FOCUS August II. 2004 page C3 in Il|r F o r t i a n i » ( © b a e r u e r A œ r T w e a . A P > y Cultural paintings shared with nursing center Christine Easley's acrylic painting, From the Fields to the City,' depicts a woman and her son leaving a life of hard labor for new opportunities. Artist Christine Easley (left) and Danuta Zbiegien, Porthaven Care Center admission coordinator, admire a display of artwork for the northeast Portland center's 5O'h anniversary celebration. Local artist C hristine Easley m ade N o rth e a st P o rtla n d ’s Porthaven Care Center a richer place with cultural paintings during an art show and open house for the center’s 50“' anniversary. Easley works at the nursing fa­ cility as a resident care manager. Wine, cheese and cello music played by Miss Seymour also en­ hanced the celebration. Easley’s paintings in acrylics, watercolors and oils, are gaining acclaim. She recently won the Good in the Neighborhood t-shirt art con­ test and participated in the Gresham Historical Art Society event last month. She has an art gallery and studio at 16426 N.E. Portland Blvd. She also does “Gallery to Go” home shows by request. For more inform ation about Easley and her work, call 503-257- 8882. 1 CLEANING AREA Pre-Spray Traffic Area $40.00 , i Small Hall included Silence and V e sire Talisman Gallery, 1476 N.E. Alberta St., features artists Pattie Palmer-Baker and Julie Ann Smith opening Last Thurs­ day, Aug. 26, with an artists’ reception that evening from 5:30 to 9 p.m. Sm ith’s series, featuring “ Silent Spring" captures images of environmen­ tal landscapes, noting degradation of the Portland area over a lifetime here. Palmer-Baker’s series, “the Other Side of Desire” illustrates her poetry. For more information, call 503-284- 8800. Pattie Palmer-Baker's "SJ Bridge Detail, ’ appears at the Alberta Street’ Talisman Gallery beginning on Last Thursday, Aug. 26. Asian Veggies Lecture Sue Berge is on a mis­ sion to educate Western g ard en ers about A sian vegetables. A native of C hina, she d em ystifies Asian vegetables in aTues- day, Aug. 31 lecture called Growing Winter Asian Veg­ etables at the Portland Chi­ nese G arden, 127 N.W. Third Ave. Cost is $12 for members and $15 for the public. Call 503-228-8131, extension 2001 to register. CARPET COUPON ■ 1 CLEANING AREA Pre-Spray Traffic Area $40.00 i Small Hall included STAIRS (WITH SERVICE) $ 7 . 5 0 EACH UPHOLSTERY CLEANING Sofa (under 6ft.) $69.00 Loveseat $40.00 Sectional $99.00 and up Chair or Recliner $25.00 and up Throw Pillows JiS.00 each CALL FOR APPOINTMENTS Í503J 28 1-3949