Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, July 28, 2004, Page 16, Image 16

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    page C4
R. Kelly Leads Billboard
R&B Nominations
(A P) — S in g er/so n g w riter
R. K elly tops the list o f finalists
fo r th e B illb o a rd -A m e ric a n
U rban R adio N etw orks R & B /
H ip -H o p A w ards w ith eight
n o m in atio n s.
K e lly ’s no m inations include
top R & B /h ip-hop a rtist, R & B /
h ip -h o p artist-m ale and R & B /
h ip -h o p single fo r “ Step in the
N am e o f L ove.”
Jay-Z has seven nom inations,
including top artist, top male
artist and R & B /hip-hop album
for “The Black Album.” Beyonce,
Alicia Keys and O utK ast all have
five nominations.
T h e a n n u a l a w a rd s show
w ill be h eld A ug. 6 in M iam i
B each.
R. Kelly
July 28, 2 0 0 4
in «*>'F o r t i a n i » ( M s e r u e r
Straight from Spanish Harlem, the up
and com ing Latin soul sensation Lil
E d d ie re le a se d h is d e b u t alb u m
“N obody’s Fool” at the age o f 19.
The album introduces a young Puerto
Rican with both a gift and a passion to be a
“serious artist with the platinum touch,” to
m ove the masses touched by blistering rap, and
Latin R&B.
“Many people couldn’t believe in a Latin R&B
sensation happening. Som etim es I w onder if 1 would
ever make it, but G od has blessed me so much. Now
I can see that even my negative experiences have
been blessings,” he said o f a rough upbringing in
urban New York.
Lil E ddie is the first artist signed to super
p ro d u c e r and
B ad
r e c o r d in g
artist M ario “ Y ellow M an” W in a n s’
Y ellow C ity.
Thrilling Remake of a Classic Spy Story
iJE'jj paiCSS = ?r= cri7 =
Pre-Spray Traffic Area
Small Hall Included
Pre-Spray Traffic Area
T he o rig in a l psych o lo g ical
thriller, “The Manchurian Candi­
date,” has been remade with stars
Denzel W ashington as a career
soldier who grows suspicious about
his experience in Desert Storm and
Raymond Shaw, playing the son of
a powerful senator, acted by Meryl
The film is set for wide release on
Friday, July 30.
Small Hall included
Denzel Washington is Army
Major Bennett Marco in the
rem ake o f the 1962
psychological thriller, ‘ The
Manchurian Candidate. "
Sofa (under 6ft.)
$99.00 and up
Chair or Recliner
$25.00 and up
Throw Pillows
$5.00 each
Í503J 281-3949
‘‘Medium Cool” Reveals Media Irresponsibility
For those who flip on the tube
upon opening the door and shut
it o ff only for bedtim e, “ Medium
C ool,” a docum entary-style film
argues that tv has a severe impact
on A merican lives. The film is a
1968 groundbreaking directorial
debut for Haskell W exler, who show s at the N orthw est Film
would eventually direct “W ho’s C e n te r’s W hitsell A uditorium ,
Afraid o f Virginia W oolf” and 1219S.W . P a rk ,a t7 p .m .,T h u rs­
“One Flew O ver the C uckoo’s day, July 29.
N est.”
A dm ission prices are $7 gen­
“ M edium C o o l,” starring Pe­ eral and $6 for m em bers, stu ­
ter B onerz and R obert F orster, dents and seniors.