Page B6 August 4, 2004 il?e JJortlattò ffibseruer OPEN HOUSE AND PIZZA OPEN HOUSE AND PIZZA For New and Prospective 6th and 7th Grade Students & Parents Thursday, August 12: 6:30 PM Reservations Requested! 503-789-9099 See an Exciting New Middle School Starting our second year this fall R eligion Shout Out °f Thanks The Church o f God in Christ is sending a sincere thank you to all those who provided financial sup­ port in sending 56 area residents to a recent National Auxiliary Confer­ ence in southern California. The group attended workshops on youth ministry, Sunday school, evangelism, world missions and music. “This will always be a point o f reference for the young people,” said Fredrick W oods, president of the local church’s O regon’s Youth Department. “In O ctober o f 2003 this was just a vision and at times during our fundraising efforts it appeared im­ possible. Through our faith in God, corporate prayer, fundraising and the great response we received from the community who believed in what the youth were trying to do the vision became a reality,” Woods said. B u sin e ss an d o rg a n iz a tio n sponsors included Portland B ot­ tling, H o u seo f Umoja, New Hope C om m unity C hurch, New Life C hurch o f G od in C hrist, Boy Scouts o f A m erica, A lbina Fuel, K illingsw orth Little Chapel o f the Fifty-six area residents gather for a group picture on their trip to southern California to attend a religious conference. C him es, Friends o f C hildren, Sal­ vation and D eliverance C hurch, Cunningham Janitorial, N ortheast Com munity Church, DeVos Foun­ dation , Tienda B ri I lante Gi ft Shop, K iw anio International, Barady Our kids gained 8 months In just 4 months last spring! CongrAtvilAtions! (C a lifo rn ia Achievement Tests Prove It!) Celebrating 50 Years Together James (J.D.) and Lonzella Lambert They worked at their learning! That is why they did well! And meet Mr. White: Victory's New Principal and proven curriculum and behavioral specialist. Happy 50th Anniversary Mom and Dad With All Our Love Zenobia (Kathy) Noble Janice Lambert-Gordon Brenda Lambert-Smith James (J.T.) Lambert Dwayne Lambert Loretta Lambert Jennifer Lambert ) Come see the difference our 15:1 student-teacher ratio has made! Meet teachers who help kids before and after school! T rophy and C o rn er Stone V ic­ tory T em ple. All individual spon­ sors are also greatly appreciated. ■ Mr. Allen In Loving Memory Dad, We all miss and love you. Your loving wife and children Living Faith Ministries PCRÏÏ 4434 N.E. 131 Place (Sandy Blvd.) Service Times Sunday 10:00 am Wednesday 7:00 pm Everyone Welcome! V ic t o r y s tu d e n ts a re 41 NE 127“ 5 1 2 1 & 5 1 2 5 NE 28th $675 $675 • Newty constructed 2 bedroom 2 Bedroom Townhouses. townhouse. Appliances • Washer and dryer hook-ups Washer & Dryer hook-ups • New appliances Paid W a ter/s e w e r/tra s h service • Paid w ater/sew er and trash service Parking on-site P.O Box 11648 Portland, OR 97211 503-284-8527 David & Sherrie Liltlelon Pastors • Parking on-site BEATING THE NATIONAL AVERAGE! T e s t s c o re s p ro v e it! A ren ’t you re a d y for h o m eo w n ers hip?? 5732 N E U “ M aybe you find y o u rse lf Saying, “ My c re d it is to o far g o n e to purchase....” 5 2 5 NE Jessup $750 $950 3 Bedroom House 4 Bedroom House • New vinyl windows VICTORY Middle School A n d rea “O n n ie ” l e w i s R ’t- specialise in turning renters into • New exterior & Interior paint Seni