PaseA 6_______________________________________________ (o u n tr ie fi o f A fr ic a |Jo rtlau ò O bserver________________ August 4. 2004 Mali: Land of Ancient Kingdoms and Empires began depleting M ali’s natural resources w hile kidnap ping hundreds o f thousands o f A fricans to be sold into R on W kblk T he P ortland O bserver bv slavery. T hose left in the co u n try becam e eith er T his large W estern A frican country is surrounded becam e F rench subjects, forced to pay heavy taxes or by nine other A frican nations, leaving it with no ocean slaves under the lash, working for nothing. The first half access. W ith its m assive resources in gold, Mali once o f the twentieth century saw many attem pted revolts. could have been the richest o f A frican countries. Although they were unsuccessful, the cost to defend H ow ever, greedy E uropeans from France forced its their colony that was so far away began becom ing a inhabitants to survive by fanning. W hile French nobles terrible financial burden on France. M ali’s plights began entertained them selves with fortunes from the gold to draw international attention during the early second and slave m arket, M ali’s inhabitants starved through half o f the twentieth century and France began to feel the droughts and harsh grow ing seasons. A lthough this pressure from both inside their colony and from around country is rich in natural history and once was rich in the world to give Mali its independence. Finally on Sept. natural resources, today it is one o f the poorest areas 22, 1962 the country gained its freedom. However, o f the w orld. Due to serious problem s w ith internal massive droughts from 1968-1974 nearly caused a total political battles, ongoing poverty, and m ounting health financial collapse o f the country. Fortunately, Eastern issues such as A ID S, hope for the younger genera and W estern nation stepped in to help. tions appear grim . T oday, the U nited States, as well as Today, Mali is p rim a rily a F re n ch -sp ea k in g n atio n other countries around the w orld send aid in money, o f o v e r ten m illio n p eo p le. Its n atu ral reso u rce s food, clothing, and m edicine for inhabitants o f Mali. to d ay in clu d e fish, g o ld , salt, lim esto n e, u ran iu m , C enturies before the days o f Christ, hunters roam ed ire o re, m an g an e se, tin, an d co p p e r d ep o sits. F a rm the lush and green northern regions o f this nation. By ing c o n s is ts o f c o tto n , m ille t, ric e , c o rn , v e g the eleventh century, how ever, M uslim raiders from etab le s, p ea n u ts, c a ttle , sh eep an d g o ats. C o tto n , northern regions had overcom e the early pagan A fri g o ld , an d liv e sto c k are th e p rim a ry e x p o rts. A s cans, converting indigenous peoples to Islam. For m uch o f A frica is still d ren c h ed in p o v erty , in te r hundreds more years, ruthless leaders fought to co n c o u n try w ars, an d h e a lth c rise s, E u ro p e a n and trol over this desired North A frican region w ith all its W estern n atio n s c o n tin u e to h elp w ith p ea ce su m natural resources. A long with the m ining o f gold, and m its, m o n ey , fo o d , an d h ea lth c a re . W h ile the farm ing in the fertile countryside, the desert country p o ssib ilitie s fo r su c ce ssfu l d e m o c ra c ie s th ro u g h held rich salt m ines. D uring the early 1800s, European o u t A fric a an d the M id d le E ast a re sm all, w o rld countries, eager to expand began to take notice o f all lead ers are h o p efu l th at the fin an c ial an d p o litical that A frica had to offer. N ative inhabitants o f both co n d itio n s in M ali an d o th e r A frican n atio n s w ill continents w ould soon succum b to w ell-equipped g ra d u a lly im p ro v e. T h e goal o f in te rn atio n a l e c o n o E uropean arm ies. In 1855 the French w ould build a m ists is th at A frica w ill o n e d ay sta n d on its ow n site on the fam ed Senegal River at the w est end o f Mali. again. It w as not long before France ruled the country and _____________THE_____________ SPINACOLUMN School Supplies Assistance Sending kids back to school with confidence T h ro u g h o u t the m onth o f A u seek in g a ssista n ce m ust q u alify gust, the S alvation A rm y w ill be and p re-re g iste r at th e ir local c o lle c tin g sc h o o lsu p p lie sto d is- office. tribute to lo w -in co m e fam ilies. Y our tax-deductible donation T he P roject B ack to S chool p ro o f $26 will provide a child w ith a gram has p ro v id ed school su p new backpack filled with grade- p lies, b ack p ack s, haircu ts, and level school supplies. C ash d ona im m u n iza tio n s fo r m ore than tions m ay be m ailed to T he Salva 10,(XX) needy chi Idren in the past tion A rm y at 1785 N.E. Sandy 10 years. L o w -in c o m e fam ilies Blvd., Portland, O R, 97232. 7 P lease m a k e c h e c k s p a y able to “T h e S alv a tio n A rm y ” and d esig n ate "P ro jec t: Back to S ch o o l” on th e n o te s line. T o organize a donation dri ve, o r to v o lu n te e r w ith T h e S a l vation A rm y P ro ject: B ack to S chool p ro g ra m , p lease c o n tact y o u r local S alv a tio n A rm y office. **AII classes are free of charge! African American Health Coalition, Inc. Presents for your health, Wellness W ithin REACH Activity Calendar Aerobics Mallory Ave. Christian Church Pilates ( C o n t a c t A A H C ) M att Dishman Mon. Wed, Fri, 6-7am, Pierce • 5:30-6:20pm, Granville • 6:30-7:30pm, Nickerson Tue, 8-9pm An ongoing senes of questions and answers about Amencas natural healing profession Part 9. Low Back Surgery: The unkindest and most unnecessary cut of all. : Should I try chiropractic I sive hospital bills. With Chiroprac m ake any decision, heed the for my low back pain or tic, the only side effects are the advice o f the “fath er” o f low have surgery and get it “fixed disappearance o f symptoms and back surgery: “exhaust all m eth right?” the recurrence of vitality. ods o f conservative care before : W ehearthisquestionquite : Which technique has better considering surgery to the lum often and considering many results for low back prob bar (low back) spine.” T o find physicians’ pro-surgery preoccu lems, Chiropractic or surgery? out how C hiropractic can help pation, it's no wonder people ask A: A ccording to a recent issue o f you avoid back surgery, or for such questions. That is, until they C om puter M edicine, low back answ ers to any questions you examine the facts. The truth is that surgery is one o f the least e ffec m ight have about your health, in about 90% o f low back pain, the tive procedures. In fact, 75 to please call us at the phone num problem is mechanical. Chiroprac 99% are unsuccessful. Before you ber displayed below. tic has had and continues to have the best technique for treating sp in al m e ch a n ica l p ro b lem s through gentle, exact adjustment 2124 N.E. Hancock Street with highly skilled hands. And Portland, Oregon 97212 Chiropractic requires no drugs, P h o n e: ( 5 0 3 ) 2 8 7 *5 5 0 4 surgery, recuperation or expen- Q A Q Flowers' C hiropractic Office Stretching/Body Sculpting Low Im pact Aerobics Daniel’s Mem orial Church M att Dishman Tue, 7:15-8:15pm, Granville Tue, Thu, 7-8am, Lois W a te r Aerobics ( C o n t a c t A A H C ) Columbia Pool, M att Dishman Tai Chi ( C o n t a c t A A H C ) St.John’s Comunity Center (Class courtesy o f H itt Dishman) Tue, 6:30-7:30pm African Dance M att Dishman W a lk in g G r o u p Sat, 10-1 lam, Addo Peninsula Park Sat 12:30pm, Woods Body Conditioning W ild Oats Market Lloyd Ctr, 1st FI. in front of Sears Tue, Thu, 6:30pm, Woods FATHER, KARATE EXPERT, ACCOUNTANT, FBI SPECIAL AGENT. Sat. 9:3O-IO:3Oam, Nickerson Intelligence Analysts W eight Mgnt./Conditioning W h itaker Track Chicago Step M att Dishman Tue. Thu, 9 -1 Oam, Hasan Fri, 6:30pm, Kendrick Kickboxing ^ ^ ¡ ■ ’ifiiii7> Mallory Ave. Chritian Church Yoga W ild Oats Market Tue, Thu, 7:30-8:30pm, O’Rourke Tue, Thu, 6-7pm, Keller a yital \ v ,* — .nut to ttip iiite llkjw tff’ conimi n illy , is well as to make i tlifft»!onto m pit: '’.ihon .uni to a l.irqt't eitenl. tin: wotW Theo* has never Iv.e ti. mon’ rew.irdtrttj tunc to gun itn FBI ,is nor ink? motion»“ , to rtuiR je t wl bei irne mote i ribt ai , .,.li/t‘tl » •« r’e rrt, «■ .e t luid of in ti’.H 'ijiiv e rttfi] • I'MiOItt '4h M' i U’ f i , i s» M'tifiln oi rpilitaty . iti loroKjit and dottipM ti •»(‘U itify p it htii'.'l iin ’ fliN jetti » Ctitn«iMl rot ism .u fur ty Special Agents ok . ptrpvHietw .«d (Vi i f . , We .ne i iiiii-n tly .i i-kirnj S(>oi i,i| Aijent i > p m .tw i' .vl’o are w< liotit Iir.ll ,111(1 w ntt. 'i 111 i amlulat«” . w ho im;. e s s H i »* fo lb w in o ■ n l'c a l •kill''. Intcllujoiv o ('»(utticiicn C om puter <7itf’ "< ilit ity .im i • ' ” i St le ili i r t lì I ’ii|'Ho«,i tin i l i y s i i -ti S ' n’ti'.e il.thlV h ' V'ptV "«Jm hv '»i le .ily ’ r n il i 'if, ¡ .i n o At i otin lu M ' . o ' ,ic. I tw H itn rt i'tn e H to t o rh iin I o •;< :tn I, Pl I ’l'V 'l I’ ' l l ‘•I (|,itiv i e v j '. 't l l m . f Mlllt.'WV Columbia Pool. 7701 N Chautaqua Peninsula Park. 700 N Portland Daniel’$ Memorial Churdi, 1234 NE Killingsworth St John’s Community Center, 8427 N. Central Malory Are Oirettan Churdi (Gym), 126 NE Alberta Whitaker Track, NE 42nd & Killingsworth Matt Dishman. 77 NE Knott Wild Oats Market. 3S3S NE ISth Apply online lod.iy at w w w tbi|obs coin “ Must be II or older to participate. Please contact AAHC before showing up to the first class and for more information at 503-413-1850 or Please receive approval from your doctor before beginning exercise class. Y/ A ’ 1 1 • j * 1 R ac ia l and Ethnic A p p r o a c h » to C om m u nity H e a lth A P rogram of th e African A m erican H ealth Coalition. Inc. Sponsored by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (C O C ) Contact AAHC at S 0 3 -4 I3 -IIS 0 or visit our web site at Today's F B I.*?% It's fo r YOU. V is it F B Ijo b m