Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, August 25, 2004, Page 10, Image 10

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August 25. 2004
L aw & J ustice
C lassifieds
I B ids
Lewis, Bono Earn Freedom Awards
rights pioneer Rosa Parks,
fo rm e r S o u th A fric a n
P r e s id e n t
N e lso n
M andela and former Presi­
dent Carter.
Lew is “has m aintained
(A P) — Rep. John Lewis, D-
an u n failing, principled
Ga., and entertainer Bono were
com m itm ent to the ideals
nam ed recipients last Thursday
o f equality and ju stice ,”
o f the N atio n al C iv il R ights
the m useum said in m ak­
Rep. John Lewis
M u s e u m ’s a n n u a l F re e d o m
ing the announcem ents.
dom A w ards annually to recip i­
L e w is w ill re c e iv e th e
The museum on the site of Mar­ ents who have w orked to advance m useum ’s “national aw ard” at a
tin Luther King J r.’s m urder in civil rights.
banquet in M em phis on Oct. 18.
M em phis, Tenn. gives two F ree­
Past recipients include civil At that cerem ony, U2 frontm an
Bono will get the m useum ’s “in ­
tern atio n al aw ard .”
Bono, a native o f Ireland who
rose to fam e as singer with the
rock group U2, has cham pioned
social ju stice w ith his m usic and
activism , the m useum said.
T he main section o f the m u­
seum is built around the form er
L orraine M otel, w here King was
k illed by a sniper April 4 ,1 9 6 8 , as
he stood on a second-floor b al­
K ing’sco n v icted killer, Jam es
Earl Ray, died in prison in 1998.
National Civil
Rights Museum
to bestow honors
Gore Cited on Oregon Coast
Gang Shooting Arrests
(A P) — Form er Vice Presi­
dent A1 G ore was cited for speed­
ing as he drove a rented car to
visit fam ily on the O regon coast,
authorities said.
G ore, w ho w as alone, w as
issued a $141 ticket for driving
75 miles per hour on H ighw ay 26
in the northw est corner o f the
state, police said. The speed limit
is 55.
G ore was issued the ticket on
Aug. 3 at 12:37 p.m ., said Lt.
A Multnomah County
Grand Jury has indicted
Kentrell A. Tillman, 20,
Christopher J. Rainier, 21
and Mario L. Neal, 19 on
two counts o f attempted
aggravated murder and
other charges.
D ale R utledge, spokesm an for
the O regon State Police.
T he tro o p e r w h o sto p p ed
G oredid not recognize him until
he furnished his license, Sgt.
Andrew M erilatold K A TU -TV.
T he trooper said G ore, who
carried O regon w hen he ran for
president in 2(XM), w as polite
throughout the encounter.
G ore has until D ecem ber to
d ec id e w h e th e r to fig h t the
So You Want A Car
I Can Help Save You Money
Christopher Rainer
Mario Neal
related shooting ol Joseph J. Mills, 2 L an d Anthony D. Bell, 17,near the
intersection o f North Haight Avenue and North Failing Street. The
victims arrived at Emanuel Hospital with gunshot wounds to the lower
back area.
The Gang Enforcement Team and The Youth Gun Anti-Violence Task
Force initiated an investigation and arrested all three suspects.
Anyone with information about this investigation, or any other gang-
related shooting, is asked to call the Portland Police Bureau Tactical
Operations Division at 503-823-4106.
I Can Help You Get Financed
Probation and Parole Officer II
$3,744 - $4,551/ month
Closes September 3, 2004
Residential Services Monitor I
$ 2 ,6 1 9 -$ 3 ,1 8 5 /m on th
Closes September 3, 2004
LATER THAN FRIDAY August 27,2004
Building Inspector l/ll
$3,438 - $4,177 / month
$3,986 - $4,844 / month
Closes September 10, 2004
County Surveyor
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Call (503) 846-8606/TTY (503)
846-4898 for information or see
w e b s ite :
www.co.washington.or.us. County
ap p lica tion and supplem ental
a p p lic a tio n fo rm s re q u ire d .
Women, minorities, and people
with disabilities are encouraged
to apply.
Washington County Human
Resources Division
155 N. First Avenue, Suite 320
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II w/ben $ 13.21-14.77/hr BS or
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fie ld , m in 3 yrs exp In e a rly
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Phone: (803) 289-8418
A d ju n ct Faculty, English Now!
Program: Req Bachelor's degree.
Teaching exp. Prefer M aster’s
degree or ESL cert, (see website
for more info.) Open until filled.
Adjunct Faculty, Clerical Basics
Program, M cM innville & Dallas
Campuses: Req Mater's degree in
Bus. Ed. Or related. Exp. Teaching
b u s ln e s s /cle rica l s u b je cts at
secondary or college level. Office/
business work exp. Proficiency in
teaching & using Microsoft Office
Suite, (see announcem ent for
more info.) Open until filled.
G ED In s tru c to r, High S ch o o l
E q u iv a le n c y P ro g ra m ; 100%
assign. Req. Bachelor's degree in
e d u c a tio n , s o c ia l s c ie n c e ,
mathematics, language arts, or a
re la te d fie ld . Exp. T e a c h in g ,
training, or w orking w/adult or
m ig ra n t s tu d e n ts . E xp . W /
c u rric u lu m d e v e lo p m e n t. B i-
lln g u a l/ b i-c u ltu ra l E n g lis h /
S p a n is h . A b ility to p la n and
Im p le m e n t
in s tru c tio n a l
p ro g ra m s
a p p ro p ria te
alternative and adult learners.
Ability to teach math. Knowledge
of migrant populations and their
needs, (see announcement, for
m ore info.) S u b m it CC C app.,
cover letter, resume, 3 Itrs. of ref.
& transcripts. Open until filled,
screening begins after 08/27/04.
frv vrwr In ill b n m h or
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Chemeketa Com m unity College
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Full-time opportunity at Legacy Emanuel Hospital working various
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Preferred requirements include a high school diploma or equiv., 4
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completed courses in apprenticeship program (journeyman engineer).
„ * H M, A *
S ecre ta ry, Extended Learning
D e p a rtm e n t: 6 0% 11 m on.
a s s ig n . Req. H S /G ED . 2 yrs.
S e cre ta ria l/cle rica l exp. W ord
p r o c ./ c o m p u t e r iz e d
spreadsheets exp. Valid Driver's
license, (see announcem ent for
m ore info.) S ubm it CC C a p p „
cover letter, resume & 2 Itrs. of
ref. Closes 08/27/04
Please Contact us at:
Chemeketa Comm unity College
Human Resources Department
PO Box 14007
Salem, OR 97309
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As an affirmative action employer,
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Call Beverly
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The indictm ent fol-
lows the July 29 gang-
Bankruptcy? Repossessions? Bad Credit?
S u b s titu te A ca d e m ic te a ch e r
needed to teach young adults high
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Must have a bachelor’s degree
and v a lid S ta te o f O re go n
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mail (NO FAX PLEASE) resume
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contact Employment Services at (503) 415-5405. AA/EOE
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