FOCUS page C4 August 18. 2004 in Il,'| î o r t l a n ô (© bserüer Sequel Cracks ‘Baby Talk’ Code ___ Elect a Z o tc President: To vote in the Nov. 2 presidential election you must be 18 years old on Election Day. If not registered, a voter registration card must be postmarked at least 21 days before the election, which is Oct. 12. For more information, call 1-866-ORE-VOTE. > The code o f ‘baby ta lk'is cracked in ‘Baby G eniuses 2: Superbabies,' com ing to theaters on Aug. 27. “ B aby G e n iu s e s 2: secretly worked to crack the code who find themselves at the center Superbabies” is the sequel to the o f “baby talk,” a highly sophisti- of a nefarious scheme led by a pow- hit 1999 TriStar Pictures film star- cated language. erful media mogul. ring Kathleen Turner and Chris- The adventure continues in this The film is released nationwide topher Lloyd, whose character new generation of talking toddlers on Friday, Aug. 27. Andre 3000 is Sexiest Dresser Andre 3 0 0 0 (AP) — Andre 3000 is the w orld’s best-dressed man, according to Esquire magazine. “ H e’s a com plete individual,” Nick Sullivan, E squire's fashion director, said. “ But th a t's really A ndre 3000 is the usually over-the-top dressed h a lf o f hip-hip duo O utK ast. Som e o f the 30- y e a r-o ld ’s fashion ou tin g s include: a lim e green ja c k e t at the 2004 G ram m y A w ards, candy apple red fur fo r the V H 1 Big in 2003 cerem ony and a pink-on-pink ensem ble for the 2003 MTV Video M usic A w ards. “ H e’s probably worn his most outrageous when he’s in a video or on stage,” said Sullivan, who said E squire’s list is more about personal style than a celebrity’s stylist’s style. “W hat we photographed him in is very much what he w anted to w ear.” Sources of his fashion inspiration include clothes from period flicks such as “Legends of the Fall" and “The G reat G atsby” and the “old men” in his neighborhood. “T hey’re kind o f like a uniform , which I’ve alw ays been into,” he says in the Septem ber issue of Esquire. “To me, th at’s real style, anything that feels com fortable and expresses your personality and m akes you stand a little taller." T IC K E T S A V A IL A B L E $ 1 5 IN A B VA N C E $ 1 7 A T T H E BCCR S « 3 -* e i-7 2 7 f w w w .k m M .a rg OR A T T H E C R Y S T A L BCX • F F IC E DA BOO BOO Productions LLC presents a. R&B Artists Record Vote Song Top recording artists in the R&B industry released a new star-stud­ ded recording of the 1960s hit “Wake Up Everybody.” All proceeds from the song will benefit America Coming Together, which is working to register and mobilize voters to support progres­ sive candidates at all levels of gov­ ernment. “My wife Tracey and I, along istration.” “Wake Up Everybody" features with Russell Simmons and Jonathan a wide variety of today’s hottest Lewis, want to help make a change hip hop, R& B and rap stars, includ­ in this c o u n try ,” said Kenny ing Mary J. Blige, Ashanti, Missy “Babyface” Edmonds. “This song Elliot, Eve, Monica, Musiq. Brandy, is the spirit of the country and all Jamie Foxx, Reverent Run, W yclef these artists have the will to change Jean Jadakiss, Faith Evans, Nate it, empower the young voters and Dogg, Floetry, MC Lyte and Russell create a movement for people to Simmons for the historic recording. vote and change the current admin­ Coming soon in 2004 Stop by One Stop Records fo r promo listening now!