August II. 2004 îllf ^ Io r t la n b ® h s e r u e r S ports A dvertise with diversiP/ //I ffl!‘ | . l n i t l a n h ( O b s c r t i e r Cull 5O3-288-IMJ33 udhC^portlaiulot » Peninsula Season Ends at Regionals CANNON'S RJB EXPRESS The quest for a Little League World Series bid by the Peninsula boy’s junior all-star team ended with fierce com petition against teams from Nevada, Hawaii, South­ ern California and Arizona. Peninsula, representing kids from north and northeast Portland, (FORMERLY CHUCK HINTON'S) Catering & Take-Out O ur S pecialty : R eal H ickory S moked B ar -B-Q • Sandwiches • Salads • Chicken • Pork Ribs • Beef Ribs came up short in the regional multi­ state championship games in For­ est Grove. “The playoffs proved to be a challenge we w eren’t quiet pre­ pared for,” said head coach Bryan Butcher. “It was great that our guys got the opportunity to come face to face with some of the best teams on the W est Coast. The competition was great and even though we d id n 't win, we still came out on top as first class winners.” A highlight o f the tournament included a rally game against team Hawaii with a tie score o f 1 to 1 until the last inning when the opposing team scored a shocking 10 runs. “W e’re thankful for the experi­ ence we had to play and for all the support w e go t fr o m pa re n ts and families. The team has definitely become better ball players because o f it, ” said Butcher. HOURS M onday-Thurs. Fri.& S at. Sunday lla m - 9 p m lla m - IO p m 11 am - 8 pm CATERING ALL EVENTS (lc a rb ) Chopped Pork w/side sm. greens Low Carb Special: * * * N ew L ocation * * * 5410 N.E. 33 rd 503-288-3836 Lin Jas .Mai J S ervice Residential-Offices jh “C leanliness is next to G odliness" L V ea « » Insured - Bonded NASCAR Drivers Support Urban League 503-288-1489 Linda J. Scott Owner Coupon 10% off on first cleaning mu ih ' bim ; Two o f the m ost successful African Americans in m otor sports, NASCAR truck series driver, Bill Lester (left) and National Hot Rod Association motorcycle drag racer Antron Brown attend the recent National Urban League's Annual Conference in Detroit. DA BOO BOO Productions LLC presents Payton, Fox Traded to Boston & r Sylvia s Corner Los Angeles Lakers' Gary Payton drives toward the basket around Minnesota Timberwolves' Ervin Johnson in the NBA Western Conference Finals. s o u fh e n n c u is in e A u g u st 14, 200 4 3 P M to 11 P M Buy one basket and get */ j off on the second basket. Seafood. Gumbo, Fried Pies and much more. Giveaways (free T-shirts and hats will supplies last) Located at 1301 NE Dekum 503-289-8195 J Boyd PARENTAL ADVISORY C om ing soon in 2004 Stop by One Stop Records fo r promo listening now! (A P)— The Los Angeles Lakers resumed their makeover by trading Gary Payton and Rick Fox to the Boston Celtics for Chucky Atkins, Marcus Banks and Chris Mihm. The Celtics also received a con­ ditional first-round draft pick and cash in the deal and sent a second- round pick to the Lakers. The teams were once among the Picture Perfect Landscape Olympics Opens in Greece Friday Let Us Design and Build Your Next Deck For All Your Landscape Needs REASONABLE PRICES Bonded & Insured Landscape Design • Yearly Mai Pruning • Clean-Ups • Weed « Landscape Insulation • Retaine Vinyl Fences • Chain Water Features • Ponds W, QUALITY CLOTHING CARE 3 5 0 8 N . W IL L IA M S % James Boyd, nee • Mowing Weed Control Ils • Wood Fences Fences 2 DAY SERVICE <1 M O S T G A R M E N T S $ 3 .0 0 L A U N D R Y S H IR T S $ 1 . 2 5 C O M F O R T E R S $ 1 5 .0 0 z ir > u i> it i » D R A PE S & C U R TA IN S MON-SAT 9:00-6:00 Call (503) 9 LC B #6I56 N BA ’s fiercest rivals, but Boston has fallen on hard times since win­ ning its I6thcham pionshipin 1986. Since then, the Lakers have won five titles and lost three times in the Finals, including this year’s upset by the Detroit Pistons. The Lakers then traded Shaquille O ’ Neal to Miami and replaced coach P hil Ja c k so n w ith R udy Tomjanovich. Derek Fisher left for Golden State and Vlade Di vac, Los Angeles’ center from the early '90s, was brought back for another stint. A nine-time All-Star who aver­ aged 18.3 points per game over his first 13 seasons, Payton averaged 14.6 points - his lowest since the 1992-93 season - and a career-low 4.2 assists in the regular season last year. The former Oregon State great was selected to the N BA ’s all-de­ fensive team eight times and was voted the defensive player of the year in 1996. He is fifth on the league's all-time list with 2,243 steals and sixth with 8,039 assists; he needs 44 points to become the 29th player in NBA history to score 20,000 points. (A P )— The Greek premier and head of the International Olympic Com mittee say Greece is ready for the games to begin. Now, they just want more people to show up. Preparations by Athens dragged after the IOC awarded the games to Greece in 1997. IOC officials wor­ ried when construction ran behind schedule. The delays are being blamed for sluggish ticket sales, with ju st slightly less than half of the 5.3 million tickets still unsold. Organiz­ ers hope to sell 3.4 million before Friday’s opening ceremony. “I call upon the Greek public to come to the venues and to cheer for their teams and to cheer for the o th e r te a m s ," IO C p re sid e n t Jacques Rogge said Monday after a tour of the main Olympic complex w ith c h ie f o r g a n iz e r G ia n n a Angelopoulos-Daskalaki.