Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, August 18, 2004, Page 3, Image 3

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    August is, 2004_____________________________________ <ri|»
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O n Y our F e e t fo r B e t t e r H e a l t h
Surgeon general
biking, walking
ing for better health and giving
them the m eans to do it.
'T h e num ber o f children w ho
are overw eight in this country is at
an all-tim e high and continues to
grow . It’s im portant for all o f us —
p aren ts, e d u c a to rs, c o m p an ies,
governm ent, and non-profit o rg a­
nizations — to w ork together to
address this public health crisis,”
said C arm ona.
U. S. Surgeon G eneral R ichard H.
C arm ona met with kids at Boise-Eliot
E lem entary School in north Portland
F riday to en c o u ra g e sch o o l-ag e
children to w alk and bike to school
as a m eans o f being physically fit
and active.
In a partnership w ith the B icycle
T ra n sp o rtatio n A llian ce an d the
W illam ette P ed estrian C o alitio n ,
C arm ona urged area residents to
support O regon W alk + B ike to
School Day on O ct. 6 in order to raise
aw areness, prom ote active, healthy
lifestyles for ch ild ren and m ake
U. S. Surgeon General
Richard H. Carmona
promotes health by
taking a stroll through
the Boise-Eliot neighbor­
hood with students Ali
Ruiz (from left), Rodney
Manuel and Michael
streets safer and friendlier for stu­
dents w alking and biking to school.
T his y e a r’s event co in cid es with
International W alk to School Day.
T he tw o organizations also an ­
nounced that they received a $25,000
grant from N ikeG O to exp an d the
event to P ortlan d ’s suburban school
d is tric ts , E u g e n e an d A sh lan d .
N ikeG o is N ike public service p ro ­
gram com m itted to getting kids mov-
of S teve
< I C A N
R on W eber
T he P ortland O bserver
W ith renew ed interest in p ro s­ face their due ju stice before they
ecuting the w hite racist killers o f leave this earth.
E m m ett T ill, we m ust look clo ser at
E m m ett Till did not spend d e­
this som ew hat unknow n hero o f cades fighting for the rights and
the C ivil R ights era.
freedom o f o u r n atio n ’s black citi­
T ill w as a black school boy from zens like Harriet Tubm an, Sojourner
the N orth w ho died at the hands o f T ruth, Frederick D ouglass o r M ar­
a group o f crazed angry w hites on tin L u th er K ing Jr., but he paid the
a hot A ugust 1955 night in M oney, sam e ultim ate price that C rispus
M iss. W hile tw o prim ary suspects A ttucks did at the beginning o f the
in the egregious m urder d ied u n ­ R evolutionary W ar. For that m at­
punished, others w ho participated ter, he paid the sam e price as Audrey E m m e tt Till
in this terrible act a h alf a c e n tu i? M urphy in W orld W ar II o r any cago, w here A frican A m ericans had
ago are still out there. H opefully, soldier w ho has died in Iraq.
rights that Southern blacks only
w ith new trials in the case, they will
As an eight g rad er from Chi- dream ed of, Till did not know w hat
Cold Case Reopened
Emmett Till gets second chance at justice
he w as in for when he asked to join
T hree days later, his body w ould
a relative on a trip to visit relatives be found in a w ater grave know n as
in the South.
the T allahatchie R iver in M issis­
O n a lazy sum m er afternoon, the sippi. W e can only im agine the ter­
young black m an w ho alw ays had ror that w ent through E m m ett’s
“a suitcase full o f jo k es,” perform ed m ind as he w as aw aken to a broken
a sim ple gesture he had done many dow n front door, shouts and pum -
times in Chicago. He simply whistled m eling fists that night. His face w as
at a girl. H ow ever, this girl was beaten raw by a host o f angry white
w hite and E m m ett w as on a trip bigots.
through the South.
He died an innocent victim o f a
N o one told him that black boys racist w hite mob. A lthough tw o
did not w histle at w hite girls in the leaders o f the group w ere charged
South. T hree days later he w as with T ill’s m urder, they w ere found
grabbed from his bed in the m iddle not guilty. L ater they adm itted that
o f the nights, drug from the house, they killed him and bragged about
m ercilessly beaten, and shot in the it, but could not be tried again.
W hile their conduct and the fact
P urew al
our best
D ipaola
that they got aw ay “Scott free”
bothers me a great deal, I now have
solace know ing w here I feel they
are at this m om ent.
W h ile E m m ett is re s tin g in
heaven with the rest o f his fam ily, I
believe the ones w ho brutally and
unfairly took his life are burning in
a place I hope I never see. I also
have good faith that the upcom ing
trials will bring a better verdict.
E m m ett Till and his fam ily deserve
a guilty verdict and G od w illing
they w ill finally get it.
Ron Weber is a regular speaker
on African American history and a
frequent contributor to the Port­
land Observer.
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