PaseA 6_______________________________________________ î,fl ^Iortlanù (©bseruer_____________ August 18. 2004 TriMet Art Gets National Recognition The nine-foot tall bronze light towers by artist Fernanda D'Agostino make the Overlook Park Max Station an instant landmark. Artist Valerie Otani's Timber gates at the Expo Center Station mark the entrance to the site where Japanese Americans were held during World War II. Metal tags are strung from the gates to represent each o f the 3,6 76 people incarcerated at the center. Local Support for First Black Senator It is likely that Democratic Illi­ elected officials to run for Senator taurant in V ancouver at the South nois S enate C andidate Barack in the future. ViewCenter,32OOS.E. 164"’Ave., Obama will soon become the only “ If all things w ere equal, there from 6 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. on T hurs­ black Senator in the Congress and w ould be 13 black S enators in the day, Aug. 26. Suggested d o n a­ only the third black Senator since C ongress,” said Farm er. “One tions o f a $100 or m ore per p er­ the Reconstruction period in the only needs to know the pow er of son is encouraged. late 1800’s. a single U.S. Senator to u n d er­ A conference call is being sched- Longtime friend Lee Farmer has stand how 13 black U.S. Senators uled so that O bam a may person­ made a commitment to raise $1 mil­ w ould change this country for ally speak to his supporters. RSVP lion with his Back in the Black Sen­ the better.” by email to community activist and ate fundraisers for Barack Obama. A s part o f F arm er's cam paign radio show host Opio Sokoni at He believes that supporting Obama drive, a special fundraising effort osokoni@ or call 360- will inspire other quality black will take place at Bacchus Res- 241-1414. African American Health Coalition, Inc Kaiser gives $1 million for medical care Kaiser Permanente is giving $1 million to the Multnomah County Health Department to help provide medical care for people without health insurance. The health department will use the funds to help reduce the impact o f planned budget cuts on health care services to uninsured and under-insured residents in the Port­ land area. C ounty health o fficials e sti­ mate the K aiser Perm anente grant will enable the health departm ent to provide m edical services to 3,000 uninsured people as well as keeping nine health care tran sla­ tors w orking with non-English speaking clients throughout the county. T he funds will also help offset the co u n ty ’s cost to im ple­ ment a new clinical model that will Ear mere information about registration or to volunteer contact the African American Health Coalition, Inc. at 2800 N. Vancouver Ave., Suite 100 SOS-41 J - l 85 0 , or ayaanae@nohc-pertlaad.erg The purpose of the w alk Is to celebrate ear community's health and sustain ongoing free physical activity daeses far African Americans In the Portland metre area. www.aahc-pertlaBd.erg it d o esn ’t co v er losses in M edic­ aid revenue and an increase in u n in s u r e d p a t i e n t s , ” s ta te s M ultnom ah C ounty C hair D iane M. Linn. “T his sig n ifican t grant will provide essential and vital health care for people in need in our co m m u n ity .” Since the 1990s, M ultnom ah i The health department has an outstanding record o f service to Multnomah County ’s poor and vulnerable residents. - Barney Speight, Kaiser Permanente vice president help maintain this essential health care safety net at a time of increased need. This is one element o f our commitment to the communities we serve.” “T he co u n ty ’s incom e tax has helped m aintain critical services to our clients, but unfortunately C o u n ty ’s H ealth D epartm ent has been forced to reduce health care services and close som e clinics. A ccording to the health d ep a rt­ m ent, in the last year, m edical visits to county health clin ics by people not covered by insurance have increased by seven percent. SPINA1C0LUMN Start and finish at Dawsaa fo r k , located at N. Vanceuver and Stanton in Portland, OR. Entry fee is $15 per person. Pre-registration is highly enceuragedl increase cap acity at six county health clinics. “The health department has an outstanding record of service to M ultnom ah C o u n ty ’s poor and vulnerable residents,” says Barney Speight, vice president o f com m u­ nications and external affairs for Kaiser Permanente. “We want to THE Dr. Billy R. Flowers Registration ft event activities begin a t 8:00 a.m. The Walk begins at 9:00 a.m. The second display o f creativity titled. Voices o f remembrance by Valerie O tani’s tim ber gates at the Expo Center Station and was se­ lected by editors o f Art in America for their annual art review. Inspired by traditional Japanese Tori, the gates mark the entrance to the site where Japanese Americans were held during the sum m er of 1942. Metal tags strung from the gates represent each o f the 3,676 people incarcerated at the center. Artwork was incorporated into all 10 Interstate Max Yellow Line stations along the 5.8-mile route. Relief for Uninsured Americans September 4,2004 Joie ui for Ike 2nd Anneal W u II h o m Within REACH Walk Sat. September 4, >0041 W alk the 1.S or 4-tnile courte. Artwork at Overlook Park and the Expo Center stations on the new Interstate Max Yellow Line in north Portland have been recog­ nized by two prestigious annual reviews. Fernanda D ’Agostino’s towers at Overlook Park Station were fea­ tured in the Americans for the Arts yearly public art review. The two, 9-foot high bronze light towers have colored glass windows printed with photos o f community members, overlaid with images of nature. The publication highlights the m ost successful, innovative and exciting public art projects in the United States. An ongoing series at questions and answers about Americas natural healing profession PART 11. EXERCISE: Does it help low back problems, or only make them worse? : A friend of mine showed me fects. When we exercise and stretch problem in the first place. Then a series o f exercises de­ m uscles w ithout rem oving the and only then can the spine be signed to help her low back prob­ cause of the spasms, it actually correctly stretched and strength­ lems. Is it all right for me to use forces the body to degenerate ened without traumatizing muscles them, too? faster. You are better off to have and nerves. For a safe, gentle ac­ : It would be enlightening to done no exercising at all. In Chiro­ curate assessment of your spinal know the number o f people practic, we know the exercise is an situation or for answers to any with qualified back problems (fixa­ important part o f health, but only questions you might have about tion on the spinal joints) who are after Chiropractic care has removed your health please call our office told they only need to exercise. the spinal fixations that caused the at the number below They are given a brief exam and a sheet o f stretching exercises to follow. They are led to believe 2124 N .E Hancock Street nothing else need to be done. This is only incomplete therapy, it Portland, Oregon 97212 is also therapy that could easily lead to very disastrous side ef­ Q A Flowers' C hiropractic Office Phene: (5 0 3 ) 2 8 7 -5 5 0 4