Open Season on Road Call For Appointment - Ask for Paul P.O. Box 20741, Portland, OR 97294 -07 41 503-254-0774 C ANNO N'S § RIB EXPRESS = _ S: (FORMERLYCHUCK HINTON'S) Catering & Take-Out O ur S pecialty : æ: R eal H ickory S moked B ar -B-Q ' Sandwiches • Salads • Chicken • Pork Ribs • Beef Ribs HOURS: M onday-Thurs. 11 am - 9 pm Fri. & Sat. 11 am - 10pm Sunday 11 am - 8 pm Y¿ ». CATERING ALLEVENTS Low Carb I *•«*” Special: (lc a r b ) Chopped Pork w /sidesm . greens $5! * * * N ew L ocation * * * 5410 N.E. 33 rd Drug Use Suspends (AP) — Calvin H am son has been sus­ pended tor two years for a second doping violation, knocking the sprinter off the U.S. team tor the Athens Olym pics and likely forcing the United States to forfeit a relay gold medal from last year’s world champion­ ships. The U.S. Anti-Doping Agency said Mon­ day that Harrison was found guilty of using the stimulant modafinil at the U.S. track and field championships in June 2003. His case was heard last week by a three- member arbitration panel, which rejected H am son’s appeal o f the test results. Harrison did not attend the 8-hour arbitration hearing. Harrison also tested positive for the stimu­ lant pseudoephedrine at the 1993 U.S. junior indoor championships and served a three- month suspension. As a repeat offender, he got the 2-year ban. H arrison's twin brother, Alvin, faces a lifetime ban after being charged by US ADA with steroid use. His case is awaiting arbitra­ tion. The Portland Trail Blazers will open the 2004-05 season on the road, traveling to O akland to face the G olden State W arriors on W ed n esd ay , N ov. 3. The Blazers play their hom e opener tw o nights later when they host the L.A. C lippers in the Rose Garden. As in years past, Portland will play a two-game series (1 home and I road) against all 15 Eastern Conference teams. But due to the addition of the expansion-Char lotte Bobcats in the East and the resulting relocation of the New Orleans Hornets to the Western Conference, Portland’s intra-eon- ferenee match-ups will be split. The Blazers will face the other four Northwest Division teams four times (2 home and 2 road). Port­ land will play four-game series (2 Calvin Harrison in action during the home and 2 road) against three men s 400 meter qualifying dash teams in both the Southwest and at the U.S. Olympic track and field Pacific Divisions and will play trials July 11 in Sacramento, Calif. three-game series (either 2 home Harrison was suspended Monday and 1 road or 1 home and 2 road) for two years for a second doping against the other two clubs in violation, making him ineligible for both divisions. These intra-con­ the Athens Olympics. (AP photo) ference match-ups will rotate each season. The Blazers will face the West­ ern Conference Champion-L.A. Lakers three times (2 home and 1 road) and will meet the defending (A P) — The NBA is giving Lakers team m ates will face each NBA Champion-Detroit Pistons Kobe, Shaq and the fans q u ite a other for the first tim e as o p p o ­ twice (1 home and I road). present. T he form er Los A ngeles nents Dec. 25, when O ’N eal’s > Kobe, Shaq to Face Off Dec. 25 503-288-3836 L i n d a s Altaic! »S ervice Residential-Offices “Cleanliness is next to Godliness to the Heat in a blockbuster trade following a loss to Detroit in the NBA Finals. Miami Heat face B ry an t's Lakers O ’ Neal ’ s first game with the Heat at Staples Center. will be Nov. 3 at New Jersey on The matchup between Bryant ESPN, with his home debut against and O ’Neal will be televised by LeBron James and the Cleveland ABC and is the highlight o f the Cavaliers the next night on TNT. league’s schedule, which was re­ The season tips off with the new- leased Monday. They teamed to look Houston Rockets, who added win three NBA championships for Tracy McGrady to Yao Ming, fac­ the Lakers but parted on conten­ ing the champion Pistons on Nov. tious terms when O ’ Neal was dealt 2 on TNT. Insured - Bonded QUALITY CLOTHING CARE 3 5 0 8 N . W IL L IA M S Jt 2 PAY SERVICE 503-288-1489 Linda J. Scott O wner > Coupon 10% off on first cleaning A llied M ortgage * VI O S T G A R M E N T S $ 3 .0 0 * L A U N D R Y S H IR T S $ 1 . 2 5 * C O M ÍO R T L R S $ 1 5 .0 0 C K I« » Jacobsen Wins Senior Open nnKino DRcnm or noricownrittnir cone truei Portland golfer Peter Jacobsen hits out o f the deep rough on the 17th fairway in the third round at the U.S. Senior Open, Sunday at the Bellerive Country Club in St. Louis. (AP photo) R .J I D R A P E S & C U R T A IN S MON-SAT 9:00-6:00 consultant (503) 262-2626 x155 cell (503) 348-2824 • fax (503) 262-2650 JJortlanò (Observer W o r ld °r A u t o s 10011 SE Division, STE 207 • Portland, OR 97266 LomhOcgoaVMhgRnsûfctii (AP) - Portland golfer Peter Jacobsen played 36 holes with a sore hip on Sunday and still rallied to win the U.S. Senior Open in St. Louis after Tom Kite double-bo­ geyed the final hole. Jacobsen shot a 3-under 68 over the final 18 and was 12 under for the tournament, one stroke ahead of Hale Irwin. Kite played 4 over for the last four holes and finished third at 10 under, tied with Jay Haas. Jacobsen had to walk 36 holes on Sunday after rain washed out play Friday. He was under parforall four rounds, but was at his best Sunday despite the strain on his hip. He followed a 2-under 69 in the morning with a 3-under 68 in the afternoon. Hi'iius o\ i\dii\(, \iu mums in mi wimms iliimm . mimi vii hiks J Boyd 2004 KIA Amanti Tested Vehicle Information: Price: $28,260; Engine: 3.5L 24 Valve DOHC V6; Transmission: 5-Speed Automatic The 2004 Kia Amanti makes a luxury vehicle that is affordable starting at $24,995. South Korea is taking a piece o f the US Market that is becoming increasingly more competitive for the m anufactur­ ers to stay on top. Kia has improved their products andofferexcellent warranty coverage to grow more competitive in today’s market. When you look at the front of the Amanti it will have vou asking is a Mercedes or Jaguar? It has a re m a rk a b le lu x u ry sty le from the outside to the inside. W ood trim graces the inside interior. It's roomy, comfortable and loaded at an affordable price. Kia has out done itself with this vehicle. It has some catching up to do with engine technology. Kia expectations o f the Amanti does everything they expected and very well. It's a vehicle that rather on short or long trips will provide comfort to its passengers. It maneuvers well but lacks on the suspension on rough roads. It has a great sound system with good reception and quality sound. The Amanti iseomparable toother m id­ size vehicles in it class. Picture Perfect Landscape Let Us Design and Build Your Next Deck For All Your Landscape Needs REASONABLE PRICES Bonded & Insured James Boyd,C Landscape Design • Yearly Mair tnance • Mowing Pruning • Clean-Ups • Weed! • 9 Weed Control Landscape Insulation • Retainer Ils • Wood Fences Fences • Chain] Fen Fences W lures • Ponds Wi alls 1/ C all (503) < LCB#6I56 A 1 Riverside Girls Second at State T he g ir l’s m a jo r team from R iv e r s id e L ittle L e a g u e in n o rth ea st P o rtlan d is c e le b ra t­ ing a su c c e ssfu l seaso n afte r fin ish in g in seco n d p lace at the s ta te c h a m p io n s h ip at A lp en ro se D airy in so u th w est P o rtlan d . R iv ersid e fin ish e d the state p la y o ff se rie s w ith a 7-5 loss to P en d leto n a fte r first ea rn in g a d istric t c h a m p io n sh ip title. In o th e r L ittle L eague p la y ­ o ffs from the local area, the P e n in su la bo y s ju n io r a ll-sta r team b eg in s a d riv e fo r a w orld se rie s b erth at a m u lti-sta te re ­ g io n al baseball to u rn am en t held th is w eek in F o re st G ro v e. The w in n er w ill ad v a n ce to n atio n al c o m p e titio n in D etro it.