Life Change Moms Against Guns Church testifies to faith after years of struggle ( f Rally supports ban o f assault weapons ! See story’ Metro s**’1’00 See story, page A2 f l H H ' ** T llnrtlanb (©bamrer ‘City of Roses’ Established in 1970 Committed to Cultural Diversity Volume XXXIV • Number 32 TlW e e k in TheReview Disaster Aid Flows to Victims F e d e ra l d is a s te r a s sista n c e money started flowing to Hurri­ cane Charley ’ s victims in Florida Tuesday, but hundreds o f thou­ sands still had no phones, no running water, no diapers for the baby and no gas to fill the tank. At least 17 people were killed by the storm and officials estimate it caused as much as $ 11 billion in damage to insured homes alone. Winfrey Picked for Jury Oprah W infrey was picked to serve on a jury at Cook County C rim inal C ourt in C hicago. W infrey walked into the court­ house Monday through an alter­ nate entrance to avoid crowds. But officials said once inside the courtroom, she w ouldn’t receive any special treatment. Shot at Olympic Record Sunk Australian Ian Thorpe won the most anticipated duel at the Olym­ pic pool in Greece, taking gold in the 200-meter freestyle Monday night and ensuring that Ameri­ can Michael Phelps w on’t match Mark Spitz’s record of seven gold medals. Bush Reassigns Europe Troops President Bush announced plans to shift as many as 70,000 U.S. ‘ troops who are now stationed in W estern Europe and Asia in one o f the largest realignments since the end o f the Cold War. Some of the troops would be moved to posts in Eastern Europe while others would be based in the United States, available for de­ ployment overseas, White House officials said. Anarchists Consider Voting A group o f anarchists is taking an unusual step to make its politi­ cal voice heard - going to the polls. Anarchists generally pride themselves on their rejection of government and its authority. But a faction o f them fed up with the war in Iraq say they plan to cast anti-Bush votes this fall. Harry Potter Title Announced “H arry P otter” novelist J.K. Rowling says her young hero will survive to the seventh book in her series about the young w iza rd , but re fu se d to say whether he would reach adult­ hood. She is still working on the sixth book, titled: “Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince." I Wednesday • August 18. 2004 PCC Leaderson Top Growing campuses under new management by J aymee R. C u n T he P ortland O bserver Portland Com m unity College, under new management, vows to make gains in north and northeast Portland and beyond by becoming a college o f the community, not just in the community. The PCC Cascade Campus at 705 N. Killingsworth, is spilling into its urban neighborhood by expanding its campus by a third. A Public Ser­ vices Building, providing fire fight­ ing, emergency medical technician and criminal justice training, will open by the fall term. Also opening at Cascade in September are the Technology Building, P.E. Building and an addition to Jackson Hall. New buildings will be added to thePCC Sylvania, Rock Creek and Southeast campuses as well. Besides the new accom m oda­ tions, the Cascade campus and entire college system are also w el­ coming new presidents. Dr. Algie Gatewood was hired for Cascade in April and took his post on June 14. Gatewood moved to Portland from North Carolina, where he served as the assistant director of the North Carolina State Education Assistance Authority of the Univer­ sity o f North C arolina overseeing health, education and welfare. G atew ood w as hired by Dr. photo by M ark W ashington /T he P ortland O bserver Portland Community College President Preston Pulliams (left), the new chief executive o f the entire community college system and Algle Gatewood, the new president o f the PCC Cascade Campus, tour the greatly expanding Cascade campus on North Killingsworth and Albina Avenues. Preston Pulliams who became the criticized for not appointing people presid en t o f PCC last M arch. o f color to leadership positions. Pulliams previously was vice-chan­ “I’m com m itted to diversity,” cellor for Community Colleges for Gatewood said. “We have a very the State University of New York in diverse faculty and staff and we are Albany. a very diverse campus. We want to Some see the two African Ameri­ build diversity in terms o f the stu­ cans, as helping to change the im­ dent population as well, to address age o f the city, which has been the needs o f the com m unity.” B esides increasing diversity among his staff, Pulliams says he will fight for government dollars to support education. “ I have to carry the message to elected officials that we are here to serve the com m unity. I know they have some tough choices to make but a priority should be educa­ tion,” Pulliams said. The bond measure supporting the building renovations has also put minorities, women and small busi­ nesses to work. The college has awarded a third of contracts to minority- and women continued on page A2 Low Marks for Schools Momentum for improvement promised The Oregon Department o f Education has released the ratings for Portland schools testing under the No Child Left Behind federal law. Tw enty-four local schools were identified as not meeting adequate yearly progress. The number includes all 11 highschools, nine middle schools and five elementary schools. All o f the middle and elementary schools are located on the east side o f the W illamette River. “This report is a window into our strengths and challenges,” said Vicki Phillips, the newly appointed superintendent. “T he results show that we are making progress in some areas, but it also shows we need to maintain a relentless focus on teaching and learning to reach expec­ tations." Middle schools not meeting the requirements o f the law, include Beaumont Middle School, G regory H eights M iddle School, W hitaker Middle School o f northeast Portland; George Middle School, Ockley Green Middle School, Tubm an M iddle School o f north Portland; Binnsmead Middle School, Lane Middle School and Kellogg Middle School o f southeast Port­ land. Identified elementary schools include Bridger Elementary School, Llewellyn Elementary School, Sunnyside Elementary School o f southeast Port­ land; Vestal Elementary School and Woodlawn Elementary School of northeast Portland. “Student achievement is the primary focus of the School Board,” said Lolenzo Poe, Portland Public School Board co-chair. “We are confident that the hiring o f our new superintendent. Vicki Phillips, will result in reforms that will help the school district meet the high expectations set by the No Child Left Behind Act. It is the board’s intention to diligently m onitor the school district’s progress toward these goals." photo by M ichael R ubenstein /T he P ortland O bserver Presidential candidate John Kerry salutes at Waterfront Park in downtown Portland Friday during a rally that drew an estimated 50,000 people. Multitude Greets Kerry in Portland Bush also visits in election battle (A P)— Democratic presidential nomi­ nee John Kerry ended a two-week cross­ country campaign swing in Portland Fri­ day, where he and celebrity supporters got a rousing welcome from the largest crowd to attend a political speech here in at least a decade. Portland fire officials estim ated the crow d at betw een 4 0,000 and 50,000 people on the W illam ette R iver w ate r­ front, on a day when P resident Bush was cam paigning just a few m iles away. W hen K erry took the stag e in P o rt­ land, he fo cu sed m ain ly on n atio n al issu es — in c lu d in g w ar and tax re ­ form — that have c ro p p e d up o ften d u rin g his “ B elieve in A m eric a" to u r th a t b eg an a fte r he a c c e p te d the D em ocratic nom ination in Boston tw o w eek s ago. Flanked by small-business owners. President Bush touted his economic poli­ cies during an invitation-only town hall meeting at Southridge High School in Beaverton. Bush acknowledged O regon's high t jobless rate but said the economy was recovering in the Northwest and nation­ wide. The same-day visits by both candi­ dates are a sign of O regon’s status as a swing state and its importance to both parties, despite its scant seven electoral votes. Kerry was introduced by, among oth­ ers. actor Leonardo DiCaprio and rocker Jon Bon Jovi. DiCaprio. wearing jeans and a baseball cap, praised Kerry for his envi­ ronmental policies. Bon Jovi didn't speak, but played the 80s hits "Li ving on a Prayer" and “Dead or Alive.” I