August 4, 2004 ^ ^ ß o rtla n h (©bseruer More Minority Organ Donations supports an increase in m inority d o ­ nors year-round. a beautiful granddaughter to know and On Aug. 7 and 8, Fam ily o f O ne will love. I’ve got a second chance, so I live set up a display at the H om ow o F esti­ each day like it's my last.” val o f A frican Arts to provide in fo rm a­ A lthough A frican A m ericans need tion about organ and tissue donation. all types o f organs, kidneys top the list. The event runs in the Portland State C urrently, more than 23,000 African U niversity South Park Blocks in d ow n­ A m ericans are w aiting for kidney trans­ town Portland. plants. Statistically, A frican Am ericans "U ltim ately, it’s about com m unity have the best chance o f being m atched m em bers helping their ow n in the m ost for a kidney transplant if the donor is precious o f w ays— by donating life,’ also black. A frican A m ericans are d is­ said W arren Becker, m anager o f p ro ­ proportionately affected by illnesses gram s for O regon D onor Program , a that can lead to the need for dialysis or supporting m e m b e ro f Fam ily o f O ne. a kidney transplant. The lack o f avail Included in the Family o f One display able organs m eans longer transplant will be the Threads o f Life quilt. The w aiting periods, years on dialysis, and handmade quilt isdedicated to the memory som etim es death. o f those who have given the gift o f life, H ere in O regon, Fam ily o f O ne, a sight and mobility and celebrates the coalition for A frican A m erican organ, lives of transplant recipients. tissue and bone m arrow donor aw are­ F o r m o re in f o r m a tio n , v is it ness and kidney disease prevention, w w w .fam continued born fro m Metro New Director for Latino Network continued p assio n fo r h er w ork in the L atin o c o m m u n ity ,” said Sten. Jo h n so n ’s Peruvian heritage points to the grow ing diversity o f O reg o n ’s L atino com m unity, w hich is not ex clu ­ sively o f M exican origin as is som e­ tim es assum ed. U nder Jo h n so n ’s lead­ e r s h ip , th e L a tin o N e tw o rk w ill stre n g th e n its g ra s s ro o ts c a p a c ity building efforts in o rder to bring about positive change on issues such as ed u ­ cation reform , youth violence, im m i­ grant rights, and com m unity w ellness. fr o m M etro lie administration and international stud­ ies from the University of Oregon. Prior to working with the Network, she served as policy staff and community liaison for former Multnomah County Chair Beverly Stein. “ I th in k this is a g rea t d ec isio n on th e p a r t o f th e L a tin o N e tw o rk . Jo h n so n w as a v alu ed m em b er o f my team . She is w ell o rg an iz ed , has tr e ­ m endous follow thro u g h and g reat B&B T-Shirt u< M mì 204NKillingsworth(VancouverSt.) Pörtland,OR972l 1 bandbtshirts@ p io /e ftn « » h llrlu » »all! cto r ( //toui CMSTOIA P R IN T ID □ A R M * NTS M O U S E PAOS PUZZLES E M B R O ID E R Y SILK SCREEN NUMBERS Q U IC K GIFTS 5 0 3 x 8 4 1 8 1 0 phone $03 X84 1910 (ax )rrj( continued Page B3 breastfeed t o fr o m M etro “ By h ig h lig h tin g th e c o n s e ­ quences o f not breastfeeding and pro­ viding necessary support, m ore p ar­ ents, including fathers, will be co m ­ pelled to give breastfeeding a try and stick with it for six m onths and b e­ yond. This could potentially change the health o f our nation in one g en ­ eratio n s,” said A m elia Psm ythe, d i­ rector o f Nursing M others Council o f O regon. The council is launching a cam ­ paign with public service announce­ m ents and outreach geared tow ard com m unities o f color. At the co n fer­ ence, m em bers discussed the m edical risks o f not breastfeeding, w ays to e lim in a te r a c ia l d is p a r i tie s in b reastfeeding rates, p are n ts’ first­ hand experiences about w hat hinders and supports nursing and honored local hospitals for their prom otion efforts and em ployers friendly to nurs­ ing m others. O re g o n b o a s ts th e h ig h e s t breastfeeding initiation rates in the country, more than 89 percent o f new m others start out nursing their b a­ bies. C lose to h alf discontinue well before their child is six m onths old, the recom m ended length o f tim e for optim um health benefits. For free breastfeeding advice, visit w w w .nursingm or call 503-282-3338. Jovan Young h o ld in g h e r daughter. Denali. ^***1 » » * * * ¥ » T t l fT Postal Service Honors Jam es Baldwin JAMES BALDWIN A «■ til I ItC '»-IRK/ 1 V i FOT,-ia e 3 r«n < **«««««« i . A * A CCB811ÒÓ03 , The Jam es B aldw in trib u te is the 2Cfh sta m p by the U.S. P ost O ffice in its Literary A rts series. Well-known author James Baldwin, whose works explore race relations, as well as the arts and human relation- ships, was honored Tuesday when the U.S. Postal Service dedicated a new com mem orative postage stamp in its Literary Arts stamp series. "His writings are a demonstration of his love for all o f us. Baldwin wrote with great honesty and passion. You can almost feel his need to explore the hard truths o f our so ciety ,” said Henry Pankey, a postal service executive, who dedicated the stamp in New York. BUSINESS directory REMODELING. CERAMIC TILE INSTALL HOME REPAIRS. DRY'ROT, FENCES. DECKS, ECT, OFF.: (5 0 3 )2 8 8 -1 1 0 3 FAX: (5 0 3 )2 8 6 -1 1 4 6 STATE FARM RON BECK Ph 503-624-5008 Fax -503-624-0322 Pgr 503-204-9003 8301 Shakespeare Lake Grove, OR. 97036 INSURANCE COMPANIES HOME 0FF1CES:BL00MIN0T0N, ILLINOIS $34.99 ERNEST J. HILL, JR. 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