c| J o r t l a n b © b s e r u e r August II, 2004 L aw & J ustice CRIME STOPPERS Wanted Fraud Suspect Washington resident may be hiding out in Portland P ortland M etro C rim e S top­ pers, in cooperation with C rim e S toppers o f Puget Sound, needs your help in finding W arren Eric A rm stead, a w anted man. Snohom ish C ounty, W ash in g ­ ton, has a no bail w arrant for the arrest A rm stead, 48, on charges o f escape, I.D. theft, and drug possession. He has a hom e and fam ily in Shoreline, W A. He trav­ els the Interstate 5 corridor, and m ay be hiding out in the P ortland m etro area. A rm stead steals identification and identification inform ation and then creates or alters checks. He cashes the fraudulent checks and gets aw ay w ith the m oney. H e is involved in credit card fraud as well. A rm stead is about 5 feet 8 inches tall, 165 pounds, w ith black h airan d b ro w n ey es. He w ears his h air short, or even shaved. He has freckles o n his face. H e has tat­ toos o n both arm s. He uses the aliases o f G eorge W illiam s, W ar­ ren Jones, and W arren W illiam s. Crime Stoppers is offering a cash reward o f up to $1,000 fo r information, reported to Crime Stoppers, that leads to an arrest in this case, or any unsolved felony crime, any you need not give your name. Call Crime Stoppers at 503-823-HELP. presidential election you Page B3 E lect a P resid en t: Mote «we m ust be IK years old on E lection Day. A voter registration card m ust be postm arked at least 21 days before the election, w hich is O ct. 12. For m ore inform ation, call 1 -866-O R E -V O T E . R is k y B e h a v io r in P ris o n A study identifying risky b e­ h avior that prison inm ates engage in has revealed that certain b eh av ­ iors are responsible for the spread o f com m unicable diseases after the inm ates are released. T he study, com m issio n ed by the O regon D e­ partm ent o f C orrections, show ed that the frequency o f high-risk b e­ haviors for m ale inm ates is greatest for tattoos, follow ed by sexual a c ­ tivity, body p iercing and intrave­ nous drug use. F or fem ale inm ates, the m ost com m on high-risk b eh av ­ iors, in order, include sexual activ ­ ity, tattooing, body piercing and intravenous dru g usage. T h e s tu d y , d e te rm in in g the prevalence o f risk y b eh av io r in prison, in part, w as built on d iscu s­ sions w ith the C ascade A ids Project and others concerned about pris­ ons and public health. T he survey show ed that high-risk behaviors are less prevalent in O reg o n ’s pris­ ons than m ost national estim ates. “W e recognize the role prisons potentially have in the spread o f contagious d iseases,” said C o rrec­ tions D irector M ax W illiam s. M ost prisoners w ill eventually return to their com m unities. In O r­ egon, about h alf o f the prison p o p u ­ lation will be released w ithin 24 m onths, and approxim ately 95 per­ cent w ill eventually be released. "If diseases are transm itted am ong pris­ oners through high-risk behaviors, it is logical that reducing these be­ haviors would help limit the spread o f disease in prison and our com m u­ nities upon release,” W illiam s said. Woman Charged in Traffic Death C lyde L. K arr w as struck and killed in a hit and run accident on Aug. 4, at about 1 l:I 5 a .m ..a tth e intersection o f Southeast P ow ell B oulevard and 151s1 A venue. K arr w as 62 and legally blind. M isty W alton, 26, the driv er o f the pickup truck that struck K arr, w as arrested after leaving the scene o f the accident. A w itness follow ed her providing updates to police on a cell phone. T he suspect pulled into a parking lot near Southeast 148th A venue and S outheast D ivision S treet w here police found her and took her into custody. M isty Walton A llied M ortgage nniuno dream or nonrownmnir cone tkuei I* Stober M. Davis mortgage consultant (503) 262-2626x155 cell (503) 348-2824 • fax (503) 262-2650 10011 SE Division, STE 207 • Portland, OR 97266 sm davis3allied6yahoo.com Body at Park Identified Loans h Oregon, Waiw^ton « C a fo n i W hen Portland Police a single gunshot wound officers responded to a to the chest. call o f “shots fired” in D etectives are look­ Kenilworth Park in south­ ing for anyone w ho may east Portland at approxi­ have seen R ow e in the mately 1:30a.m. on Aug. h o u rs le a d in g to h is 4, they found the body o f death. A nyone w ith in­ 26-year-old T revor John form ation is asked to call R ow e. H is death w as D etective Brian G rose at Trevor Rowe ruled a hom icide after an 503-823-0457 or D etec- autopsy revealed that Rowe died o f tiveC huckShipleyat503-823-0865. I I K e e p in g you in T ouch niRMOICC $34.99 Phone w/60 Mins. 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The main feature is the Nuga Thermal Massage bed. It will: Massage, Chiropractic effect, Clean Blood, Acupuncture effect, Open Chi channels, Detoxify, and B u ild th e Im m une S ystem . P ro d u c ts 4 H e a lth : www.producst4health.com, (503) 77-8333, 582 9 SE Powell Blvd, Portland, 97206. E -M ail: h aro ld s@ jo h n sc o tt.c o m 3ohn L. Scott Jo h n L. S cott P T L • W ashington S q u are O ffice T h is o ffic e is in d ep en d en tly o w n ed and o p erated Build Credit with Easy Payment 1 l( • Personal & Group Photo Collages «3ohní$cott‘ Call For Appointment - Ask for Paul P.0. 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