword "Engineenng" HUMAN RESOURCES • Human Resource Consultant Salary $3,062 $4.30R /m onth Announcement 40CDT4482A Salem PROGRAM/PROJECT MANAGEMENT/PLANNING • ITS Operations Coordinator Salary $3,160 $4.525/m onth Announcement H0CDT4583 Salem • Transportation Analyst Salary $2.208 $3.060/m onth Announcement »0CDT4552 Salem To apply, you m ust obtain a copy o f the appropriate announcem ent num ber, which provides fu ll details. qua lifica tio n » / requirements, and how to apply instructions. Call (503) 9864030 (TTY (503) 9 8 6 3 8 5 4 tor the heanng itnpeired|, or visit www odut.state.or us/lob s As an AA/EEO employer. ODOT Is committed to integrating the prom otion and m anagem ent of workforce diversify and affirmative action into every facet of our business. A c a r i n g d lf f a r a n c a y o u c a n f a o l W W W O r e g o n J o b s g