Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, July 28, 2004, Page 11, Image 11

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    July 28. 2004
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C lassifieds / B ids
Ï I O \,
Cartography and Records Manager
$5,361 - $6,5 15 / month
Closes August 27, 2004
Comm unity Health Worker
$2,555 - $3,107 / month
Closes August 6, 2004
Juvenile Counselor II - Job Share
$21.35 $ 2 5 .9 6 / h o u r
Open Continuous
Nutrition Technician
$2,684 - $3,265 / month
Closes August 6, 2004
Senior Environmental Health
$4,188 - $ 5 ,0 9 0 / month
Closes August 6, 2004
Stores Clerk
$2,679 - $3,238 / month
Closes August 6, 2004
Call (503) 846-8606/TTY (503)
846-4898 for information or see
w e b s ite :
www.co.washington.or.us. County
a pplication and supplem ental
a p p lic a tio n fo rm s re q u ire d .
Women, minorities, and people
with disabilities are encouraged
to apply.
Washington County Human
Resources Division
155 N. First Avenue, Suite 320
Hillsboro, OR 97124
Instructional Assistant M edical
Assisting, Health Services Mgmt./
Med.Office Assisting Dept., 50%
10 mon. assign.; $1016.50/mo.;
Req. Assoc degree w/RN license;
2 yrs. Clinical exp. In health care:
Current unencum bered Oregon
RN license. S ubm it CCC app.,
cover letter, resume, transcripts &
c u rre n t O re go n lic e n s e , (see
announcem ent for m ore info.)
Open until filled screening to begin
Production Director
Executive Position
Meyer Memorial Trust
screening to begin 8/11/04.
■ o a T M
i t r
S e n io r M a n a g e r LifeWorks NW
is looking for a dynamic leader to
serve as a m ember of the senior
m a n a g e m e n t te a m
in a
co m p reh e n sive m ental health
and addictions non-profit service
agency. The successful candidate
will be a leader in the community;
they will have the ability to plan
strategically; cultivate external
relationships; m anage/develop
s ta ff;
im p le m e n t/ m a n a g e
c h a n g e ; be an e x c e lle n t
c o m m u n ic a to r; b u ild te a m s ;
a tta in g oa ls; m eet d ea dlines.
LifeW orks NW values diversity
and encourages a p p lica n ts of
c o lo r to a p p ly. D e a d lin e for
applications is 8/13/04.
P ro g ra m
D ir e c to r ,
Y o u th
L o c a te d in SE
Portland this position provides
o v e rs ig h t to Youth A d d ic tio n
P rogram s in W a sh ingto n and
M u ltn o m a h
C o u n tie s .
C o o rd in a te s
s ta ff/ p ro g ra m
s c h e d u le s, p ro vid e s clin ic a l/
p ro g ra m m a tic
s u p e rv is io n ,
re v ie w / im p le m e n ts b u d ge ts,
completes reporting for funders,
participates in Prevention/Youth
Addiction m anagem ent team s.
Requires MA in human services
or equivalent, CADC 2 or licensed
clinician with 150 hrs alcohol/
d ru g e d u c a tio n , e x p e rie n c e
serving youth, providing addictions
s e rv ic e s , 2 y rs . s u p e rv is o ry
A d d ic t io n s
Please contact us at:
Chemeketa Community College
PO Box 1 4 0 07
Salem, OR 9 7 3 0 9
5 0 3 -3 9 9 -5 0 0 9
Chemeketa Com m unity College
is an equal opportunity institution,
values diversity in its workforce,
and is committed to affirmative
action; we encourage minorities,
w o m e n and p e rs o n s w ith
disabilities to apply.
Program Officer Position Available
L ife W orks
In stru ctio n a l S p e cia lis t. Ea rly
Childhood Educ. Program; 50%
a ca d e m ic yr. A ssign . $ 1,2 20 -
$ 1 -7 1 9 .5 0 / m o . R eq. A s s o c ,
degree in ECE or related yield; 1
yr. Exp in a d e v e lo p m e n ta l
program setting (additional educ.
May substitute for exp.) Sumbit
CCC app., cover letter, resume, 2
Itr. Of ref., transcripts & supp. App.
(see a n n o u n ce m e n t fo r m ore A d m in is tra tiv e A s s is ta n t (2 0
h r s /w k )
L o c a te d at o u r
info.) Closes 08/14/04.
Concordia site this position is
E d u c a tio n :
responsible for a variety of office
N u rs in g C lin ic a l In s tru c to r, duties in a clinical front office
Nursing & Dental Assisting Dept.; setting. Provides support to the
100%temp. academic yr. Assign.; clinical staff and works with the
Req. BSN; 3yrs. Exp. In nursing clients in person and on the phone,
p ractice; cu rre n t encum bered does data entry, maintains files.
Oregon RN license (or eligible); Requires prior experience in a
Prefer. Master’s degree in nursing; front office setting preferably in a
E xc e lle n t
teaching exp. In nursing program; m e d ic a l s e ttin g .
Bilingual English/Spanish. Submit cu sto m e r s e rv ic e skills, prior
CCC app., cover letter, resume & com puter work. Hours 3:00 -
8:00 pm Mon - Thurs. possibly
transcripts, (see announcem ent
e work on Friday.
for more info.) Open until filled,
Human Resources Department
AM 860-KPAM is looking for a full­
time Production Director with a
minimum of 5 years major market
experience. The ideal candidate
will have experience writing copy
and p rod u cin g spots fo r both
sales people and station imaging.
S e n d re su m e in c lu d in g e d it
software experience, copy writing
samples, and production tape by
August 1 to Program Director,
Pamplin Broadcasting, 888 SW
Fifth Ave., Suite 790, Portland, OR
9 7 2 0 4 o r via
e m a il to
productiondirector@ kpam .com .
An Equal Opportunity Employer.
Immediate full time and part-time
openings. Seeking dependable,
well groomed, positive individuals
NW 3 rd & NW 4 “ Ave Improvements Project
Concrete Work • Concrete/Architectural Saw Cutting
Concrete Flatwork • Pavement Markings • Granite Pavers
Belgian Block Walls/lslands • Drainage System
Sewer/Water System s • Traffic Control • Hwy/Road Trucking
Illumination • Landscaping • Electrical
Concrete Reinforcement • Survey
Plans for this project may be obtained at the City of Portland,
Bureau of Purchases Office at 1120 SW 5th Ave. Room 750.
Call for Details
Bid Due: August 3, 2004
ftacy and Ulitbeck, Inc.
403 SE Caruthers Street Portland, OR 97214
Phone (503) 231-5300, FAX (503) 231-6692
We are an equal opportunity employer and request sub-bids from
all subcontractors and suppliers including Minority and Women-
Owned, Disadvantaged. Disabled Veterans, and Emerging Small
Business Enterprises.
Retirement Apartments
• Studio & One-Bedroom Apartments
• Affordable Rent with No Costly
Buy-Ins or Application Fees
• Federal Rent Subsidies Available
• Ideal Urban location near shopping,
bus lines, restaurants, and more!
7810 SE Foster Road
Portland, Oregon 97206
5 0 3 -7 7 4 -8 8 8 5
• Enjoy our small community
atmosphere that's relaxed
and friendly!
Stagedoor Watchperson, Portland
Center for the Perform ing Arts.
$ 9 .8 3 , PT, D e a d lin e 8 -3 -0 4 .
M onitors stage door during load-
ins, rehearsals, perform ances,
lo a d -o u ts ; in fo rm s and g ive s
d ire c tio n s
e m p lo y e e s ,
promoters, artists and the general
Audio Visual Technician, Oregon
Convention Center. $16.41, FT,
Deadline 8-4-04. Responsible for
the audio visual systems at the
Oregon Convention Center and
d ire c tio n o f A u d io V is u a l
Production Assistants, including
m a in te n a n c e o f a u d io visu a l
equipment. Coordinates with staff
and subcontractors to schedule
e q u ip m e n t
personnel. These opportunities
are open to First O p p o rtu n ity
Target Area residents (Columbia
Boulevard on the north; 42nd
Avenue on the east; the Banfield
Freeway on the south, and North
Chautaugua Boulevard on the
west), whose total annual income
does not exceed $25,000 as an
in d ivid u a l, or $ 4 0 ,00 0 for an
entire household, for the past 12
Campus Communications
W a s h in g to n S ta te U n iv e rs ity
Vancouver is seeking applicants
fo r C am p us C o m m u n ica tio n s
C o o rd in a to r.
P rim a ry
responsibilities include proactive
developm ent and execution of a
comprehensive communications
s tra te g y ;
m a rk e tin g
c o m m u n ic a tio n s a c tiv itie s in
support of campus advancement
a nd ca m p u s w id e p rio ritie s ;
establish and m aintain media
relations, develop, write, edit and
o v e rs e e
p ro d u c tio n
publications; u tilize electronic
communications technology such
as web and e-m ail; create and
c o m p le te s p e c ia l p ro je c ts .
M in im u m q u a lific a tio n s and
application procedures available
at W SU V a n c o u ve r’s w eb site:
van co u ve r.w su .e d u /a d m /h rs/
adm inpro.htm . S tarting salary
$35,000 $40,000 depending on
experience. Applications must be
received by 5:00pm on August 11,
2004. W SU is an affirm a tive
a c tio n / e q u a l
o p p o rtu n ity
Community Development
In te rs ta te F ire h o u s e C u ltu ra l
Center is seeking applications for
the above position. Please go to
w w . i f c c - a rts .o rg fo r p ositio n
d e s c rip tio n a n d a p p lic a tio n
A. The Action Plan 2004-05 established a pool of $1,491,592
Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funds for Portland's
new Econom ic O p p o rtu n ity Initia tive (EOI) in three project
categories, Econom ic Opportunity Initiative-CBDO Economic
Opportunity Initiative-Job Creation and Economic Opportunity
In itia tiv e -M ic ro e n te rp ris e . The NW Are a F o u n d a tio n has
contributed an additional $300.000, bringing the total funding
for the EOI to $1,749,159. These funds were allocated to the
projects listed below through an EOI RFP selection process that
included a com m unity panel. The funded projects meet one of
fo u r N a tiona l O b je ctive s : co m m u n ity based d e velop m en t
organization (CBDO), special economic development activity (SED)
m icro-enterprise developm ent (M ED) or Adm inistration and
Planning (PL). All program participants will have incomes at or
below 50% of area median income. The first year project contracts
will be for 10 months beginning 9/1/04. Committed employers
companies that have ag ^ e d to hire project graduates.
$54,000 of EOI funds was reserved for technical assistance to
the funded projects. The funded projects are:
Central City Concern: Em ploym ent, support services and
training for homeless persons. Downtown, CBDO ($56,516).
Housing Authority of Portland: Construction skills training and
job placem ent for N Portland and Public Housing residents
with com m itted em ployers or apprenticeship program s
Citywide, SED ($51, 977)
New Avenues for Youth: Job training, support services and
placem ent for homeless youth with their Ben & Jerry’s outlet
or another committed employer. Downtown, SED ($94,962)
Open Meadow: Office skills training and support services for
high-risk youth with job placement at Standard Insurance and
other committed employers. N/NE, SED ($78,312)
Portland Youthbuilders: Job placement, support services and
follow -up support for recent Youthbuild graduates with
To a c c e s s th e c o m p le te jo b
a n n o u n ce m e n t a nd re q u ire d
application m aterials you may
visit our website at www.metro-
region.org/jobs or you may pick up
a c o m p le te p a ck e t at M etro
H um a n R e s o u rc e s , 6 0 0 NE
G ra n d
P o rtla n d .
Resumes are not accepted.
committed employers. Citywide, SED ($66,640)
A cce p tin g a p p lica tio n s fo r FT
D O C K W O R K ER S at our Outlet in
Portland. Must be at least 18
years old, a team player, able to
work in a fast paced environment
and follow directions. Heavy lifting
required. W arehouse, dock or
forklift experience helpful.
Must pass pre-employment drug
screen and criminal background
Early Head Start Teachers & Assistant
Teachers -FT. R e s p o n s ib le for
p lanning and im p le m e n tin g a
d e v e lo p m e n ta lly a p p ro p ria te
curriculum for Head Start children
ages six-(6) weeks to three-(3)
years. All candidates must pass
c rim in a l re co rd ch e c k , have
current First Aid/CPR, current
physical and negative Tb test, and
current Food Handlers cards.
Teachers: Must have BA in ECE/
Related Field or AA in ECE plus
three (3) years serving as a lead
teacher or supervisor. $31,474.00
year, with benefits.
Assistant Teachers: Must have AA in
ECE or C D A and th re e -y e a r
experience working with infants
and toddlers. $25,781.00 year,
with benefits.
Applications available at: Albina
Head Start 3417 NE 7,h Avenue.
Closing date 7/23/04.
Oregon Tradeswomen: Trainingand supported apprenticeships
in construction skills for women with support services and
job placement assistance. Citywide, CBDO ($70,805)
Equal Opportunity Employer
We Honor Diversity
International Refugee Center of Oregon: Job training/ESL and
support services for im m igrants and jo b placem ent with
multiple committed employers. Citywide, SED ($79,135)
A A /E E O E m p lo y e r
Interested applicants may submit
resumes with cover letters via e-
mail at: h r@ ltfs w o rk s n w .o rtf $8/hr + benefit package.
fax: 503-690-9605 or mail to: Advancement opportunities
L ife W o rk s NW , 1 4 6 0 0 NW available.
Cornell Rd, Portland, OR 97229
Apply in person:
Attn: Human Resources. Please
include in your cover letter the
Goodwill Outlet
p o s itio n fo r w h ich you a re
Transportation Dept.
applying. To learn more about
8300 SE McLoughlin
LifeWorks NW (formerly Tualatin
Valley Centers) please visit our
web site at www.lifeworksnw.org.
The Trust seeks a dynamic and
c re a tiv e p ro fe s s io n a l w ith a $8.00 + starting wage
“service leadership” bent. View
Overtime/advancement potential
position profile and application
Medical & Dental, 401k avail.
p ro c e s s a t w w w . m m t.o rg .
Drug test/Background check
Applications due Aug 11, 2004.
New hires must have acceptable
$250 to $500 a week
docum entation to confirm both
Will train to work at home
identity and eligibility to work.
Helping the US Governm ent file
Equal Opportunity Employer
HUD/FHA mortgage refunds
Apply 12:00-12:30PM, Mon. Wed
W asiiim . iox S taii UXIM RSIIY
No experience necessary
& Thurs at City Center Parking
Ç W * IX .V Ik
Call Toll Free 1-866-537-2906
130 SW Stark, Portland.
Summer Run
The City of Portland proposes to amend its Consolidated Plan
Action Plan 2004-05 as follows:
Housing Developm ent Center: Sm all contractor support
program for minorities and women, including construction
business skills training and mentoring. N/NE, MED ($41,650)
Neighborhood Pride Team - Trillium Artisans: Joint marketing
and other business activities for a cooperative of artists
working with recycled materials. Outer SE, MED ($49,980)
10. ROSE CDC: Recruit, train, and place unemployed residents of
Southeast Portland in the sheet metal trade. Outer SE CBDO
11. Early Headstart/Child Care Im provem ent Project: M icro­
enterprise developm ent, childcare im provem ent training,
parent scholarships and joint business services for home
based ch ild care p rovide rs. Ea rly Head S ta rt se rvice
boundaries, Citywide, CBDO ($145,775)
12. PSU Small Business Outreach: M entoring and training for
micro-enterprises. N/NE, MED ($79,135)
13. Hispanic Cham ber of Commerce: Training and family support
services for Hispanic micro-entrepreneurs. Citywide MED
14. Mercy Corps: Micro-enterprise training, coaching, and access
to loans and Individual Development Accounts for immigrant,
disabled, Native American and Hispanic m icroentrepreneurs’
Citywide, MED ($133,280)
15. SE Works: Workforce training, support and placement services
for residents of low-income housing or homeless shelters
Inner and Outer SE, CBDO; ($83,300)
16. ONABEN: Micro-enterprise development training and support
POrtland Native Amer|can Community. Citywide,
17. POIC: Job training and support services for high-risk youth
and placem ent with com m itted em ployers in the coffee
industry. N/NE, SED ($70,805)
18. SE Works: Basic skills training to bring participants up to the
standards set by a consortium of m anufacturing em ployers
SE, C B D O ($70,805)
19. OAME: Micro-enterprise training and life skills developm ent
program for new or struggling businesses. N/NE MED
20. SE W orks/Ex-Offender Com m unity Reintegration Project: A
collaboration of five organizations to provide comprehensive
services to ex-offenders. SE Works will serve as fiscal agent.
SE/E, CBDO ($40,000) (In addition to EOI funds, $59,000 in
HOME rent assistance dollars from FY 2003-04 carryover will
support housing for participants.)
21. w o rksystem s. inc.: S m all g ra n ts fo r c re a tive s e rvice s
entrepreneurs. Citywide MED ($20,000)
22. Housing Authority of Portland: Planning grant to develop
sustainability plan for the Evening Trades Program. N/NE, PL
23. Janus Youth Services: Planning to develop a sustainable social
\il\crtisc w ith diver^iix in
j.ln r tia n i» ( P b s r r t ir r
Call 5O3-288-0O33
itieiM' portl.indobsc
ul'-'" pi'irlaiiilob'M.-rvci
ei ci
enterprise em ploying high-risk youth. North, PL ($45,000)
24. ROSE CDC: Identification of barriers to home ownership faced
by Lents residents, and planning of a new homeownership
initiative in Lents. Outer SE. PL ($38,000)
For fu rth e r in fo rm a tio n or to co m m e n t on th is p rop osed
amendment, contact Beth Kaye by mail, phone or email at Bureau
of Housing and Community Development, 421 SW 6*
* Suite 1100
Portland, OR 97204,503-823-2393. b k s y ^ c l .p o r t l s n d o r us
by A u g u s t 3 1 , 2 0 0 4