FOCUS August 4, 2004 page C3 in II’* ^ o r t l a x t i » © b s e r u e r A Peek into St. Johns Artists and businesses combine to showcase creativity in north Portland Artist Aren Lawler's mixed media sculpred masks at St. Johns Coffee Company at 8221N. Lombard. Join us again for the 2nd annual St. Johns W indow Project, an art and com m unity event created by Art on the Peninsula and North Portland N eighborhood Services. E n th u sia stic b u sin e sse s along North Lom bard, betw een North Richm ond and North New York avenues will be hosting an art exhibit in their storefronts, interi­ ors and gardens. A rt on the Pen­ insula, an artist netw orking group in north Portland, opens the St. Johns W indow Project on Satur­ day, Aug. 7 from 1 to 5 p.m., show casing visual arts, dance, music and perform ance from the north Portland com m unity. “The St. Johns W indow Project is an exciting w ay to bring local artists and businesses to gether w ho share an interest in their com ­ munity and creates exposure for artists and businesses alike,” says W eirs C yclery ow ner, Steve W eir. M usic perform ances will fea­ ture Folkrum , Dennis H itchcox, and the G ypsy M oths in the US Bank parking lot. The Irradiated Poets will perform at Café Ñ ola and the St. Johns Library. Stu­ dents from tw o local schools, R oosevelt High School and Jam es John Elem entary will display their work in businesses. A rtist dem on­ s tra tio n s w ill a ls o o c c u r a lo n g Lom bard Street. T he event extends from Aug. 7 through Sept. 12. M aps for the w alk­ ing tour will be available at all partici­ pating businesses. Contact M ary Jaron Kelley for information at 503-823-4099 or email at m k elley @ ci.p o rtlan d .o r.u s, for more inform ation. Hip-hop Summit Build Momentum Rally attracts thousands of young voters Nearly 5,000 youth partici­ pants rallied at the Boston Hip- Hop Summit in the heart of Boston ’ s Roxbury community, while thousands of delegates were preparing to attend the the Democratic National Con­ vention. M embers o f C on­ gress, state legislators, may­ had jammed into the Reggie ors, recording industry execu­ Lewis Athletic Center on the tives, hip-hop artists, civil campus of the Roxbury Com­ rights, youth and community munity College. The Hip-Hop leaders witnessed the thunder­ S u m m it A ction N etw ork ous applause and affirmations (HS AN) is the largest non-par­ of thousands of newly regis­ tisan, non-profit national coa­ tered to vote young people who lition o f hip-hop artists and recording industry executives. Its youth voter registration ini­ tiative iscalled “Hip-HopTeam Vote.” The four-hour summit featured hip-hop celebrity pan­ e lists in c lu d in g R ussell Simmons, Reverend Run of Run DMC, Def Jam Enterprises Presi­ dent Kevin Liles, HSAN Presi­ dent Benjamin Chavis, Dunk The Vote President Ron Bell, Lloyd Banks, Andre 3000, W yclef Jean, Ying Yang Twins, Bone Crusher and other lead­ ers in the hip-hop movement. Visit S Artist Aren Lawler’s vehicular metal and sculpture installation ‘Signal Gas Station, " on 8302 N. Lombard ä