Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, August 18, 2004, Page 12, Image 12

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August 18. 2004
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R eligion
Y O u r
R ig h t
Oregon Oept. of Corrections. If you are In «ny other part of the criminal
M ichael E. Harper, Sr.
Changing Lives
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FAX: (503) 227-8757
from Metro
erty it so desperately sought.
The building was paid for in
full by the end o f 1996, although
the road ahead still rem ained a
tedious journey. M ore than eight
years and $1.5 m illion later, the
ch u rch b u ild in g p ro jec t rests
com pleted.
"W e'v e com e this far by faith.
It’s been due to the faithfulness
o f G od that w e’ve com e to the
place w e’re at now. T hrough our
residency and renovation w e’ve
seen trem endous change in our
neighborhood,” said Strong. “It’s
our desire to be a blessing to the
com m unity, not ju st a nice look­
ing building. In all the battles
w e’ve had to face along the w ay,
w e’ve learned it’s not the build­
ing that makes the church, it’s the
Life Change Christian Center has
created an array of outreach minis­
tries to help fulfill their mission o f
“building a strong local church by
building families, leaders and ser­
vants to advance the kingdom of
God by proclaiming the gospel of
Jesus Christ to all the peoples in the
com munity, city and the nations to
the glory o f G od.”
justice system, such as a county Jail, you have not lost your voting privilege.
Touching People
r o « i n
vote. Even convicted felons cen vote If not cu m n tly In custody of the
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Senior Pastor Mark Strong welcomes his congregation and guests to the new Life Change Chris­
tian Center, 3635 N. Williams.
The church reaches out into
the com m unity with program s
such as free bread and clothing
giveaw ays on S aturday m o rn ­
ings, m onthly visits to the eld ­
erly, daily prayer m eetings, a
strong youth m inistry and sm all-
indiv id u alized support groups.
“It’s Jesus C hrist, not religion
that has the pow er to change and
transform individual liv es,” said
Strong. “ W e’re not perfect, far
from it in fact, but w e’re striving
to be authentic w itnesses o f what
it really m eans to be C hristian;
like C hrist.”
Sunday services are held at 10
a.m. and include w orship and the
w ord o f G od. For m ore in fo rm a­
tion call, 503-288-0479 or visit
online at: w w w .Iifechangecc.org.
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Our serious issues require a national wake-up call
bv R ev . M ark K ellev
I am not sure whether he is a Chris­ posed the failures o f our recog­
Legendary entertainer Bill Cosby tian or not or what his political party nized leadership’s strategy o f por­
stirred up the black establishment affiliation is, to hear the truth from tray ing our people as perpetual vic­
with his critical com ments on the the lips o f someone of the stature of tims o f endless, white conspiracies
low educational attainm ent and Bill Cosby in our community is ab ­ to oppress us, in order to get more
speech (including the use o f the solutely exhilarating! Yes, it makes from them these past 40 years.
“n” word) with some o f today's us look bad; yes, it airs our dirty
We have dirty laundry such as it
black youth. He has also railed laundry. But our dirty laundry rep­ is today because the relative few in
against the elevation of blacks that resents some very serious issues in the black establishment who have
com mit crimes and go to prison to our community that required the profited from the victim strategy
the status of celebrity political pris­ kind o f national wake-up call that are disconnected from the God of
oners. Moreover, he objects to the Mr. Cosby has brought by break­ the Bible. It was He who opened
violence o f embittered black men ing the unspoken commandment. the doors for our advancem ent
against their female partners.
Cosby believes these and other
We have dirty
black shortcomings are sadly in­
laundry...because the
dicative of a lack o f appreciation for
relative few in the black
the sacrifices o f the civil rights
establishment who have
The black detractors o f Mr.
profited from the victim
Cosby know the criticisms he makes
are valid, but are only angry with
strategy are disconnected
him for saying it where white folks
from the God o f the Bible.
could hear it. He broke the first of Rev. Mark Kelley
the unspoken commandments of
Incredibly, in far too many in­ through the civil rights movement;
black Americans: "Thou shalt not stances, it is not the protection of it is He who is now quite displeased
criticize thy people in the earshot of unity that motivates this com mand­ we pushed Him to the back-ground
w hites.” Are we really so naive as ment today. It is not embarrassing even as we corrupt His Word to lay
to believe that not only whites, but sham e that o u r problem s exist false moral grounds for our self-
the whole world are unaware of our either. If it were truly shame for this serving strategy of deceit.
shortcom ings?
reason, all levels o f black society
We have dirty laundry such as it
Well, frankly, I am very glad would pull together and labor in­ is today because the relative few in
somebody other than those o f us tensively to wash our dirty laun­ the black establishment who have
relegated to the lunatic biblically dry. H owever.embarrassing shame profited from the victim strategy
conservative, “right wing” fringe is involved as it concerns how Bill are disconnected from the God of
has had the gall to speak up! While C osby’s public criticisms have ex- the Bible.
Jefferson Grad
D riven by covetousness and
greed, many o f the movers and
shakers o f the black establishment
nationwide have focused on politi­
cal clout, economic empowerment,
educational achievement and so­
cial acceptance. Black religion has
been a v ery v o c a l team
player. H ow ever, the w eightier
matters o f the spirit, morality and
character o f the race have been
largely left for personal tastes or
addressed superficially as self-evi­
dent in our survival as victims.
The result is that now, in every
facet o f black society, we view all of
life through the deceitful prism of
victimization. So children under
achieve in school and it’s not their
fault because white run govern­
ments have not provided enough
resources. O ur teens degrade each
other in speech and have low self­
esteem because of racism. Those
found gui Ity of crimes are celebrated
because bully w hite authorities
conspired against them. Black on
black violence is an outcome of
poverty and hopelessness created
by w hite indifference. And on
and on.
Rev. Robert Kelley is the founder
and president o f Open Door Com­
munication Ministries, Inc. and
pastor o f St. Mark Baptist Church,
103 N.E. Morris.
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By Faith Romans 1:17
Celebrati ng 50 Years Together
Terrol R. Johnson
Funeral services were held Monday,
Aug. 16, 2004, in Life Change Christian
Center, 3624 N. Vancouver Ave., forTetrol
R. Johnson, who died Aug. 10 at age 56.
Mr. Johnson was bom May 14, 1948,
in Shreveport, La. He moved to Portland
in 1955 and graduated from Jefferson
High School. He served in the Army. He
was a program administrator for Life works
NW for several years. In 1989, he married
Molly Sheafe.
Survivors include his wife; daughter.
Demetria Peterson; son, Terrol R. Jr.;
stepsons. M ichael D enton, M atthew
Denton and G eoffrey Denton; sister.
Debra Battle. C’hantina Johnson and Char­
lotte Johnson; brothers, Lorenzo and
Kelvin; and eight grandchildren.
Arrangements by Caldw ell’sColonial
James (J.D.)
and Lonzella Lambert
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Mom and Dad
With AU Our Love
Zenobia (Kathy) Noble
Janice Lambert-Gordon
Brenda Lambert-Smith
James (J.T.) Lambert
Dwayne Lambert
Loretta Lambert
Jennifer Lambert