Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, July 28, 2004, Page 6, Image 6

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    5,K ÏJnrthmh ©hseruer
Page A6
July 28. 2004
. Billy R. Flowers
An ongoing senes of questions and answers about America’s natural healing profession
The backing up of body’s sewage system.
: Nothing has ever really never completely eliminate every-
helped my constipation. , thing in our colon (large intestine).
What can Chiropractic possibly
This causes the colon to back up
even four bowel movements after
the first adjustments on his or her
spine. A man with FBSS (failed
( and spread toxic poisons through­ back surgical syndrome) went
: As a natural form o f healing, out the body. This can lead to ev­ home and had 12 bowel move­
there is much a Chiropractic erything from sinusitis to allergies ments that night. And he claimed
and the Improved lifestyle we rec­
to arthritis.
he w a sn ’t even co n stip ated !
ommend can do to remove the Chiropractic can help to alleviate W hatever questions you might
immediate distress and long term this problem by gently turning have about health and healing,
health hazards o f constipation. nerves back on in the colon and you’ll find that Chiropractic is
But before we begin, you should small intestine. It is not uncommon often the answer. Call us for an
u nderstand th at co n stip a tio n for a patient to have two, three or appointment today.
takes two approaches. The first is
the tight, sometimes painful feel­
ing in the lower back area. The
second and more insidious type
2124 N.E. Hancock Street
is what we call “hidden constipa­
Portland, Oregon 97212
tion.” This is when we seemingly
move our bowels regularly, but
L i
Flowers' Chiropractic Office
Phone: (503) 287-5504
Mikal Shabbas (from left), Roy Jay, Shafia Monroe, Dr. Renee Ward and James Mason celebrate
the recent grand opening o f the International Center for Traditional Childbearing.
Traditional Childbearing Resource
A prenatal resource center is now p o rt,
p a re n tin g
su p p o rt,
serving Portland area residents at b re a s tfe e d in g in fo rm a tio n , a
the International Center for Tradi­ monthly networking meeting for
tional Childbearing located at the professionals who serve pregnant
Northminster Presbyterian Church families and a pregnancy lending
at 2823 N. Portland Blvd.
S erv ice s in clu d e c h ild b irth
The cen ter has a diversified
preparation classes, pregnancy test­ staff and group o f com m unity vol­
ing, labor coaching, fathering sup­ unteers. All are w elcom e and en-
couraged to access program ser­
Donations o f pregnancy, labor,
birth, breastfeeding and newborn
care books are welcome, along with
birthing charts.
For more information, call 503-
4 6 0 -9 3 2 4 o r v isit o n lin e at
**A II classes are free of charge
African American Health Coalition, Inc.
Presents for your health,
WeOness W itfun REACH Activity Calendar
Mallory Ave. Christian Church
Mon, Wed, Fri, 6-7am, Pierce • S:30-6:20pm,
Granville • 6:30-7:30pm, Nickerson
Pilates (Contact AAHC)
M att Dishman
Tue, 8-9pm
Low Impact Aerobics
Daniel’s Memorial Church
Tue, 7:15-8:15pm, Granville
(Class courtesy of Matt Dishman)
African Dance
M att Dishman
Sat, 10-1 lam, Addo
Body Conditioning
W ild Oats Market
M att Dishman
Tue, Thu, 7-8am, Lois
Tai Chi (Contact AAHC)
St.John’s Comunity C enter
Tue, 6:30-7:30pm
Walking Group
Peninsula Park
Sat, 12:30pm, Woods
Lloyd Ctr, I st FI. in front of Sears
Tue, Thu, 6:30pm, Woods
Sat, 9:30-10:30am, Nickerson
W eight Ment./Conditioning
W hitaker Track
Tue, Thu, 9 -1 Oam, Hasan
Chicago $t ep
M att Dishman
Fri, 6:30pm, Kendrick
Mallory Ave. Chritian Church
Tue, Thu, 6-7pm, Keller
Columbia Pool. 7701 N Chautaqua
Daniel’s Memorial Churdi, 1234 NE Killingsworth
Malory An (hnstan Church (Gym), 126 NE Alberta
Matt Dishman. 77 NE Knott
R on W eber
New York Tim es colum nist
Nicholas Kristof has written a great
deal about a horrible case o f ethnic
cleansing or genocide in the Darfur
area o f western Sudan. This is also
beginning to happen in nearby
Chad. Here, Janjaweed Arab mili­
tias are killing hundreds o f thou­
sands o f black African men and
raping their women.
While the United Nations and
other agencies are arguing over
whether to use the words “geno­
cide,” or “ethnic-cieansing,” hun­
dreds more people are being killed
daily. Due to political tangles, it is
unlikely that the U.N. and America
can get fully involved in a peace­
keeping mission. It is also very hard
now to get food, medical supplies
and many other greatly needed
supplies and services to the area.
We all hope that happens sooner
than later.
The United States has moved to
help in any way it can. Wait a minute!
W asn’t it just a few hundred years
ago that we were tearing through
Stretching/Body Sculpting
W a te r Aerobics (Contact AAHC)
Columbia Pool, M att Dishman
C o u n tr ie s
o f A f r ic a
W ild Oats M arket
Tue, Thu, 7:30-8:30pm, O'Rourke
Peninsula Park. 700 N Portland
Whitaker Track, NE 42nd & Killingsworth
A local businessman and W ash­
ington County resident has been
named to the Portland Community
College Board.
Jamie Lim is publisher o f the
Asian Reporter. The newspaper has
its offices on North Killingsworth
Street, across from where PCC is
expanding its Cascade campus,
serving north and northeast Port­
He was sworn in on July 15 for a
term that runs through June 30.
Wild Oats M arket 353S NE ISth
R a c ia l and e th n ic A p p ro a c h « , to C om m u nity H o a lth
A Program of the African American Health Coalition, Inc
Sponsored by the Canters lor Disease Control and Prevention (CDC|
Contact AAHC at 5 0 3 -4 1 3 -IISO or visit our web site at wwwaahc-portland.org
in n o v a tio n
te a m w o rk
Our 2,800 employees - from diverse
backgrounds and cultures - serve close to
740,000 customers in th e greater
Portland, Oregon area. Our employees
contribute their unique skills, creativity
and com m itm ent towards a common
goal of building unity through diversity.
To learn about our current career
opportunities, visit our w ebsite at
w w w .p o rtla n d g e n e r a l.c o m , or call our
Job Information Line\at 1-8 8 8 -3 4 6 -3 2 9 1
(TDD Access Line at 503-464-2996).
Jamie Lim
Career field s Include: Accounting/
Finance, Engineering, Information
Technology and Customer Service.
the continent o f Africa in the slave ditions survivors in Sudan were
trade, raping women and plunder­ forced to live in. Sudan officials
ing natural resources? We were claimed the people were “moved to
doing exactly what the Janjaweeds better quarters.” Not true. In fact,
are doing at this very moment. I find 3,000 people were tom from the
it oddly poetic that a few centuries cam p and moved in theirentirety in
later America is in a fight to get back a matter o f hours and then dumped
in a bordercam p a dozen or so miles
W hile Powell and Annan were
offered a trip to a model camp, they
refused. I am glad they are pressing
the Sudanese government to stop
the vicious and unwarranted at­
tacks on innocent black Africans. I
ju st hope they don’t wait too long.
A few hundred peacekeepers from
nearby African nations are making
an attempt to help, but they need
there and help. At least we are try­ help now, not in a month or two.
U.S. Ambassador to the U. N.
We must help Africa with prob­ John Danford has suggested we
lems like this and the awful spread levy sanctions on Sudan. That will
o f AIDS in Africa.
not help the hundreds o f thousands
Colin Powell, accom panying who wil I die in the meantime. Spend­
U.N. Secretary General Kofi Annan, ing millions to set even a small
was uncomfortably shocked to find portion o f Africa back on its feet
an entire village vacated when they immediately is adebt we haveowed
arrived to assess the horrible con­ for far too long.
Newspaper Publisher on PCC Board
S t John’s Community Center, 8427 N. Central
M um he II or atter » paraoptt. Please contact AAHC before showing up to the first class and for
more information at S03-4I3-18S0 or kdempsey@aahc-portland.org. Please receive approval from your
doctor before beginning exercise class.
P o rtla n d G e n e ra l E lectric values th e
INNOVATION to maintain high quality
service as O regon's largest provider of
electric service.
Sudan: Ethnic
Cleansing or Genocide
> A.
Lim has an associate’s degree in
maritime science from the Philip-
pine Merchant Marine Academyin
M a n ila , P h ilip p in e s , an d a
bachelor’s degree in applied sci­
ence and engineering from Port­
land State University.
“I am really delighted to be on
the PCC board,” Lim said. “I am
hoping to be able to represent the
Asian American community, as well
as the broader Washington County
com m unity and help m ake the
proper decisions regarding the di­
rection that PCC should go.”
PCC is the state’s largest post­
secondary educational institution,
enrolling nearly 100,000 students
annually, and operating three com ­
prehensive campuses along with
five workforce training and educa­
tion centers, a small business de­
velopment center and education
outlets in hundreds o f community
and business locations.
College Students Prepare for Fall
C lass schedules and ad m is­
sion specialists are readily avail­
able to support students en ter­
ing Portland Com m unity College.
T he fall schedule o f classes
will be arriving in m ailboxes to
area residents. The academ ic year
begins M onday, Sept. 27. S tu­
dents are encouraged to begin
planning ahead and ask for ad­
vice directly if needed. W inter
term classe s start Jan. 3 and
spring term begins M arch 28.
To reg ister o nline or for ad d i­
tio n
in f o r m a tio n
v is it
w w w .pcc.edu.
To talk to an adm issions sp e­
cialist, call 503-978-5282 or visit
P C C ’s C ascade cam pus at 705 N.
K illingsw orth St.
Advertise with diversity in
C o n n e c t in g P e o p l e , P o w er
P o s s ib i l it ie s
PGE is »n Equal Opportunity Employer valuing diversity in the workplace.
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