Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, August 04, 2004, Page 11, Image 11

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    August 4. 2004
îl!r Jlortlanb (©bseruer
C lassifieds
Departm ent of Business and
Community Services MULTNOMAH
Opportunity Employer
Temporary Position
20 hours per week
I B ids
Salem, OR 97309
Girl Scouts.
W hore Girls Grow Strong«
Senior Mental Health Services Coord
$3,889 - $ 4 ,7 2 6 / month
Closes August 13, 2004
Management Analyst II
$4,188 - $5,090 / month
Closes August 13, 2004
Call (503) 846-8606/TTY (503)
846-4898 for information or see
w e b s ite :
www.co.washington.or.us. County
a pplication and supplem ental
a p p lic a tio n fo rm s re q u ire d .
Women, minorities, and people
with disabilities are encouraged
to apply.
Washington County Human
Resources Division
155 N. First Avenue, Suite 320
Hillsboro, OR 97124
Director of Multicultural
Linfield College Portland Campus
seeks qualified candidates for full-
tim e D ire ctor o f M u lticu ltu ra l
Programs. Bachelors degree and
tw o years experience in ethnic
student services or admissions at
college level required; m asters
preferred. Candidates must be
bilingual in Spanish and familiar
with H ispanic co m m unities in
O re g o n . H e a lth c a re re la te d
experience desirable. Send letter
of application, c.v. and names and
p h o n e n u m b e rs o f th re e
references to Dr. David G roff,
A s s o c ia te V ic e P re s id e n t fo r
Academic Affairs, Linfield College,
2255 N.W. Northrup. Portland, OR
9 72 1 0. E q u a l o p p o rtu n ity
Financial Aid Counselor
Linfield College Portland Campus
seeks qualified candidates for full­
tim e fin a n c ia l aid co u n se lo r.
Bachelors degree and one year
fina ncia l expe rien ce required.
Candidates must be bilingual in
Spanish and familiar with Hispanic
communities in Oregon. Send
le tte r o f a p p lica tio n , c.v. and
nam es and phone num bers of
th re e refe ren ces to Dr. David
Groff, Associate Vice President for
Academic Affairs, Linfield College,
2£55 N.W. Northrup, Portland, OR
W 7 2 Í0 . E q u a l o p p o rtu n ity
Resource Clerk
Process mail, copying and print
production, inventory, shipping
and receiving, and various tasks
around the office. Must be able
to work independently and with
te a m s and p o s s e s s both
c u s to m e r-s e rv ic e s k ills and
o rg a n iza tio n a l skills. Physical
s tre n g th and s ta m in a are
essential and include lifting (up to
5 0 # ).
N eed
re lia b le
tra n s p o rta tio n , go o d d riv in g
record. Part-time, @30 hrs/wk @
$9-$10/hr +benefits. Closes 8/
13/04. Send resume and cover
letter to: Girl Scouts HR, PO Box
2427, Lake Oswego, OR 97035-
0 0 9 6 , Fax (5 0 3 ) 5 9 8 -6 5 5 6 .
G w y th e J @ J u lie tte .o rg . Equal
Opportunity Employer. Committed
to Diversity.
Prog Advocate 2: FT w/ben &13.21-
14.77 hr BS/ or equiv, min 3 yrs
of exp in human svcs; responsible
for supporting SR and younger
a d u lts w /d is a b ilitie s in livin g
independently as long as is safely
Prog S p e c l-l& A : FT w /be n
&11.49-13.13/hr AA or equiv;
min 2 yrs exp in human svcs;
responsible for providing info,
referral, crisis and sh ort-term
intervention and assist in the
coord of svc delivery to clients who
are elderly and/or younger adults
Prog. Coord Activity 1; FT w/ben
*11.49-13.13\hrAA or equiv, min
2 yrs exp in human svcs; coord
recreational act/prog to frail, low
income SR and/or younger adults
Program Coord 1- Mentoring: FT and
PT w/ben $ 11.49-13.13/hr A A o r
equiv, min 2 yrs exp in human
svcs, social work, or related field;
prefer exp working w/low-income
fa m ilie s and y o u th ; h ig h ly
p re fe rre d s p e a k and w rite
Spanish, (include references with
Send resum e, cover letter and
online application to Portland
Im p a c t, 721 1 SE 6 2 nd A ve,
P o rtla n d , OR 9 7 2 0 6 . O n lin e
a p p lic a tio n
a v a ila b le
www.portlandimpact.org EOE
M anufacturing
In stru c tio n a l S p e cia list-M a th , Colum bia Structural Tubing, an
Tutoring Center, 50% calendar Oregon Steel Mills Company, has
a s s ig n .
$ 1 ,2 2 0 .0 0 - im m e d ia te o p e n in g s fo r th e
&l,719.5O/m o.; Assoc, degree; following positions at its Portland,
Course work in math, and at least Oregon location:
one of the following; chemistry,
physics and/or electronics; 2 yrs, Industrial Electrician
tutoring exp. In subject area; Ability This position requires an Oregon
Jo u rn e ym a n
to tutor students in various levels L im ite d
o f s u b je c t m a tte r; e ffe c tiv e M anufacturing Plant Electrician
in te rp e rs o n a l co m m . S k ills ; License, 5 years’ experience as an
Subm it CCC app. Cover letter, Electrician, experience with and
k n o w le d g e
resume, 2 Itrs or ref. & transcripts, e x te n s iv e
(see announcem ents for m ore instrumentation; troubleshooting
AC and DC system s in a heavy
info.) Closes 08/13/04
industrial environment and with
Library Coordinating Specialist, overhead cranes; and a working
L ib ra ry S e rv ic e s ; 1 00% FT; k n o w le d g e o f p ro g ra m m e r
$2,033.00/m o; Req. HS grad/ controllers and variable speed
GED; College courses in human drives. Starting pay is $22.00 per
re la tio n s ,
in te rp e rs o n a l hour. Must be willing to work day
c o m m u n ic a tio n ,
o ffic e or swing shift.
m anagem ent, lib ra ry science,
g e n e ra l lib e ra l a rts e d , or Productlon/Warehouse
specialized coursework in library T h e s e
fa s t-p a c e d
science, customer relations; 3 yrs. manufacturing positions include
o p e ra tio n
L ib ra ry e xp . In in te g ra te d , m a c h in e
autom ated environm ent; 1 yr. w a re h o u s in g
a c tiv itie s .
c irc u la tio n e x p .; E xp . U s in g Candidates must be able to work
W in d o w s a p p lic a tio n s and s a fe ly in a m e ta l p ro c e s s in g
c o m p le x lib ra ry c o m p u te r environment, demonstrate strong
system s. Pre fer B i-lin g u a l/B i- team skills and have a high level
cultural; Subm it CCC app., cover of m echanical aptitude. Other
letter, resume, 2 Itrs. Of ref. (see skills that are beneficial include
announcem ent fo r m ore info.) forklift operation, overhead crane
Closes 8/13/04
operation, welding, and practical
knowledge of the use of general
Project Specialist, Train ing and
hand tools. Must be willing to work
Economic Dev. Center; 100% FT;
day or swing shift.
$3,092.oo/mo. Reg. BA or equiv.
In business, education, or related Applications can be completed
field; Prefer Bi lingual; Submit CCC Monday through Friday, 10am to 2pm,
app., cover letter, resume, 2ltr. Of at Columbia Structural Tubing, 8735
re f., & s u p p . A p p . (s e e N Harborgate Street, Portland, OR
announcem ent for more info.) 97203. No te le p h o n e c a lls
closes 08/20/04
p le a s e .
An A D A / E q u a l/
Affirm ative Action Employer.
$13.47 $17.51 per hour DOQ.
Performs a variety of complex and
advanced secretarial and clerical
Multnomah County Department w o rk in d ire c t s u p p o rt o f
o f B u s in e s s and C o m m u n ity Department Head and staff of the
Services is seeking a full-tim e Planning and Building Divisions,
Human Resources M anager to w hich includes front counter/
s u p p o rt a d e p a rtm e n t o f re c e p tio n is t d u ties. Position
approxim ately 850 perm anent performs varied tasks with a high
employees and 800 on-call staff d e g re e o f d is c re tio n and
w h o p rovid e a w ide range of independentjudgment. Requires
d iv e rs e s e rv ic e s to C o u n ty th e a b ility to q u ic k ly gain
em ployees, business partners, c o n s id e ra b le k n o w le d g e of
divisional policies and procedures
and residents.
ensuring that they are complied
This HR M anager will handle a with and that legal deadlines are
v a rie ty o f em p lo ye e re la tio n s met.
issues in an organization having
d iv e rs e lin e s o f b u s in e s s at The successfu l ca n d ida te will
multiple sites; provide guidance have a high school diploma or GED
on procedures and policies, labor C e rtifica te and th re e years of
contract administration, benefits, progressively responsible office
classification and compensation assistance, record keeping and
is s u e s ; and c o lla b o ra te on s e c re ta ria l w o rk . R e q u ire s
experience in word processing
em ployee developm ent efforts.
and s p re a d s h e e t s o ftw a re
R e q u ire m e n ts :
B a c h e lo r’s applications. The duration of this
degree; six years of professional appointm ent will be a maximum
HR e x p e rie n c e ; tw o y e a rs o f of six (6) months. Must pass pre­
su p e rviso ry expe rien ce; som e em p loym e n t d rug screen and
la b o r re la tio n s e x p e rie n c e . background check.
Experience in government/ public
s e c to r and S P H R / PHR Application packets are available
at W est Linn City Hall, 22500
certification are preferred.
S a la m o Road, W est Linn, OR
Annual salary range: $58K to 97068, or by calling (503) 657-
$81K. For m ore inform ation, 0331 or (503) 657-7845 (TDD).
including application materials, A Letter of Interest and City of
v is it
w e b s ite
at W e s t
e m p lo y m e n t
application must be received by
Johnette Easter at (503) 807- th e D e p a rtm e n t o f H um an
Resources at West Linn City Hall,
Johnette.e9ster@co.multnomah.or.us. no later than 4:00 p.m., Friday,
Please contact us at:
Apply by August 27,2004.
August 13, 2004. (Target start Chemeketa Community College
date of September 1,2004) EEO Human Resources Department
PO Box 14007
Chemeketa Community College Is an
equal opportunity Institution, value
diversity In Its workforce, and Is
committed to affirmative action; we
encourage minorities, women and
persons with disabilities to apply.
Immediate full time and part-time
openings. Seeking dependable,
well groomed, positive individuals
$8.00 + starting wage
Overtime/advancement potential
Medical & Dental, 401k avail.
Drugtest/Background check
Page B5
P e rfo rm s a w id e v a rie ty o f
personnel related assignm ents
p a rtic u la rly in th e a re a s of
re c ru itm e n t and tra in in g .
Requires considerable knowledge
and e x p e rie n c e in p erso n n el
a d m in is tra tio n ,
em ploym ent op p ortunity laws,
and legal selection processes.
Also requires the ability to design
and d e liv e r e ffe c tiv e tra in in g
programs for employees. Salary
ra n g e: $ 4 0 ,2 6 6 - $ 5 2 ,4 3 8 .
Applications can be obtained by
coming in, calling 503-588-2424,
or online at w w w .cherriots.org.
Subm it com pleted application
and supplemental questionnaire
no later than 4:30 p.m. August 27,
S u b m it to H um an
Resources Division, Salem Area
Mass Transit District, 555 Court
St. NE, Suite 5230, Salem, OR
An Equal Opportunity Employer
S a le m A re a M a ss T ra n s it is
New hires must have acceptable
seeki ng a Service Worker to clea n
documentation to confirm both
District vehicles and facilities and
identity and eligibility to work.
perform routine maintenance on
Apply 12:00-12:30PM, Mon, Wed District equipment, buildings, bus
& Thurs at City Center Parking
sto p s ig n s and bus s h e lte rs .
130 SW Stark, Portland.
Starting wage $12.76 per hour.
Come in or call 503-588-2424 to
obtain official application form
$250 to $500 a week
d e ta ile d
re c ru itm e n t
Will train to work at home
a n n o u n c e m e n t. A p p lic a tio n
Helping the US Governm ent file
m aterials m ay be dow nloaded
HUD/FHA mortgage refunds
w e b s ite :
No experience necessary
Call Toll Free 1-866-537-2906
com pleted application form by
4:30 p.m., August 20, 2004, to
C a s c a d e A ID S P r o j e c t is
Salem Area Mass Transit District,
s e e k in g a H o u sin g S e rv ic e s
Human Resources Division, 555
Coordinator. Responsibilities: meet
Court St., NE, Suite 5230, Salem,
and screen clients for emergency
OR 97301-3736.
hsg, coordinate hsg selection and
placement process, lead role in An Equal Opportunity Employer.
completing all hsg data collection,
e v a lu a tin g and re p o rtin g . FT A d m in is tra tiv e A s s is ta n t
Requirements: BS w/four+ yrs exp needed for nonprofit affordable
in social services; or equiv. Must housing organization. Operate the
have exclnt organizational and reception area, answer phones,
re co rd k e e p in g s k ills , e x c ln t m aintain confidential resident
c o m m u n ic a tio n s k ills , w o rk in fo rm a tio n ,
w o rk
e ffe c tiv e ly
w ith
d iv e rs e c o lla b o ra tiv e ly
w ith
a ll
populations. Preferred: M aster's d ep a rtm e n ts. M a inta in office
d e g re e in health and hum an equipm ent and order supplies.
services w/two+ years exp; strong Experience with W ORD, EXCEL
bilingual skills (Spanish/English). and ACCESS required as is an
Compensation: Bachelor’s degree ability to handle multiple projects
- $ 27 ,00 0 -$ 3 4,75 0 ; M a ste r’s at once. Bilingual English/Spanish
degree $29,500 - $37,250; plus helpful. Please send cover letter
generous benefits. To view a more and resume to Susan Barrett by
d e ta ile d jo b p o s tin g go to 8/11/04. NO CALLS OR W ALK
w w w .c a s c a d e a id s .o rg . Send IN S .
s u s a n @ D c rih o m e .o rg :
resume/cover letter to Cascade fax#503-288-2891; PCRI, 4829
AIDS Project, Attn: Housing, 620 NE MLK, Portland, OR 97211.
SW 51” Ave., Ste 300, Portland, OR Competitive salary and benefits
97204 or fax to 503-223-7087. provided.
Perform s secretarial w ork and
a dm inistrative assignm ents in
support of the General Manager,
the Board of Directors, and the
E xe c u tiv e A s s is ta n t. P o sitio n
requires: co n side rab le skill in
u s in g W in d o w ba se d w ord
processing, spread sheet, and
P o w e rP o in t
a p p lic a tio n s ;
considerable skill in transcribing
taped meeting minutes and ability
to ta k e s u ffic ie n t n o te s at a
meeting to prepare an accurate
re c o rd o f e v e n ts ; th o ro u g h
knowledge of business English,
spelling, and punctuation. Starting
wage $15.91 per hour. Com e in
or call 503-588-2424 to obtain
o ffic ia l a p p lic a tio n form and
d e ta ile d
re c ru itm e n t
a n n o u n c e m e n t. A p p lic a tio n
m aterials may be dow nloaded
fro m
w e b s ite
w w w .ch e rrio ts .o rg . Com pleted
application form must be received
by 4:30 p.m., August 20, 2004,
at S a le m A re a M a ss T ra n s it
D is tric t, H um an R e s o u rc e s
Division, 555 Court St., NE, Suite
5230, Salem, OR 97301-3736.
An Equal Opportunity Employer.
\N< IX \ l k
Campus Communications
W a s h in g to n S ta te U n iv e rs ity
Vancouver is seeking applicants
fo r C a m p u s C o m m u n ica tio n s
C o o rd in a to r.
P rim a ry
responsibilities include proactive
developm ent and execution of a
comprehensive communications
s tra te g y ;
m a rk e tin g
co m m u n ic a tio n s a c tiv itie s in
support of campus advancement
and c a m p u s w id e p rio ritie s ;
establish and m aintain media
relations, develop, write, edit and
o v e rs e e
p ro d u c tio n
publications; utilize electronic
communications technology such
as web and e-mail; create and
c o m p le te s p e c ia l p ro je c ts .
M in im u m q u a lific a tio n s and
application procedures available
at W SU V a n co u ve r’s w ebsite:
van couver.w su.ed u/a d m /h rs/
adm inpro.htm . Starting salary
$35,000-$40,000 depending on
experience. Applications must be
received by 5:00pm on August 11,
2004. W SU is an affirm ative
a c tio n / e q u a l
o p p o rtu n ity
Sub Bid Requested
BID DATE: AUGUST 12,2004 AT 3:00 PM
Phone (503) 978-0800
Fax (503) 978-1031 * CCB#84045
We are an equal opportunity employer and actively seek participation from
Small, Small Disadvantaged, Minority, Women-Owned, HUB Zone, Service
Disabled Veteran-Owned, and Veteran-Owned Business Concerns.
Sub-Subcontract & Supplier Bids Requested
Bid Package #2, Bid Item #3 - Steel
Oregon State Public Training Academy - Salem, OR
Bid Due: August 5, 2004 at 12:00 Noon
Bid Phone: 360-696-1324 Bid Fax. 360-695-4198
4201 NE Minnehaha Street - Vancouver, W A 98661
CCB #62195
We are an equal opportunity em ployai end request sub-subcontrectortsuppHar bids from
aK interested firms including disadvantaged, minority, woman disabled
veterans and emerging sm a t business enterpnses.
Sealed bids for the OSU Environmental Health Services Annex
Building Drum Storage Addition Project will be received by the
Oregon State Board of Higher Education until 2:00 PM local time,
August 24,2004. Bids will be opened and publicly read aloud on
August 25, 2004 at 2:00 PM local time. All bidders must be
registered with the Construction Contractor’s Board. This is an
Affirmative Action project.
Additional information may be obtained by contacting Procurement
and Construction Contracting, 644 SW 13th Street, Corvallis,
Oregon 97333-4238 or telephone 541-737-9635.
Public Notice
Dept of Public Safety Standards & Training (DPSST)
Oregon State Public Training Academy
M/W/ESB Outreach Meeting: August 11,2004 at 9:00am
Hoffman Construction Company of Oregon invites all interested
firm s to attend an M /W /ESB O utreach M eeting to discuss
contracting opportunities for minority-owned, women-owned. and
emerging small business related to the DPSST Oregon State Public
Training Academ y project. The m eeting will provide valuable
in form a tion co n ce rn in g, but not lim ited to: 15% m /w /esb
contracting goal; potential m/w/esb opportunities; matchmaking
and networking opportunities; good faith effort documentation;
OAR requirem ents; bonding and insurance requirem ents; and
resource referrals. The meeting is intended for m/w/esb and non-
m/w/esb firms.
The meeting will be held at 9:00am August 11,2004 at the Oregon
State Public Training Academ y jobsite located at 4100 Aumsville
Hwy SE, Salem, Oregon 97301 and will precede the scheduled
10:30am pre-bid meeting/site visit for Bid Package #4 (All Work).
All bidders are strongly encouraged to attend both meetings. For
additional information on these meetings, please contact Jon Grasle
(503/221-8878 or email JON GRASLE@HOFFMANCORP.COM).
We are an equal opportunity employer and request bids from all
interested firms including disadvantaged, minority, women, disable'
veterans and em erging small business enterprises. CCB License •
with diversity in
P n r t k n t h (íO bscruer
A d v e rtis e
< .ill 50.1 2KK -OO.t.T ads @portlandob