51’1 tJortlanò ODbscruer July 28. 20 0 4 Page A3 Oversight Wanted w w m / i State Sen. Avel Gordly is encourag­ ing people in the community to get involved with education, job creation, and other issues they care about by applying to serve on state boards and commissions. O re g o n ’s 200 state boards and commissions help provide direction and make policy on virtually every is­ sue - from eco- _ _ ------ nom ic develop- Sen. Avel Gordly ment to education, criminal justice, health care, the environment, and much more. Appointments are made by Gov. Ted Kulongoski. "Before I got involved in politics, 1 was not aware, like many people, how important boards and commissions are to how our state commissions and agen­ cies work. And that’s the key: it’s our government,’’ Gordly said. Gordly is especially interested in getting members of all minority groups to participate, and in particular to in­ crease the number of African Ameri­ cans, Asian Americans, Latinos, and Latina on boards and commissions. Constituents can find out more by visiting the Governor’s website at www.govemor.state.or.us, or by con­ tacting Nancy Goss-Duran, executive appointments director at 503-378-3123 or Peggy Ross, D irector o f the governor's affirmative action office at 503-378-3544. r/?e group Rumba Caliente brings Cuban music and dance to Dawson Park on North Stanton Street between Williams and Vancouver avenues during last Wednesday’s Summer Concert program. Portland Parks and Recreation is bringing concerts to neighborhood parks through­ out the city all summer long. The schedules are posted at portlandparks.org or by calling 503-823-PLAY. M ark W ashington / T he P ortland O bserver photo by R eal P e o p le , R eal A d v ic e 1/z advice column known for zZs fearless approach I d reality based sableéis.' Dear Deanna! I’m a 50-year old divorcee that met a man last year who is 62 and widowed. W e’ve been going out every other weekend for a year but haven’t been intimate. We hang out late and he’s never asked me to stay all night at his place. He never calls me and the only time we talk is when I call him and he appears happy. His birthday is in two weeks and I want to seduce him. Should I do this and do you think he’s interested in me? —Lap Dance; Toledo, Ohio brush is a good sign he only likes you as a friend. Don’t force your­ self on him through seduction because it may turn ugly. Obvi­ ously there’s some interest be­ cause he spends time with you. Respect his space and decisions because for all you know, he may be impotent or still grieving for his late wife. One day he may come around and see you in a different light, but don’t hold your breath. And always, keep it moving. Dear Deanna! Dear Lap Dance: 1 go to church on time every Sun­ D on’t play yourself. After a year day and it really burns me up if you do all the calling and he still when the ushers reserve seats or hasn’t made room for your tooth­ keep a bench empty for celebri­ ties or business people. They equal and should be treated the come to church late and walk on same. up to their reserved seat like they’re special. I’m ready to ex­ Dear Deanna! plode. —Anastasia; Birmingham, I’m a 21 year- old student and I feel like everything in my life such Ala. as relationships, money and ca­ Dear Anastasia: reer is going wrong. 1 should be This special treatment is sinful excited about being in college but because in the biblical sense there I’m no,. Seems like the moment I should be no separation between get something good it’s taken the rich and the poor. If people away. W hat’s wrong with me? - come to church late they need to -Anonymous; Denver go ahead and pull up a seat in the back or the balcony. Proverbs 22 Dear Anonymous: Verse 2 says rich and poor have Other than needing a rubber room, one thing in common, the Lord you’re normal. You’re straddling made them all. With that said, the fence getting ready for true even in the church everybody is adulthood and there are many decisions and choices hitting you in the face at once. Nothing is working because your mind is all over the place. Reset your goals and work on staying focused. At age 21 your life is just starting and you haven’t seen anything yet. Now is the time to get your self together. Ask Deanna is written by Deanna M. Write Ask Deanna! Email: askdeannal @ yahoo.com or write: Deanna M, P.O. Box88847, Los Angeles, CA 90009. Website: www. askdean na.com NEW Go-pfam crazu. P lu m T a s tin g S a tu r d a y & S u n d a y 1 1 :0 0 a m - 5 :0 0 p m The, {rimdliesi store, in toum. E A S Y & F U N TO S H O P • C O N C O R D IA O R E N C O S T A T IO N N E 3 3 r d 8, H o llin g s w o r th P o r t la n d O R 9 7 2 1 1 N E 6 1 s t & C o r n e ll R d 503 288 3838 O pen 8am 10pm L O C A L L Y O W N E D R A L E IG H & H IL L S H ills b o r o O R 9 7 1 2 4 7 3 0 0 S W B e a v e r t o n - H ills d a le H w y P o r t la n d O R 9 7 2 2 5 503 648 6968 O p e n 8 a m 10 p r> i 503 292 6838 O p e n 8 a m -1 0 p m O P E R A T E D SELLW OOD 1214 SE T a co m a P o r t la n d O R 9 7 2 0 2 503 230 4949 O pen 8am 10pm