luly 28. 2004 Page B2 *3t)hnLScott-«:°'’’ : Harold Strong H L t = -MM i "«4» Broker (503)780-4094 Fax:(503)671-0121 • Office: (503) 671-0221 ’ Address: Washington Square Office; 9020 SW Washington Sq. Dr # 100; Portland. OR 97223 E-Mail: John L Scott John L. Scott PTL • Washington Square Office This office is independently owned and operated REAL ESTATE ■^Cool Runnings Cafe E4T'T4 n 0 t/KE - it ir C a ju n C u i s i n e .4110N E Fremont, 503-282-2118 m eat Special O rders G ladly A ccepted! Paul H ouge 'W 1- 887-860-0047 J 8238 N Denver Avenue, Portland, Or. 97217 Phone: (803) 289-8418 FAST TRACK MARKETING Northwest Cooking Woods photo by 100% Mesquite Charcoal, Mesquite Wood, Hickory, Pecan, Wild Cherry, Oak, Sugar Maple, Plus Other Woods & Supplies Super Star Shares Love and Basketball continued from Metro an essential part of their develop­ ment and well-being.” The purpose of the program is to provide friendship, guidance, rec­ Call For Appointment - Ask for Paul P.0. Box 20741, Portland, OR 97294-0741 M ark W ashington /P orti . and O bserver L 'Dawn Guymon, 8, smiles big as Freddy Jones takes a moment to autograph a picture for the young fan. reational, cultural and educational activities to youth from families that may be experiencing a variety of issues such as lack o f a consistent adult role model, problems at school, poor self esteem, lack of friends, or family difficulties. Big Brothers Big Sisters is based on the premise that children can improve self-es­ teem and learn to be friend to them­ selves and to others through a posi­ tive relationship w ith an adult MLB fights to rebuild baseball as city game Percentage of blacks in sport has dropped drastically 503-254-0774 friend. Jones involvement with the pro­ gram and his support for it stands as a reminder that kids do matter. To learn more or become in­ volved with the organization visit online at w w . ‘ . j j JÌ 2004 Fabulous 50th Birthday Extravaganza Featuring: N'Touch 3 5 0 8 N . W IL L IA M S Up-tempo Jazz ...snnplystated ... "Tarented’’ & "The Beyons" 2 DAY SERVICE Saturday July 31,4004 Ramada Inn-Airport 6441 Northeast 84nd Ave Portland, OR Time: 8:00pm- 1:30am Bringingbackthat ..OleScnoolsong... * M O S T G A R M E N T S $ 3 .0 0 * L A U N D R Y S H IR T S $ 1 . 2 5 * C O M F O R T E R S $ 1 5 .0 0 A . rsi» > » J »’ D R A P E S A C U R T A IN S MON-SAT 9:00-6:00 Members o f the Finnegan team from the Grays Ferry Rookie League celebrate a win over Stinger Square earlier this year in Philadelphia. (AP photo) T.O.S.S.(TheOriginalSeattleSteppers) ChicagoStyle...TwoStep...LikeBack-in-the-D ay- Comegetyourgrooveon! (A P )— The little neighborhood diamond is unlined and overgrown. The infield grass nibbles at the edges of the base paths. A large dirt pile looms dangerously down the third base line. N estled betw een dilapidated hom es and w in d o w less w are­ houses. this Philadelphia field is a world away from the baseball pal­ aces that now dot the major league landscape but are at the very heart of the gam e’s effort to rebuild its image among blacks and other ur­ ban minorities. Tickets:$35.00single- $60.00 couple Available: June 48,4004- -Locations: Geneva'sBarberShop- -ReflectionsCoffeeHouse- -and SEI (50344-9-1741)- -BufTet&"NoHostBar- Photographers-Dress: AfterFive-Attire Thise vent ¡sgi venin Acknowledgement of allclassmates&friendswno hävetit rnedorwillturn 50 thisyear. "Keepingit reali ntheConi munity.lestweforget" CANNON'S RIB EXPRESS (FORMERLY CHUCK HINTON'S) Catering & Take-Out Presentedby:Fab50Associates *proceedsdonatedto: AlbinaMinisterial Alliance J Boyd Picture Perfect Landscape Let Us Design and Build Your Next Deck For All Your Landscape Needs O ur S pecialty : R eal H ickory S moked B ar -B-Q • Sandwiches • Salads • Chicken • Pork Ribs • Beef Ribs REASONABLE PRICES James Bo\d, Owner HOURS: CATERING ALLEVENTS Low Carb Special: M onday T uesday Wed. & Thurs. Fri.& S at. Sunday (lc a rb ) Chopped Pork w/side sm. greens ★ * * Ni.w 11:«)-9:00 CLOSED 11:00-9:00 11:00-10:00 11:00-8:00 $5 00 L oc ation * * * 5410 N.E. 3 3 rd 503-288-3836 Landscape Design • Yearly Mai Pruning • Clean-Ups • We Landscape Insulation • Retaine Vinyl Fences • Chain Water Features • Ponds Wi Sprinkler System Rep C all (503) * nance • Mowing Weed Control Ils • Wood Fences Fences 'alls • Decks ____ In Business in the Portland area sfnee 1989 LCBB6I56 Jerry Boligitz, 36, directorof the fled g lin g G ray s Ferry R ookie League, sits on a splintered bench watching a game between teams of 8-to-12-year-olds, most o f them black. Their stances are awkward, their swings flailing. “T h ese k ids, th e y ’ve never picked up a bat,” he sighed. His league, its history measured in games, not seasons, is one pro­ gram fostered by Major League Baseball to boost the gam e’s popu­ larity in cities. And without it and others like it, there is concern blacks could largely disappear from the game. “ A fric a n -A m e ric a n p la y ers seem to be dw indling in num ­ b ers,” said Phillies center fielder D oug G ian ville, one o f tw o black players on the P h illies’ active roster. “ You hate to see any seg­ ment that was such a prevalent force previously, I w o n ’t say d is­ appear, but headed that d irec­ tio n .” Ten percent o f m ajor league players in 2001 -02 were black, dow n from 17 percent in 1989, according to the 2003 Racial and G ender Report C ard from the In­ stitute for D iversity and Ethics in S port, well below the peak figure o f 24 percent about 25 years ago. For this reason. M ajor League B a seb a ll an d its team s h av e poured m illions o f dollars into program s like R ookie League; a $3 m illion Youth Baseball A cad­ e m y u n d e r c o n s tr u c tio n in C om pton, C alif.; and Reviving Baseball in In n erC ities(R B I),th e leag u e’s flagship urban baseball program. I