Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, July 28, 2004, Page 12, Image 12

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July 28, 2004
Ælîe|Jo rtlan ò © b sm w r
Ilie JJnrtlanb (Observer
R eligion
W o r ld
o f A u to s
Pastor Earns Honorary Doctorate
2004 Z4
roadster *
Test vehicle Information: Price: $ 4 1 ,5 9 5 ; Engine: 2 .5 Liter DOHC 24-valve
In line slx cyllnder Transmission: Five-speed manual.
The BMW Z4 roadster from
first glance is racy, however it is a
classic sport car with a long front
and short rear end and a roomy
interior. It was introduced in 2003
to replace the previous Z3 model
which was smaller is size. The
BMW has improved the Z model
with the Z4.
The Z4 2.5 liter in-line engine
offers great performance, going
from 0-60 in a matter o f 6.9 sec­
onds. The com bination of electric
power steering and the aluminum­
intensive suspensions adds great
handling and precision o f steer­
ing. One might think that it would
be an uncomfortable ride being
low to ground, however the stiffer
structure provides a stable ride
over bumpy surfaces.
T he interior has a soph isti­
cated, streamline look. Itisroom y
enough for a larger individual,
how ever no m atter what size you
are, it takes som e effort to get
out o f the vehicle. It is short on
space for storage and even d if­
ficult to find a space for a purse
if there is a passenger in the car.
T he trunk sp ace has enough
room for a p air o f g o lf bags and
Letting the top down and the
windows you find that it still has
low impact on the road noise and
is easy to hear the radio or have a
conversation. With the top up,
there is limited visibility for the
It was fun and exhilarating to
drive. It took me back to remember
the stars o f the 50s, with the excite­
ment of winding through the coun­
try roads with scraf blowing in the
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K e v in F o s te r
The newest addition to the
b o o k sh e lf, “ H e -M o tio n s:
Even Strong Men Struggle”
has been described as the
“Woman Thou Art Loosed
for M en.” It is the latest
offering from the New York
Times best-selling author and
charism atic preacher from
the P otter’s House Bishop
T.D. Jakes.
The book is about unrav-
eling the sometimes complex
issues that men deal with as
men - expression of thought
and feeling, comm unication,
relationships, and G od’s pur­
posive plan for men. En­
dorsed as a book for mainly
men, women are also encour­
aged to read and understand
the issues that men face
s p iritu a lly , m en ta lly and
T.D. Jakes
Rev. W.G. Hardy Jr.
Along with the book comes
an R&B and gospel com pi­
lation cd. The album is a
collection of songs that were
written specifically for the
themes inside the book. The
artists and w riters that were
specially chosen for this task
by the Bishop include rookie
M icah S tam p ley , D onnie
M c C lu rk in , B ish o p Paul
M orton and Kirk Franklin,
Man Dies in Car Accident
Dock Worker Dead at 64
Dickie Ervin Anderson II
Eddie Mae Lincoln
Funeral services were held Wednesday, July 7, in Life Change
Christian Center in Portland for Dickie Ervin Anderson II, whodied June
30 in a car accident at age 30.
Mr. Anderson was born April 5,1974, in Portland, where he lived all
his life. He received his General Educational Development certificate
and was a truck loader for West Coast Loaders. In 1995, he married
Shameca Harper; they divorced.
Survivors include his son, Dickie III; daughters, Emarsharae L. and
Luella J.; mother, Johnnie Mae; sisters, Sharon Y. Hendrick and Delicia
D. Maxwell; brother, Jeffrey L. Maxwell; and his former wife.
Arrangements by Caldw ell’s Colonial Chapel.
Funeral services were held July 15, 2004, in Highland Tem ple in
Portland for Eddie Mae Lincoln, who died July 8 at age 64.
Eddie Mae Massey was bom Oct. 11, 1939, in Bessemer, Ala. She
moved to Portland as a chi Id and graduated from Jefferson High School.
She was a longshoreman for the Pacific M aritime Association.
Survivors include her daughters, Angela R. G reer and V emitta
Lincoln; sons, Dana Washington and Brandon Davidson; stepson,
Daryl Lewis; companion, Booker Davidson; 11 grandchildren; and two
Remembrances to Highland Tem ple Endowment Care Fund. A r­
rangements by C aldw ell’s Colonial.
A funeral service w as held
T u e s d a y , J u n e 22 fo r J u lia
W ag n er at St. P h ilip s the D ea­
con E piscopal C h u rch . She died
on June 15 at age 84.
W ag n er w as born on Ju ly 19,
1919 in M a rsh all, T ex as. She
w as p rec ed ed in d eath by her
h u sb an d , S am u el W ag n er, in
1981. She liv ed in P o rtlan d for
4434 N.E. 131 Place (Sandy Blvde.)
57 y ea rs and w o rk ed as a sp e ­
cial ed u c a tio n te a c h e r fo r P o rt­
land P u b lic S ch o o ls.
She is su rv iv ed by her d au g h ­
te r s L e n a W illia m s , D ia n n
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W agner and S an o ra W ag n er and
th ree g ran d c h ild ren .
R e m e m b e r e n c e s to S t.
P h illip s th e D eacon.
Brothers in Unity is Taking
the Gospel World by Storm
“We want the entire world to
BIU is a group o f three young
our music. W hile listening to brothers who are on fire for Jesus.
Service Times
our music, your life will change,” Theirevangelistie ministry includes
Sunday 10:00 am
says Melvin Griffin (Mel), Terry reaching out to different com m uni­
Griffin (Big T.) and Accie Griffin, ties to minister to the young and
Wednesday 7:00 pm
also known as Broth- _
Everyone Welcome!
ers in Unity orBIU .
It will really make you think
This trio is taking the
g o sp e l w o rld by about your relationship with
P.0 Box 11648
storm with their de­ God, and if necessary cause you
Portland, OR 97211
but album Change.
to repent and live fo r Christ.
album is irre­
sistible. It is an al­
bum you will want to give to your old. All three are active in their
“77ie Just Shall Live
David & Sherrie Littleton
spouse, your children, parents, fam­ local church. “Growing up together
By Faith” Romans 1:17
ily, and friends. T here’s a song for was challenging, but rewarding.
everyone on this album.
We know each other not only as
brothers but as friends” says BIU.
Hailing from the small town of
Hobgood, North Carolina, these
brothers have gospel music run­
ning through their veins. They are
all powerful men of God who have
a very strong love for people. BIU
is especially excited about their
debut album, which will give them
the opportunity to minister on a
Dr, Marceline Failla
much larger scale.
The title track, “Change” is a
Chiropractic Physician
must hear, it will really make you
think about your relationship with
God, and if necessary cause you to
repent and live for Christ. “Praise
We are located at
Party” is a foot stomping, get up
and dance song. It is sure to be a hit
am ong the younger audience.
“W hat Have I Done" speaks to the
many blessings God has bestowed
(Between Broadway and Sandy Blvd.)
upon us that we often don’t de­
serve. After hearing this song, you
will want to serve God even more.
We specialize in:
Change was produced by Charles
• Automobile accident injuries
“Tony” Homer. Homer has worked
• Chronic headache and joint pain
with several great R&B artists in
the industry. His heart has always
• Workers Compensation injuries
been gospel, so this was an incred­
ible blessing to him as well. “Tony
Call for an appointment!
made us feel at home, immediately.”
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Our First Priority
1716 N.E. 42nd Ave.
Portland, OR 97213
Columbia Resources, Inc.
Loan Officer
Aside from his full time du­
ties as a pastor of a large
congregation, he is involved in
numerous community projects,
adult and youth programs, and
mentoring activities. He serves
as Chair of the Spiritual and
Religious Committee of the
African American Chamber
of Commerce.
New Book From Renowned Pastor, Author, Artist
Living Faith Ministries
A llied M ortgage
Christian service, who have
demonstrated that God and
others come before self, have
a history of community in­
volvement, and must receive
a unanimous vote from the
seminary’s board of directors.
Pastor Hardy is recognized
locally and nationally as acom-
munity activist and influential
in both urban and suburban
Special Education Teacher Dies juiia a . Wagner
• No Buy-In or Application Fees
W.G. Hardy Jr., senior pas-
torof Highland United Church
of Christ, 17.37 N.E. Alberta
St., received an Honorary
Doctorate of Divinity Degree
Sunday from the Mt. Carmel
T h e o lo g ic a l S em inary in
Fresno, Calif.
The prestigious degree is
awarded only to recipients
who have over 10 years in
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